Tuesday, December 31, 2013


Over the last 10 years now I have had the great delight of watching as scientist have widely disseminated the fact that the cosmological constant is so narrow that there is only a one in 21 trillion, trillion, trillion, trillion, trillion, trillion, trillion, trillion, trillion, trillion chance that the Universe was an accident. If it was no accident than it was engineered.

Some argue that there should not be a mixing of science and religion. I say that if the universe was engineered would it be so hard to believe in the engineer. Just because you see the marvelous handiwork of a someone you do not know does not mean he does not exist. If a great structure exists then the one responsible for the design exists as well.

 In the case of the universe the one who designed also built it.....and be perpetual....our decisions may be arguably ours(not my belief)but the material we are made of and the control of them are his. He has an heir.....His name can be roughly translated the son of I AM; speaking for and lord over all that was created by the Lord. In other words he assigns no name to himself except that he says his name is the great I AM, Or rather he says he exists because he exists.....I AM that I AM. In one verse he says; I am the great I AM.

I have written once long before that in the word, God hates an unbalanced scale. the scale of man was unbalanced when Adam; however he did so, learned that there was right from wrong....God who must be looking at the universe from the beginning to the end; like standing next to a table leaning with one hand on the left of it; and the other on the right. Peering through the most powerful magnifying glass; and working with the most powerful and sensitive tools, guiding and directing a work out of mankind, yet seeing the footsteps each must take to give the end result required.  In that work God seeing the road ahead and having set man on a perfect path to accomplish a task we simply cannot fully comprehend, knew that Adam would stumble and though he could have prevented it would not. By default allowed man to stumble and unbalanced a scale that man could not rebalance. Only God could rebalance it....But that was his plan....'You see'; he sent himself through a path way only he could take and bear himself a man of himself.

Leaving Paradise for a spark of time, and for all the pain that man was to endure gave himself over to be killed and in the process plainly forgave every man his sins, and knowing that man would continue to be imperfect and sinful; simply bled onto the earth as the symbol and covenant he would make with the world, raised himself; as only he could to seal that whomsoever would accept this gift, and would change their minds, accepting their imperfections as unworthy of heaven and believe that the only way they could have ever gotten into heaven was simple admittance, and acceptance of the fact the Jesus is the door; and to follow him with all ones might; is the only possible way into heaven. any other was choosing eternal death.

Once again I reiterate. Jesus is the way the truth and the life.

Sunday, December 29, 2013

Why cover this up?

Man kind.....a persistent rumor that we are not alone or that mankind has had fantastic technologies in the past....I have heard them all my life....after watching this video I can no longer deny the possibility that man was greater  than that of today....

Freaking unreal....

Saturday, December 28, 2013

Wildly wild

Kids trash mall....LOL.... Can't control a small crowd of teenagers how does the gov even begin to think of controlling  300,000,000 plus people....Not going to happen.

Friday, December 27, 2013

This General is right and he is wrong

This General is right and he is wrong. If someone wants to reach the pinnacle of power in this country it is actually at their behest to seek none....Having total power over oneself  is the only true pinnacle of power and thusly the homeless are the most empowered people on earth. The constitution was meant for people to govern themselves and butt the government out of it. Also to make sure that no one else could horn in on their life as well... An mans life is between them and the Almighty not them and the government....

As such the people are not looking for new leaders....This is a misnomer for in this country we the people already have leaders....ourselves....We don't need no stinking leaders....

As such a general leads men, the president leads the bureaucracy, congressmen lead their employees, parents lead their children, and God leads all of us.....


Thursday, December 26, 2013

The nuts are running things

This article explains it well....just follow the links.....

Einstein says this...."A foolish faith in authority is the worst enemy of the truth".

My current situation is the same.... With out explanation my own family is acting amazingly crazy....narcissistic, full of gossip....all showing signs of bipolar-ism....

During the holidays they get weird....In fact the only time they are not strange is when they are not around me....I am their trigger....

This year My wife and I bought gifts for all, and my wife who dearly loves Christmas and gift giving was in contact with the women to firm up plans for what to bring to dinner....

Then the strangeness began....We were told to show up at 1pm for time given for gift exchange, which for us traditionally Christmas morning.....I said nothing except to my wife; I said, I am a confused...... So my wife and I get up Christmas morning, and open our own gifts then we opened some up with my sister Teresa....My sis then takes a shower and then leaves.....nothing biggy yet. My wife says "where is she going" don't know I said... we sat there until about 9 am...I took my own wife gets a call that her mother is in the hospital, we have to pause because we might have to stay by the phone.... at the same time it dawns on me that sis had gone over to the families get together for gift I checked downstairs and sure enough the stack of presents were gone.... It appears to me that God has given me a ready excuse to ditch the family get together.

I call up at 11:00 AM. And tell them that Karen's mom is in the hospital and that we have to stay by the phone.... Their only concern was for the food we were to bring.... we said no we have not done any cooking because of our concern over Karen's mom. My sis offers to come and get the food... I said I may come and get a plate for me and Karen....they balk at that and defer.....I say OK....My wife says;(intuition) fat chance they'll bring us dinner... I 'll whip something up....

 Teresa shows up at 1:30PM. My wife had finished dinner; and we had just sat down to Ham biscuits, and sweet potatoes....She is surprised that we were already eating.... I have found a Christmas music video and we are playing it. My wife cannot contain her anger....she tells my sister that what they just did was despicable and inexcusable...My sis lies, and said that she just happened to be there. I  interrupt my wife but since the can of worms is open also lecture my 50 year old sister on the childishness; "it was wrong", I said...she then admits she told them that. I told her that for 6 years it has been one drama after another; next Thanks Giving and Christmas, her and the rest of them are on their own....Me and Karen will celebrate by ourselves.

I am looking forward to it....No confusion, or shouting, or intrigue perpetrated by Sonja Denise Kadlec....She has been on nut pills since she was 14 years old, and ever since then she has been a total whackadoodle....anyone follow's her it never works out for them....only lies and deceit are her legacy.

I told my wife, "Sonja is of the devil". Sonja say's that "God is going to destroy this country". I say he is not.....I do say that he is going to punish this country but he will save it....The results of her world view, everyone dies, The results mine, billions are spared....

As Adolph Hitler wrote in Mein Kampf:
All this was inspired by the principle–which is quite true in itself–that in the big lie there is always a certain force of credibility; because the broad masses of a nation are always more easily corrupted in the deeper strata of their emotional nature than consciously or voluntarily; and thus in the primitive simplicity of their minds they more readily fall victims to the big lie than the small lie, since they themselves often tell small lies in little matters but would be ashamed to resort to large-scale falsehoods. It would never come into their heads to fabricate colossal untruths, and they would not believe that others could have the impudence to distort the truth so infamously. Even though the facts which prove this to be so may be brought clearly to their minds, they will still doubt and waver and will continue to think that there may be some other explanation. For the grossly impudent lie always leaves traces behind it, even after it has been nailed down, a fact which is known to all expert liars in this world and to all who conspire together in the art of lying.

Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Seven days till Christmas

Their is no more great a holiday in the world than the day we gladly celebrate the birth of Jesus. It is the greatest and grandest of all the world ever...This is the day we get together and Say thank you to the Son of Man whom the lord gave unto us to be our Savior.

I could continue to pound away at this decrepit world which is my want, and I will get back to it after this holiday but for now I am taking a cyber break from that.....Instead I am going to put Seven Pictures of the beauty that has been made by God and he has given to us the ability to record.

Seven I was told is the number of God's fullness....Seven....

Sunday, December 15, 2013

And so it begins

The ACA is a scam.....Peoples accounts are being over billed mistakenly billed and double billed.

Obama care debacle destroying commie health care reputations and popularity, they are so desperate they are taking the message to shoe stores, LOL.....they done...doomed, and dying off literally, and figuratively....Libertarinaism and the purist constitutionalists are rising...

So what is Obama's true pole numbers....on a guess....probably 9 percent.....the rest is just twisted questions...

Iceland jails bankers for being crooks....

Deletion of socialists from shooter profile....Just another whacko commie nutjob.

Saturday, December 14, 2013

Snow in the Middle East

Gee.... Bad omen for the new world order.....who have been touting global warming.....and a GROFL for me.

Thursday, December 12, 2013

The Warrior Song

Lyrics: I post this in spilt blood red.

The Eagle, grown beyond the wildest dreams of men, it's known,
was first to reach the heavens, above all the world below.

By steel and wood, by sweat and blood, on wings of woven cloth,
he slipped the surly bonds of earth to touch the face of God.

But knowing times of trouble, and the devils they may bring,
are only thwarted by the will to fight, he raised his mighty wings.

Prepared for, thus guarding peace; for liberty, his love,
he shall deliver unto evil: death,...... dealt swiftly from above.

I am the wings of a killing machine, '47 born and my razor teeth rip down through the wind and the ground beneath to where the wicked wail and the devil creeps.

I've broken the backs of the enemy, flown to the edge of space, and the legend known to the dead I've made: I am made of stone, so let the hammers break, and the sickles fold.
Forged in the fires of the second world war, I've been to hell, and I'm back for more, so cap the gas and push back the door, turn fuel to fire, let the monster roar. I'll bleed any enemy, ground or sky, when the trigger breaks, the bullet flies...aim with the hand, shoot with the mind, kill with a heart like arctic ice.

I am the Eagle, I am fighting on,
I am a warrior and this is my song.

Deep in the belly of a bird of prey, I'll cross half the world in a half a day, born to fly in skies red as rage, and I lit the fire of the Atomic Age.

Death in flight when the Eagle screams, and the boom shakes down from the edge of my wings; if death don't bring you fear, then death is coming off my leash.
Come to the nightmare, come to me, to the edge of the black where the 'nether be to the wolves of the wind with a bloody shriek, come snap the chain,
cry "wake the beast!"

There, in the burned and blackened ash, another enemy, dead, in the fire's breath. Smoke in the open wind won't last, the shadow of death is the one I cast.

I am the Eagle, I am fighting on,
I am a warrior and this is my song.
I am the fire raining down from above,
I am a warrior and this is my song.

"If I see the enemy amassing their planes for an attack, then I'm gonna knock the shit out of them before they take off from the ground..." - Curtis LeMay

"that's the nature of war...if you kill enough of them, they'll stop fighting." - Curtis LeMay

Now I live lean and I mean to inflict the grief, and the least of me's still outta your reach, the killin' machine's revvin' up to speed and the devil won't dare show face to me.

Here, in the air, where the lead won't lie, and the graves I'll dig are a mile wide, feel no fear, know my pride: for God and country I'll end your life.
I am the Eagle, I am fighting on,
I am a warrior and this is my song.
I am the fire raining down from above,
I am a warrior and this is my song.
No hell can hide you, there is nowhere to run,
I am a warrior and this is my song.
I am the Eagle, I am death from above,
I am a warrior and this is my song.

What's going on

New tax guy.....Promises promises.....

Republican Senators pounding Dems....It is a political must.....The Democrats are on the run and even former democratic voters are saying they wish the repubs were in control.

With ol' what's his name gone I think for a minute I will deal with the spiritual aspects of him....He was a devil for sure but at a spiritual level what exactly was he to the world?.....I would be willing to guess that at a spiritual level there is going to be some jostling for position cause he was the divil you knew kind of guy, and whoever was running things in his stead while he was still alive still had to consider what he would have done, now whoever does not....I bet people get canned you would never expect....Watch....Huh look at this; first firing of a leftwing black racist. Of course you do know this is the Northern Hemisphere and he lived in the Southern Hemisphere.....Independence came from out of the North....Hmmmm. Another old fashioned commie dies....They dying out....Bye....good riddance.

Mandela; that's his name....see I am already forgetting him...

HAH....HA.....HAAAA! Heads of state and all the security in the effing world and this guy gets next to Odumbass....WOW! He could have killed him like that.....Fake signer gets into the ceremony at Mandala's funeral....If I said his skirt is down would anyone know what I really meant....God aint protecting odipsh-- anymore...just a shot across the bow from God O-efoff....

WhohHOHO!....THE Hawaiian official who confirmed O-foreign-a's birth certificate dead....Are the birthers right....I bet they are....

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

You know what?

Sometimes I blither on about someone just based on what the news media said in days long gone by. I said that Mandela was some kind of saint; and now after reading and seeing the pictures, I doubt the man was anything but a Goddamned Devil. If he was never saved I say he's is screaming his ass off in hell right now.

That is a lesson for every despot alive today.....You are all gonna die someday and hell may laud you but the good will be glad and even rejoice. As for me....He should have been assassinated a long time ago.

Sometimes a wake up just plain old sucks.

Parsemony is pissamoney

So when are they going to end quantitative easing? I have no real idea but usually when it is too late.

They should do it now....And spoiled rotten Wall Street should just shut there mouths about it but noooo gotta wine finer than the finest.

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

And another ones dead, and another ones dead, and another one bites the dust.

A cop with 21/2 years of experience, and 8 different jobs in LE; according to info wars, in the same period of time guns the ef out of an unarmed citizen, then lies his ass off about it, and the queerniversity is covering up for him, like; 'oh' this is just a number, and it will never come to the light of day in the Gen-p....Hellow. Hey. Tell me something. Should you send your kids to college when you have no idea if the poleece are going to go nuts on  them or not.....????

The case against the Chicago political mob and Obama grows....

Monday, December 9, 2013

More Parsimony

If you like your doctor you have to pay more Emanuel says. Read the Article and you will see what I mean....

The AMA may have supported odumbassocare but the DR's aren't...They can't afford too.

How civilized.... Man who was in charge of communications or a speech writer for various presidents for like 20 years says this is "troubling"......TROUBLING!!!!! Fussing to put the back of my watch back on after finding out that the battery was never meant to be replaced, is troubling. People dying because they cannot get health care is TREASON. How about I trouble you people with a hanging. Is that troubling enough?

What do they have vegetable's running LAX? This vet got booted...

I wonder if they really see the threat.....It is not a terror threat. these people are not going to terrorize the US....They are soon enough going to get together with all the governments who will and invade the US.... Could you imagine one of the things I though of was packing a couple hundred  wide bodies full of  heavily armed commando battalions and a butt load of ammo.. Fly into as many airports and just conquer them....Voila....BEACH HEAD!!!! BTW they will kill everyone in sight.

Nuclear doom and gloom aside....This was just to effing funny to pass up.... The TSA just confiscated a 2 inch pistol from a sock monkey.....ROFL.... One commenter had this hilarious thought....
"Obama voters who get their gun info from MSNBC. I can see the headline now..."
"TSA Valiantly Saves Fliers From Semi-Automatic Assault Handgun Wielding Domestic Right-Wing Cowboy Monkey Extemist"

Sunday, December 8, 2013

Obama Incompetent????

Wow is this guy being nice....He's not incompetent, He is a treasonous MF bent on conquest. Not going to happen the most likely scenario is OBAMA will be hung.

The people aren't wrong....spending or rather borrowing will go up.

and 2 points off of half think Obama sucks when it comes to the economy.

And a humongous 75% think the country is going down the tubes....

So yeah he's not incompetent.... He's something worse....He is doing this sh-- on purpose and that purpose is not good. It is to destroy....

Friday, December 6, 2013

The Sons of Martha

They do not preach that God will rouse them a little before the nuts work loose,

They do not teach that his pity allows them to drop their job when they dam'-well choose,

As in the thronged and lighted ways, so in the dark and the desert they stand,

wary and watchful all their days that their brethren's days may be long in the land.

Rudyard Kipling

Nelson Mandela

Hard to be a Saint and a spiritual King but By God Nelson Mandela did it.

The world will have the rest of all kinds of flashy words but it neglects the real why he was so great. Jesus in his life.

More proof of Obabna's lies

If Obluber was smart he would just shut up....Either no one is listening or no one cares, and no one is going to listen to his of shore blithering....Take for instance his illegal uncle.

One more time; Oslama bama's Odummacare stuff is not going to work! They do not want it to work.  THE WORLDS BIGGEST SCAM IN HISTORY!

Thursday, December 5, 2013

Reality is a hard kick in the ass

All them kids who were helped get O-bumb ass in office now are thinking better of it....O-dumb-sh--head will not be recovering his rep this time. Those kids are at the young tender age of not being able to forgive betrayal....The Democrats are all screwed....

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

The Warrior Song (airforce version)

Lyrics: I post this in spilt blood red.

The Eagle, grown beyond the wildest dreams of men, it's known,
was first to reach the heavens, above all the world below.

By steel and wood, by sweat and blood, on wings of woven cloth,
he slipped the surly bonds of earth to touch the face of God.

But knowing times of trouble, and the devils they may bring,
are only thwarted by the will to fight, he raised his mighty wings.

Prepared for, thus guarding peace; for liberty, his love,
he shall deliver unto evil: death,...... dealt swiftly from above.

I am the wings of a killing machine, '47 born and my razor teeth rip down through the wind and the ground beneath to where the wicked wail and the devil creeps.

I've broken the backs of the enemy, flown to the edge of space, and the legend known to the dead I've made: I am made of stone, so let the hammers break, and the sickles fold.
Forged in the fires of the second world war, I've been to hell, and I'm back for more, so cap the gas and push back the door, turn fuel to fire, let the monster roar. I'll bleed any enemy, ground or sky, when the trigger breaks, the bullet flies...aim with the hand, shoot with the mind, kill with a heart like arctic ice.

I am the Eagle, I am fighting on,
I am a warrior and this is my song.

Deep in the belly of a bird of prey, I'll cross half the world in a half a day, born to fly in skies red as rage, and I lit the fire of the Atomic Age.

Death in flight when the Eagle screams, and the boom shakes down from the edge of my wings; if death don't bring you fear, then death is coming off my leash.
Come to the nightmare, come to me, to the edge of the black where the 'nether be to the wolves of the wind with a bloody shriek, come snap the chain,
cry "wake the beast!"

There, in the burned and blackened ash, another enemy, dead, in the fire's breath. Smoke in the open wind won't last, the shadow of death is the one I cast.

I am the Eagle, I am fighting on,
I am a warrior and this is my song.
I am the fire raining down from above,
I am a warrior and this is my song.

"If I see the enemy amassing their planes for an attack, then I'm gonna knock the shit out of them before they take off from the ground..." - Curtis LeMay

"that's the nature of war...if you kill enough of them, they'll stop fighting." - Curtis LeMay

Now I live lean and I mean to inflict the grief, and the least of me's still outta your reach, the killin' machine's revvin' up to speed and the devil won't dare show face to me.

Here, in the air, where the lead won't lie, and the graves I'll dig are a mile wide, feel no fear, know my pride: for God and country I'll end your life.
I am the Eagle, I am fighting on,
I am a warrior and this is my song.
I am the fire raining down from above,
I am a warrior and this is my song.
No hell can hide you, there is nowhere to run,
I am a warrior and this is my song.
I am the Eagle, I am death from above,
I am a warrior and this is my song.

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

The warrior song with one little change(all forces)

I've got the reach and the teeth,
 of  a killin machine,
with the need to bleed ya,
when the light goes green.

Best believe I'm in the zone to be,
from my Yin to my Yan,
to my Yang Tze,

Put a grin on my chin when you come to me,

'Cuz I'll win I'm-a-one-of-kind,
 and I'll bring death,
 to the place your about to be:
Another river of blood runnin under my my feet.

Forged in a fire lit long ago,
stand next to me you'll never stand alone.
I'm the last to leave,
but the first to go,

I feed on the fear of the devil inside,
Of the enemy faces in my sights:
aim with the hand, shoot with the mind,
Kill with a heart like arctic ice!

I am a soldier and I'm marching on,
I am a soldier and I'm marching on,

I am a warrior and this is my song
I am a warrior and this is my song

I bask in the glow of the rising war,
Lay waste to the ground of an enemy shore,
wade through the blood spilled on the floor,
And if another one stands I'll kill some more.

Bullet in the breach and a fire in me,
Like a cigarette thrown to gasoline,
If death don't bring you fear
I swear, You'll fear these marching feet,

(this verse my version)
Come to your nightmare come to me,
come to the land of your enemy,
jump in the maw, with the razor teeth,
with fire and brimstone where your princes weep,

Call to your god's if I cross your path,
and my silhouette hangs like a body bag;
Hope is a moment now long past,
The shadow of death is the one I cast,

I am a soldier and I'm marching on,
I am a warrior and this is my song,
My eyes are steel and my gaze is long,
I am a warrior and this is my song,

Now I live lean and I mean to inflict the grief,
and the least of me's still out of your reach,
The killin machine gonna do the deed,
until the river runs dry and my last breath leaves.

Chin in the air with my head held high,
I'll stand in the path of the enemy line.
Feal no fear, know my pride:

For God, and country I'll end your life.

I am a soldier and I am marching on,
I am a warrior and this is my song.
My eyes are steel and my gaze is long,
I am a warrior and this is my song

Monday, December 2, 2013

Angel Your positive works put me to utter shame

This is the most beautiful story I have read in a long time.... I get so caught up in war that I forget to take time to refresh my self, and to remind myself what the hell it is I am fighting for....This is why! For little ones who are looking for some way to get some independence to be who they wished they could be for God.

I war not for me but so that others may be able to do what I may not...

I am guardian....

and this is my creed.

This is what I was born for,

This was what I was raised for,

This is what I studied for,

This is what I trained for,

For this day have I lived, 

For I am……Guardian.

I know why I am here. I know why I wake up every morning with the satisfying feeling that I am a part of a greater glory. I walk this path because it is what I have chosen. I walk this path because any other would not be a viable option for me. I am on this path because tyranny has forced me here.

I take up arms against the demons of chaotic evil to remain true to my own values. I ride the edge of a blade and teeter into the depths of peril because it is who I am. I maintain vigilance as a protector because that is my vocation. I exist to serve as the hammer of justice against the enemies of the just. I exist to act as an instrument of restoration of liberty. I believe in the common spirit that unites those yearning for salvation. I believe in the cause and I believe in me.

I am the rogue thorn. I am the elusive difficulty that will never be overcome. I am the infection. I am the festering mortal wound that will render the wicked helpless. I am hope, I am integrity, and I am constant.

I am the guiding light of truth and I am the retribution of murdered innocence. I am the torch of honor. I am the fiery might of valor and relentless defiance. I am the recompense of a thousand fears of villainy. I am the conqueror of darkness and the defender of the weak. I am the pursuer of freedom and I am the stalwart last stand of an ideal.

I am one of many.

I am a Guardian.

Author unknown.

Lots of news....

Democrats running as fast as they can.....they are still out of there minds but I suppose I should feel sorry for them after all they are completely deceived.....No matter; they will be like sheep to slaughter to be rounded up; and well, killed or the warmachine coming over here to stop the madness that is the USA....Lots and lots of dead people. More than were killed in WWII.

Another passel full of articles with; hallelujah, numbers in them. 27 million underemployed plus 15 million unemployed.....No way this economy is going to make it. If people were hoping that the Economy would tank..... looking good for that. BTW tanking means septic tank....stinky place.

Also Hurricane season lowest in; forever....messing up the works of the devils who want to control the world using the weather as a reason....besides more and more people are getting pissed off...I was talking to a woman the other day and she said that overseas people are getting really pissed off at Americans....I tried to find out if she was talking about the American governments; she said no, Americans, the peoples....I think I would not go overseas right now....

Also infrastructure spending won't lead to more jobs...that is because infrastructure is a response to economic growth not the cause of it....

Oooh ouch....King George more popular than congress today.

Sunday, December 1, 2013

Once again I am left speechless

An Italian woman went to Britain on a business trip; had a panic attack, the police were called, took her to the nutbugler farm and they c-cected there, and took the baby and won't give them it back.

That is what the beast and the NWO represent.