My task here is simple. Find a way back to the comforting person I used to be instead of this nose breaking SOB I have become. Never the less Robert Heinlin gives us this wisdom: "Ignorance is it's own death sentence".
Wednesday, April 30, 2014
Tuesday, April 29, 2014
Alabama says Obama's Birth Cerificate a fake
Insane news
This is a article written by a retired police officer, I happened to stumble across. I am extremely worried about what happens, after officers like him are all retired and the new generation takes control of the police forces of America. It is a well written article showing the differences between 1972 and now.
How to serve a warrant: 1972 versus today
Posted on December 23, 2013 by Deb
(Source: WCNC Charlotte)Police State USA – by Lt. Harry Thomas
This past week I was over on trying to convince some hot-headed, patriot-hating young cops that the Constitution is actually the law of the land. I failed. One of them refers to open carriers as “attention whores.” I was denounced as a traitor to law enforcement for insisting that gun owners actually have rights that LEO’s are legally and morally bound to respect.
It got me thinking about the great gulf that separates the law enforcement profession that I knew as compared to the one that exists today. I never thought I’d be one of those geezers that says, “I just don’t understand this younger generation today!” But the fact is, I am, and I don’t.
I offer this retrospective and comparison:
1) The warrant officer at your station gives you a warrant for someone who lives on your beat. It’s for an old drug possession beef. The suspect has no criminal history. Ho-hum.
2) You go to the location. You knock on the door. If no one answers, you leave and come back another time. If your man answers the door, you either arrest him or cite him to court. If you know he’s there (TV is on, curtains move as he peeks out the window at you, etc.) but he won’t answer the door, you call another car to watch the back while you go in the front and get him. If he submits, fine. If he resists you thump him (tasers are years in the future). If he goes for a weapon you shoot him.
Fairly simple, no?
1) Bring a few more cops.
2) Bring shotguns.*
*The only full-autos that your department owns are a row of 1921 Thompson sub-machine guns with 50 round drum magazines, and, strangely enough, a single M-3 greasegun, that are standing in a rack in the armory at the Criminal Investigation Section (detective bureau). The last time that one of them was deployed was in the late 1950’s at a late-night stakeout inside a closed Kroger grocery store where a gun battle occurred between stakeout officers and a gang of professional burglars and safecrackers. One of your department’s last old cigar-chewing detectives from the gangster era used the chopper to fatally ventilate the bad guys. The old chatterguns have never been fired for effect since, and never will be again. You are not qualified on them, and know no one in your 1000 man department who is. If, through some miracle, you were to be qualified on one of the old warhorses, the thought of taking one to a warrant service would never even occur to you, and the chances of you being able to sign one out for that purpose would be nil anyway. Cops use alley sweepers, not trench brooms.
1) The warrant officer at your station gives you a warrant for someone who lives on your beat. It’s for an old drug possession beef. The suspect has no criminal history. Drug possession! This guy is obviously a degenerate, and threatens the very fabric of civilization! There’s no time to lose!
SWAT_Entry2) You and your pals put on black ninja outfits. You put black bags over your heads with little slits for your eyes. Now you can do anything you want and no one can identify you afterwards. Hey, it works for the PLO and the IRA, right? You call all of the schools within a fifty mile radius and tell them to go on lockdown.
3) You ride to the scene in an armored personnel carrier (yes, I said an armored personnel carrier!).
4) When you arrive, you jump out and storm the house, bristling with weapons that were, at one time, only used on foreign battlefields to engage implacable enemies of the United States and its interests. Now they’re used against this country’s civilian population.
5) The family’s elderly Labrador, who is now approaching you, tail wagging, is obviously there to guard the drug kingpin’s stash, and presents a grave danger to law enforcement personnel. Hose him with your M-16, or MP5, or whatever squirt gun your agency issues. That way the neighbors will see what a baaaaadass you are.
6) Don’t knock on the door…that’s for sissies. Take it down with a battering ram. Run in and cuss a lot, like they do in those cool movies. Prone everybody out on the floor. When the family’s other dog gets excited and starts barking, blow him away like you did the other one. Do it in front of the kids. That way they’ll learn that this country’s laws must be respected!
7) There are lots of news cameras outside because you called them ahead of time and told them to be there. March your prisoner out and look really grim. Now everyone watching the news can see your armored personnel carrier (yes, I said ARMORED PERSONNEL CARRIER!) and they can see how awesome you are in your Ninja outfit.
8) Make sure your department spokesman is there to give an exciting account of your great victory. That way the pretty girl with too much hair mousse can do a “BREAKING NEWS” story about how you’ve struck a stunning blow to the international drug trade.
Now, there are people who are going to think I’m being facetious here. I’m not.
Since the early 80’s, the use of SWAT teams in civilian law enforcement has increased about 1500%. No, those two zeros are not a typo. At least FORTY completely innocent American citizens have been shot to death by rogue police, either because incompetent law enforcement officials hit the wrong address, or because startled homeowners attempted to defend themselves against the masked strangers violently entering their homes and were gunned down. One of them, Kathryn Johnston of Atlanta, was 92 years old.
I well remember the first time my agency pulled one of these stunts and scared an innocent old lady damned near to death. Our chief did the one thing in his career that I actually admired. He sent down word that if any of our personnel ever again kicked down an innocent citizen’s door, that they should send back the search warrant return with their badge pinned to it since they wouldn’t be needing it anymore. It never happened again.
How did this happen? How did we go, in a few short years, from a beat cop knocking on a door to a full scale military assault reminiscent of Iwo Jima, over somebody selling somebody else a bag of weed?
It’s because of the biggest failed social experiment in this country’s history, the Drug War.
I was around in the days of yore when the first drug forfeiture programs started. If you could prove that a guy’s stuff was purchased with the proceeds of drug trafficking, you could take the stuff. It was a great idea, and it hit these guys where they lived. And for a few years the law chugged along that way.
A bounty of cash seized without due process (Source:
A bounty of cash seized without due process (Source:
Then law enforcement administrators started thinking about just how much plunder there really was out there. That thing about proving that the guy’s stuff came from drug proceeds was a real drag. They said, “HEY! We have a great idea. Let’s take people’s stuff WITHOUT proving that it came from drug proceeds!!” And they did. The law was changed. Law enforcement didn’t need to convict people of anything. They didn’t even have to CHARGE them with anything. They could just take the stuff!
The way it was explained to me in training was that the stuff was being treated as a separate entity, independent of its owner. In other words, the guy wasn’t being charged with a crime. His car, or his house, or his cash was being charged with a crime. Stuff could now commit crimes, and be convicted of them. A cop could hold a trial at the side of the road, convict someone’s money of drug trafficking, and then put the money in jail.
Agencies scrambled to create drug “interdiction” units to patrol their expressways, such as the I-75 corridor from Florida to Michigan which runs through my city.
Their mandate? Steal money.
In my agency, our higher-ups got so addicted to stolen money that there wasn’t enough in our city to satisfy them. They cut some kind of a deal with our county sheriff and got a team of our guys commissioned as deputy sheriffs. Now they could patrol our expressways all the way to the county line, miles outside city limits.
They’re still doing it. Just last week I drove I-74 into Ohio, and sure enough, there was a Cincinnati police unit just over the state line, nowhere near the city limits, watching for anyone who meets the “profile.”
His mandate? Steal money.
The only way the victim can get his money back is to sue the agency and try to prove it DIDN’T come from drug proceeds. So much for due process and the presumption of innocence. Oftentimes the cost of taking legal action exceeds the amount of money that was taken, so the victim just gives up. This is what agencies count on. Life is GOOD for law enforcement agencies! The only difference between them and pirates is the absence of an ocean. Highway robbery is back in vogue, literally!
So what to do with all that dough? No government agency ever returns money to the treasury. If they have any left at the end of the budget year they have a shopping spree.
What shall we buy? TOYS!!!
SWAT was the latest fad. Buy SWAT stuff!
An armored vehicle purchased in Alliance, Ohio (Source: YouTube)
An armored vehicle purchased in Alliance, Ohio (Source: YouTube)
Soon agencies all over the country were buying military hardware that had never before been needed or used in civilian law enforcement (this was before Congress passed laws allowing the military to GIVE surplus hardware to the cops).
Questions were raised. SWAT is a legitimate concept, and is needed in cases of barricaded persons, hostage situations, etc. But most agencies, even big ones, go for months and sometimes years without experiencing such events. The toys gathered dust. Officials and concerned taxpayers asked, “What do you NEED this stuff for?”
No need? CREATE a need!
And that’s why things that used to be handled in a low-key, non-confrontational way by street-savvy beat cops now require SWAT intervention, including routine service of warrants for insignificant and non-violent offenses.
Are we better off? You decide.
Lieutenant Harry Thomas is retired from the police department of Cincinnati, Ohio. A former member of the boards of the National Rifle Association and the Ohio Gun Collectors Association, he was twice the victim of assassination attempts by his own superiors for his stance in support of gun ownership and against police excesses. He now resides in the Greater Indianapolis area.
How to serve a warrant: 1972 versus today
Posted on December 23, 2013 by Deb
(Source: WCNC Charlotte)Police State USA – by Lt. Harry Thomas
This past week I was over on trying to convince some hot-headed, patriot-hating young cops that the Constitution is actually the law of the land. I failed. One of them refers to open carriers as “attention whores.” I was denounced as a traitor to law enforcement for insisting that gun owners actually have rights that LEO’s are legally and morally bound to respect.
It got me thinking about the great gulf that separates the law enforcement profession that I knew as compared to the one that exists today. I never thought I’d be one of those geezers that says, “I just don’t understand this younger generation today!” But the fact is, I am, and I don’t.
I offer this retrospective and comparison:
1) The warrant officer at your station gives you a warrant for someone who lives on your beat. It’s for an old drug possession beef. The suspect has no criminal history. Ho-hum.
2) You go to the location. You knock on the door. If no one answers, you leave and come back another time. If your man answers the door, you either arrest him or cite him to court. If you know he’s there (TV is on, curtains move as he peeks out the window at you, etc.) but he won’t answer the door, you call another car to watch the back while you go in the front and get him. If he submits, fine. If he resists you thump him (tasers are years in the future). If he goes for a weapon you shoot him.
Fairly simple, no?
1) Bring a few more cops.
2) Bring shotguns.*
*The only full-autos that your department owns are a row of 1921 Thompson sub-machine guns with 50 round drum magazines, and, strangely enough, a single M-3 greasegun, that are standing in a rack in the armory at the Criminal Investigation Section (detective bureau). The last time that one of them was deployed was in the late 1950’s at a late-night stakeout inside a closed Kroger grocery store where a gun battle occurred between stakeout officers and a gang of professional burglars and safecrackers. One of your department’s last old cigar-chewing detectives from the gangster era used the chopper to fatally ventilate the bad guys. The old chatterguns have never been fired for effect since, and never will be again. You are not qualified on them, and know no one in your 1000 man department who is. If, through some miracle, you were to be qualified on one of the old warhorses, the thought of taking one to a warrant service would never even occur to you, and the chances of you being able to sign one out for that purpose would be nil anyway. Cops use alley sweepers, not trench brooms.
1) The warrant officer at your station gives you a warrant for someone who lives on your beat. It’s for an old drug possession beef. The suspect has no criminal history. Drug possession! This guy is obviously a degenerate, and threatens the very fabric of civilization! There’s no time to lose!
SWAT_Entry2) You and your pals put on black ninja outfits. You put black bags over your heads with little slits for your eyes. Now you can do anything you want and no one can identify you afterwards. Hey, it works for the PLO and the IRA, right? You call all of the schools within a fifty mile radius and tell them to go on lockdown.
3) You ride to the scene in an armored personnel carrier (yes, I said an armored personnel carrier!).
4) When you arrive, you jump out and storm the house, bristling with weapons that were, at one time, only used on foreign battlefields to engage implacable enemies of the United States and its interests. Now they’re used against this country’s civilian population.
5) The family’s elderly Labrador, who is now approaching you, tail wagging, is obviously there to guard the drug kingpin’s stash, and presents a grave danger to law enforcement personnel. Hose him with your M-16, or MP5, or whatever squirt gun your agency issues. That way the neighbors will see what a baaaaadass you are.
6) Don’t knock on the door…that’s for sissies. Take it down with a battering ram. Run in and cuss a lot, like they do in those cool movies. Prone everybody out on the floor. When the family’s other dog gets excited and starts barking, blow him away like you did the other one. Do it in front of the kids. That way they’ll learn that this country’s laws must be respected!
7) There are lots of news cameras outside because you called them ahead of time and told them to be there. March your prisoner out and look really grim. Now everyone watching the news can see your armored personnel carrier (yes, I said ARMORED PERSONNEL CARRIER!) and they can see how awesome you are in your Ninja outfit.
8) Make sure your department spokesman is there to give an exciting account of your great victory. That way the pretty girl with too much hair mousse can do a “BREAKING NEWS” story about how you’ve struck a stunning blow to the international drug trade.
Now, there are people who are going to think I’m being facetious here. I’m not.
Since the early 80’s, the use of SWAT teams in civilian law enforcement has increased about 1500%. No, those two zeros are not a typo. At least FORTY completely innocent American citizens have been shot to death by rogue police, either because incompetent law enforcement officials hit the wrong address, or because startled homeowners attempted to defend themselves against the masked strangers violently entering their homes and were gunned down. One of them, Kathryn Johnston of Atlanta, was 92 years old.
I well remember the first time my agency pulled one of these stunts and scared an innocent old lady damned near to death. Our chief did the one thing in his career that I actually admired. He sent down word that if any of our personnel ever again kicked down an innocent citizen’s door, that they should send back the search warrant return with their badge pinned to it since they wouldn’t be needing it anymore. It never happened again.
How did this happen? How did we go, in a few short years, from a beat cop knocking on a door to a full scale military assault reminiscent of Iwo Jima, over somebody selling somebody else a bag of weed?
It’s because of the biggest failed social experiment in this country’s history, the Drug War.
I was around in the days of yore when the first drug forfeiture programs started. If you could prove that a guy’s stuff was purchased with the proceeds of drug trafficking, you could take the stuff. It was a great idea, and it hit these guys where they lived. And for a few years the law chugged along that way.
A bounty of cash seized without due process (Source:
A bounty of cash seized without due process (Source:
Then law enforcement administrators started thinking about just how much plunder there really was out there. That thing about proving that the guy’s stuff came from drug proceeds was a real drag. They said, “HEY! We have a great idea. Let’s take people’s stuff WITHOUT proving that it came from drug proceeds!!” And they did. The law was changed. Law enforcement didn’t need to convict people of anything. They didn’t even have to CHARGE them with anything. They could just take the stuff!
The way it was explained to me in training was that the stuff was being treated as a separate entity, independent of its owner. In other words, the guy wasn’t being charged with a crime. His car, or his house, or his cash was being charged with a crime. Stuff could now commit crimes, and be convicted of them. A cop could hold a trial at the side of the road, convict someone’s money of drug trafficking, and then put the money in jail.
Agencies scrambled to create drug “interdiction” units to patrol their expressways, such as the I-75 corridor from Florida to Michigan which runs through my city.
Their mandate? Steal money.
In my agency, our higher-ups got so addicted to stolen money that there wasn’t enough in our city to satisfy them. They cut some kind of a deal with our county sheriff and got a team of our guys commissioned as deputy sheriffs. Now they could patrol our expressways all the way to the county line, miles outside city limits.
They’re still doing it. Just last week I drove I-74 into Ohio, and sure enough, there was a Cincinnati police unit just over the state line, nowhere near the city limits, watching for anyone who meets the “profile.”
His mandate? Steal money.
The only way the victim can get his money back is to sue the agency and try to prove it DIDN’T come from drug proceeds. So much for due process and the presumption of innocence. Oftentimes the cost of taking legal action exceeds the amount of money that was taken, so the victim just gives up. This is what agencies count on. Life is GOOD for law enforcement agencies! The only difference between them and pirates is the absence of an ocean. Highway robbery is back in vogue, literally!
So what to do with all that dough? No government agency ever returns money to the treasury. If they have any left at the end of the budget year they have a shopping spree.
What shall we buy? TOYS!!!
SWAT was the latest fad. Buy SWAT stuff!
An armored vehicle purchased in Alliance, Ohio (Source: YouTube)
An armored vehicle purchased in Alliance, Ohio (Source: YouTube)
Soon agencies all over the country were buying military hardware that had never before been needed or used in civilian law enforcement (this was before Congress passed laws allowing the military to GIVE surplus hardware to the cops).
Questions were raised. SWAT is a legitimate concept, and is needed in cases of barricaded persons, hostage situations, etc. But most agencies, even big ones, go for months and sometimes years without experiencing such events. The toys gathered dust. Officials and concerned taxpayers asked, “What do you NEED this stuff for?”
No need? CREATE a need!
And that’s why things that used to be handled in a low-key, non-confrontational way by street-savvy beat cops now require SWAT intervention, including routine service of warrants for insignificant and non-violent offenses.
Are we better off? You decide.
Lieutenant Harry Thomas is retired from the police department of Cincinnati, Ohio. A former member of the boards of the National Rifle Association and the Ohio Gun Collectors Association, he was twice the victim of assassination attempts by his own superiors for his stance in support of gun ownership and against police excesses. He now resides in the Greater Indianapolis area.
Monday, April 28, 2014
Sunday, April 27, 2014
Constitutional convention
-- The most important political development in 200 years was triggered last week, when the state legislature of Michigan became the 34 th state to demand a “Constitutional Convention” in the United States. Under Article 5 of the US Constitution, if 2/3rds of the states call for such a convention, (meaning 34 states) it MUST take place. During such a convention, the ENTIRE Constitution can be changed; nothing is off-limits. This would even allow the States to dismantle the federal government without its consent, and repudiate the debt which that government has incurred! When it voted for the convention last week, Michigan became the 34 th state, thus meeting the requirement.
A goal has been reached behind what would be an unprecedented effort to amend the U.S. Constitution, through a little-known provision that gives states rather than Congress the power to initiate changes. This is the most significant political development in the entire world in the last 200 years.Saturday, April 26, 2014
Glen Beck is a NWO shill
this was posted below, very interesting info about Glenn Beck if you want to read his "career path"… (its long but worth reading) Repost from Anon: Taken at face value, Glenn Beck’s journey from Top-40 shock jock to respected political pundit appears to be one of the most unlikely tales in the annals of American broadcast journalism. But upon closer examination, you come to realize that this is not your typical “rags to riches” story. Beck is not a “self-made man”—he’s a made man, whose rise to fame was facilitated through his powerful connections in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. There is much to suggest that they (the LDS), and quite possibly the Central Intelligence Agency, played the most significant role in resurrecting his once broken career and advancing him to his current superstar status. To understand this, one must first become acquainted with Beck’s early days in radio. Beck got his first radio job at 15 at a newly launched FM station in Seattle, Washington. The station was owned by First Media, a Mormon company headquartered in Washington, D.C. and run by hotel magnate Dick Marriott.
In 1982, Beck moved to another one of their affiliate stations in Provo, Utah. Beck was somewhat of an upstart who was considered an outsider (or “Gentile” as non-Mormons are frequently referred to) who drank booze and smoked clove cigarettes. He didn’t fit in well and only lasted six months before moving to Washington D.C. and taking a job at another First Media station. There he gained a reputation as a “brash, outspoken guy” with a dark sense of humor—but not political.
He was also known to be a heavy pot smoker and it was here that he began his decade long cocaine habit. By the end of 1983, another Mormon, Jim Sumpter, became Vice President of First Media and moved Beck to Corpus Christi, Texas where he was given his own morning drive program at their leading Top-40 station. Beck’s show was called “The Morning Zoo” and this is where he developed his shtick employing fake voices and sound effects while delivering a wacky and often irreverent brand of humor between songs, news, weather and traffic reports.
Beck’s favorite character was “Clydie Clyde”, a Kermit the Frog/Yoda-esque voice that you can find traces of in some of his more recent rantings. Beck’s boss was Arnold Malkan, a hot-tempered Republican attorney engaged in a bloody ratings war with a competitor. In addition to legal wrangling, Malkan directed Beck and his crew to engage in guerilla style pranks and other hi-jinks against the staff of the other station. The whole chaotic atmosphere in Corpus Christie cultivated an intense party scene that Beck participated in with complete abandon. But he still managed to keep his radio career in check. By 1985, Beck was a polished and professional DJ who had the experience and ratings success to market his wares to other markets. A struggling station in Louisville, Kentucky hired Beck on for their 4-hour morning drive slot. The show, called “Captain Beck and the A-Team”, was even more crude and vulgar than his previous persona. Beck was known to “attack” fellow disc jockeys in the area and would even test the limits of political correctness using toilet humor, fat jokes, racial impressions and calling for the bombing of Muslims.
It was during his years at this Louisville station that Beck began his transformation into what we now see today. According to an article written by Alexander Zaitchick for entitled “The Making of Glenn Beck”… “The birth of Glenn Beck as Radio Super Patriot can be traced to the morning of April 15, 1986. This was the morning after Ronald Reagan ordered U.S. warplanes to bomb Moammar Gadhafi’s Tripoli palace in response to the bombing of a Berlin nightclub frequented by U.S. servicemen. Beck sounded stoned during the show — and given his later claim to have smoked pot every day for 15 years, might have been — but even then his politics were anything but tie-dyed. After opening the show with a prayer and Lee Greenwood’s “God Bless the USA,” Beck played patriotic music through the morning. The only track receiving multiple plays was a New Wave-ish spoof titled “Qaddafi Sucks.” The song was a huge hit with listeners, dozens of whom called Beck to tell him how inspired they were by his patriotism. Caller after caller applauded him for “standing up for America.” When someone argued that Reagan should have dropped more bombs, Beck agreed. “I personally don’t think we did enough,” he says. “We should’ve went over there [sic] and bombed the hell out of ‘em” During this stage of his career, Beck’s drinking and drug abuse reached a crescendo. He was very depressed and even considered suicide. By his own account “There was a bridge abutment in Louisville, Kentucky, that had my name on it. Every day I prayed for the strength to be able to drive my car at 70 mph into that bridge abutment. I’m only alive today because (a) I’m too cowardly to kill myself … and (b) I’m too stupid.” All of these things ended badly for Beck, who was fired after taking the station down to third place in the ratings. Beck moved on to Phoenix, Arizona in 1986 and took another morning slot to replace an older DJ who was considered staid and boring. Beck’s presence injected knew life into the station but his reputation as a megalomaniac jackass made him few new friends among the staff. Beck became notorious for guerilla style antics, one of which resulted in his arrest, when he and a fellow jock stole Christmas decorations in the city of Scottsdale with the intention of transplanting them to Phoenix, which had no such decorations due to budget restraints. Beck’s energy and prankish mischievousness proved very successful for him and the station. But despite this, Beck became restless and moved on. Next came Houston. It was 1989 and Glenn’s heavy drinking and cocaine usage once again worked against him in a major way. Beck worked alone at this station where he produced his worse radio performances of his career. Beck began taking himself “too seriously” and gave an inconsistent performance alternating humorous shtick and patriotic, political commentary. It didn’t work. Even after hosting a star-studded show from the deck of the USS Theodore Roosevelt, an aircraft carrier patrolling the Mediterranean off the Libyan coast, he was unable to get the ratings the station needed and was promptly fired. 1990 found Beck at a Top-40 station in Baltimore where he teamed up with yet another Mormon by the name of Pat Gray. The two hit it off but were personally on opposite ends of the spectrum. Gray was a conservative “goody two-shoes” while Beck was a drug addled “wild man”. The two resurrected Beck’s “Zoo” modeled format. Once again, he managed to get under his colleague’s skin. One employee recalls “He used to take people to a bar and sit them down and just humiliate them in public. He was a sadist, the kind of guy who rips wings off of flies.” Despite their synergy, Beck and Gray were a ratings disaster. After six months of unemployment, Beck and Gray emerged at a radio station in New Haven, Connecticut. Shortly after his arrival, the station was purchased by Clear Channel. It was 1992 and Clear Channel was just starting to become a major player in the radio world. During his first two years in New Haven, Beck slid further into the abyss. His drug usage was at an all time high and he was now mixing recreational drugs with prescription drugs. He was moody and abusive to coworkers and once again entertained thoughts of suicide. The previously cited Zaitchick article describes this period… “By 1994, Beck was suicidal. He imagined putting a gun inside his mouth and squeezing the trigger to the music of his fellow Washingtonian, Kurt Cobain, recently killed by his own hand. Everywhere Beck turned, things were falling apart. His marriage was failing. Pat Gray, his best friend and creative partner, was sick of Beck’s drama, and about to move his family to Salt Lake City. (He would later describe the station under Beck as “a pretty cancerous place to be.”) Beck saw his daughters only through a pot haze and in-between blackouts. Twisting the multiple knives in Beck’s gut was the regular humiliation of Top 40 promotional stunts. In a typical KC101 event, Beck dressed up as a banana and dove into a pool full of Styrofoam.” Finally, in 1994, Beck decided to clean up his act. He attended AA meetings, began reading more and embarked on a kind of spiritual quest to find meaning in his life. His friend, Pat Gray suggested that Beck consider joining the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints but he rejected this initial overture. Throughout the next four years, Beck became less interested in his Top-40, morning drive radio persona and began injecting political commentary in with his new partner’s (Vinnie Penn) blue humor. He was inspired by the likes of Rush Limbaugh and began steering his show in that direction. This didn’t work out well between he and his employers, who wanted him to stay true to the “Zoo” format. They gave Beck his own weekday talk show on one of their AM stations in hopes that he was use that venue to get all the political stuff out of his system. But it was obvious that Beck just wasn’t in to morning drive spoof radio anymore and, by the end of 1998, he was released after the station refused to renew his contract. By this time, Beck had ended one marriage and began dating the woman who would become his second wife. “She wouldn’t marry me unless we found a religion,” recalls Beck in an LDS Living magazine article by Jamie Lawson titled “Glenn Beck, The Real Story”. They embarked next on a “church tour” to shop around for the right religion. Beck’s friend, Pat Gray, insisted that they give the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints a try. The LDS article describes what happened next… “Mary [Glenn’s oldest daughter, who has cerebral palsy] was the first one to feel the Spirit,” said Glenn. “As we were walking out of the chapel, there was a Dunkin Donuts coffee calling my name. The girls didn’t like the church tour at all, but Mary asked, ‘Can we go back there?’ It stopped us dead in our tracks. She said, ‘I just feel so warm inside.’” Glenn agreed to keep going until someone said something that made him mad, which he thought was sure to happen. But it didn’t happen, and soon Glenn was seriously investigating the Church. “There were bodies of missionaries at my front door,” he laughs. “I think for seven months they were coming. The second, maybe the third discussion that we had, they turned white because I walked in with Mormon Doctrine. I had been reading it like a novel, and I was making notes because I wasn’t going to join something I didn’t firmly believe in. I really had turned over the stones and had really looked.” “Then came the moment Glenn knew he was going to become a member. “I was sitting in Priesthood, and a guy who I had dubbed ‘The Amazing Mr. Plastic Man’—because he was the happiest guy on the planet—was teaching the concept of Zion. It wasn’t a concept that I had really seriously considered before. He asked, ‘How can it happen?’ Tears started to roll down his cheeks and he said, ‘It can only happen if I truly love you and you love me.’” “Wiping tears from his eyes, Glenn continues his story saying, “During that Priesthood lesson I realized I was at a crossroads. There was no reason why I shouldn’t join the Church, other than I didn’t want to be a Mormon. And I thought, ‘Are you really going to let coffee, swearing, rated-R movies, and all that stop you?’” His friend, Pat Gray (who is currently a conservative talk show host in Houston, Texas), baptized Beck on October 23, 1999. The next day, he received a phone call from a top New York agent. Beck had been struggling for years to find representation but it was only until after he was baptized that things started to come together. Three days after his baptism, Glenn was offered a job in Tampa, Florida to host his first talk first radio talk show and within a year, gave the station its first number-one program. And the rest, as they say, is history. What should be clear from this brief biographical overview is that Mormons have had a significant impact on Glenn Beck’s life and career from a very early age. In fact, Glenn Beck’s first roommate in Provo, Utah was a returning missionary who often preached the gospel and tried to persuade Beck to be more receptive to the Mormon doctrine. Beck resisted for nearly twenty years but, in the end, finally came around to adopting that as his own personal faith. This in itself is nothing that should give cause to speculate that there exists some heinous conspiracy between the LDS and Glenn Beck to advance Mormon doctrine in national and world affairs. Or does it? I find it odd that in today’s environment, those of the Christian faith are often the targets of so much bias in the media and from organizations purporting to be concerned with national security. Organizations like the ADL and SPLC consistently scrutinize Christians as insurgent supremacists hell-bent on overthrowing the government, while those of Mormon heritage seem to fly low under the radar. I personally don’t believe that any religion should be unduly attacked for their beliefs. But if we were to pick from any faith as one that has a history of insurgency and anti-government rhetoric, surely Beck’s Mormon faith stands out among them. The Mormons have waged war with the United States three times since 1830. The church’s founding father, a Freemason by the name of Joseph Smith, was arrested in 1844 for trying to overthrow the United States government. From that time until 1927, all Mormons were required to swear out an “Oath of Vengeance” against America. There were two versions of the oath. The first was from 1845, and this version reads: “You do solemnly swear, in the presence of Almighty God, his holy angels, and these witnesses, that you will avenge the blood of Joseph Smith upon this nation; and so teach your children; and that you will from this day henceforth and forever begin and carry out hostility against this nation, and keep the same a profound secret now and ever. So help you God.” The 1890 version reads: “You and each of you do covenant and promise that you will pray and never cease to pray to Almighty God to avenge the blood of the prophets upon this nation, and that you will teach the same to your children and to your children’s children unto the third and fourth generation.” The Mormon Church abandoned that oath in 1927 as part of a public relations makeover. But this attitude of authoritarian supremacy in directing the affairs of state continued to survives. In 1952, LDS apostle and future Mormon President Harold B. Lee stated: “Joseph Smith…[said] the time would come when the Constitution would hang as by a thread and at that time when it was thus in jeopardy, the elders of this Church would step forth and save it from destruction. Why the elders of this Church? “We alone know by revelation as to how the Constitution came into being, and we, alone, know by revelation the destiny of this nation” Glenn Beck is a living illustration of this kind of thinking. He often points to disenfranchised Americans, Constitutionalists and 9-11 Truthers as serious threats to this nation. But is he using them as a distraction to avoid criticism of his own anti-government rhetoric and to paint himself as the true model of patriotism? Is Glenn Beck being used to advance Mormon influence and hegemony in national and world affairs? One could easily come to that conclusion. And what is it exactly that Mormon’s believe? An article written for OpEd News by Douglas A. Wallace titled 9-11 and the Mormon-Mossad-CIA Connection sums it up best: “They believe that Zion will be built upon the North American continent at a place specific in Missouri and that Mormon leaders will become vice Regents of Christ ruling earth [The law shall go forth from Zion (in America) and the word of the Lord from Jerusalem]!” In John Milton’s poem “Paradise Lost”, the “Red Right Hand” is a metaphor for the vengeful hand of God. Beck certainly sees himself in that role. Vengeance is a common theme in nearly all of his broadcasts. He consistently seeks to promote hostility, not only between the United States and its adversaries, but also among groups of Americans. Those who have known him have characterized him as an abrasive and cold-hearted egomaniac with an unbridled passion for whatever endeavor he decides to undertake. These are the characteristics of a tyrant and I’ve no doubt that Beck finds himself comfortable playing that part. Applying one’s own personal religious convictions to their political agenda is nothing new, nor should that alone raise cause for concern. But when you examine the LDS Church’s long history and cozy relationship with the Central Intelligence Agency, certain questions arise that make one suspect that there could be something a bit more nefarious going on in the Glenn Beck camp. Shane Lester confronted the issue of the Mormons and the CIA in his book “The Conversion Conspiracy”. In it, Lester writes “A CIA recruiter told the Salt Lake Tribune that returned missionaries from the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints who served in South America are valued assets in the CIA because of several characteristics: Foreign language skills, abstinence from drugs and alcohol, and their ability to integrate with the local customs and a respect for authority.” “The church’s private university, Brigham Young University or BYU is also a focal point for recruitment. A professor of Foreign Studies said, “With a degree from BYU, the CIA and FBI hire almost all who apply.” The unnamed CIA recruiter said, “The number of Mormons who work for the CIA and FBI is disproportionate compared to other private and government agencies.” An article written by Associate Press writer Donna Anderson titled “CIA? Nope, just Missionaries” further describes this relationship between the CIA and the LDS: “Utah is one of our good sources,” said Denver CIA recruiter Jack Hansen, now in Provo to recruit at BYU, whose student newspaper – The Daily Universe — is currently running CIA job advertisements. “We’ve never had any trouble placing anyone who has applied to the CIA,” said Dr. Gary Williams, head of the BYU Asian studies department. “Every year, they take almost anybody who applies. In addition, Williams said, “our Mormon culture has always been more supportive of the government than American culture as a whole.” So am I suggesting that Glenn Beck is a CIA plant recruited out of the LDS Church? Of course that would be pure speculation. But Beck certainly is the kind of person who would make an ideal candidate. Beck is compromised. He is a recovering alcoholic and drug addict who could easily fall off the wagon at any given time. Considering that Alcoholics Anonymous only boasts a 3% permanent recovery rate, Beck’s abstinence for over a decade seems nothing less than miraculous. Is Beck a kept man? Do handlers who are making sure he stays clean constantly surround him? If so, then those same handlers could easily turn the drugs and booze back on, and completely destroy his credibility, the minute he steps out of line. If Beck is CIA, then it certainly makes sense why he is constantly attacking Ron Paul, especially given this statement Paul made on his show on January 25, 2010: “There has been a coup. Have you heard? A CIA coup. The CIA runs everything!”
What you end up with is what you really wanted.
Be careful with what you want....The unexpected consequences can be disastrous.
Be careful with what you want....The unexpected consequences can be disastrous.
Friday, April 25, 2014
James Vardemen Bennett
I consider myself a well informed person but after doing a little research I find that I have been indoctrinated.
The public education system was introduced to promote SOCIALISM, undermine CHRISTIANITY, indoctrinate our children to believe in HEGELIAN STATISM, etc..
It was never meant to do anything but be a platform for socialist, industrialist, and the government to gain control over your ch...ildren and to feed them propaganda.
Their goal of creating a federal institution to dictate what your children were taught was achieved in the 1960's and in the 1980's the door was slammed shut with the goals of total domination over your child's education complete.
Below are some brief articles to enlighten you if you can get by your prejudices that state education has instilled in you.
Each of the statement's below are quotes from the articles from the links below them.
I consider myself a well informed person but after doing a little research I find that I have been indoctrinated.
The public education system was introduced to promote SOCIALISM, undermine CHRISTIANITY, indoctrinate our children to believe in HEGELIAN STATISM, etc..
It was never meant to do anything but be a platform for socialist, industrialist, and the government to gain control over your ch...ildren and to feed them propaganda.
Their goal of creating a federal institution to dictate what your children were taught was achieved in the 1960's and in the 1980's the door was slammed shut with the goals of total domination over your child's education complete.
Below are some brief articles to enlighten you if you can get by your prejudices that state education has instilled in you.
Each of the statement's below are quotes from the articles from the links below them.
"Ironically, Americans have bought so completely into public education that they do not even associate it with socialism."
"the first “free” public schools were established by Unitarian socialists who wanted to use them as a vehicle for undermining Christianity, changing America’s cultural values, and promoting the acceptance of socialism."
"The Unitarians also adopted the Prussian form of state-controlled education as their ideal model for America. Through unrelenting propaganda, social fervor, and political action they were able to enact laws that formed the foundation of centralized, state-owned and controlled education throughout America"
"Also imported from Europe was the idea of Hegelian statism, the idea that the state was God on earth. It was this idea that emboldened educators to believe that it was the state's duty to mold its children - its "most precious natural resource" - into obedient servants of the state."
"Studies show that private schools produce better students than public schools do, even when you take into account the selectivity of some private schools."
"Political, business, and education leaders continue to talk about “reforming” the current public education system. They should, instead, be discussing how to replace it."
See More"the first “free” public schools were established by Unitarian socialists who wanted to use them as a vehicle for undermining Christianity, changing America’s cultural values, and promoting the acceptance of socialism."
"The Unitarians also adopted the Prussian form of state-controlled education as their ideal model for America. Through unrelenting propaganda, social fervor, and political action they were able to enact laws that formed the foundation of centralized, state-owned and controlled education throughout America"
"Also imported from Europe was the idea of Hegelian statism, the idea that the state was God on earth. It was this idea that emboldened educators to believe that it was the state's duty to mold its children - its "most precious natural resource" - into obedient servants of the state."
"Studies show that private schools produce better students than public schools do, even when you take into account the selectivity of some private schools."
"Political, business, and education leaders continue to talk about “reforming” the current public education system. They should, instead, be discussing how to replace it."
Thursday, April 24, 2014
Tuesday, April 22, 2014
Stop federal funding of State and local governments.

Are you really going to let the federal government dictate how you run your local and state governments.
I know that just the thought of not having those federal funds cause's alot of local and state government agencies to break out in a cold sweat with wringing
of hands, and tears flowing freely. The problem with accepting federal funds is that the locality must submit to federal rules and regulations. So in essence your local government is not local anymore. Washington DC is in effect running your local entity's, ie schools, police, parks etc.
I am sorry but with the state of the federal government's debt and run away spending it is time that all government entities live within their means whether it be city, county, state or the federal government.
It is time to realize where the money comes from.
All of the federal money that they give back to local governments came from the tax payers from the locality that they are giving it back to, except now it has strings attached.
This is about control folks, controlling your local government entities through the threat of reduced funding or elimination of funding altogether. Setting the priorities for the locality, you may need classrooms for the school but money is only available for school buses.
Your community may be having trouble with thieves but the only funding you can get is for a armored vehicle.
Do you think that the people in Washington DC give a rats patootie about what your local problems are.
Below are some quotes with the website listed.
"the major components of general revenue for state and local governments in 2009 were taxes (52.7 percent), federal support (22.2 percent) and charges (16.1 percent)."
"Only 11 states depended on the federal government for more than one-third of their total revenues in 2001. By 2012, 24 states found themselves in this situation. State-by-state data from the U.S. Census Bureau, compiled by the State Budget Solutions nonprofit, illustrates the trend of increasing state dependence on federal financial assistance. Forty-one of the 50 states have become more dependent on the federal government since 2001 — with federal dollars accounting for an increasing share of their total revenues. This trend of increased state dependency on Washington reduces state and local control, while threatening the states’ long-run autonomy."
Judge declare a mistrial????? The defendant was dead and there was no more need for a trial.....But the judge says " because the jury was so shaken that a fair trial could not be had". Ok lets see how this works out in real life. The trigger happy fed just opened fire for the hell of it killing the defendant right in front of the jury tainting it; and the jury would have found the now dead defendant innocent....
I would bet that the judge and all the jurists and the jury and witnesses in the courtroom will be thinking cops have gone crazy. Time to take the guns away from the cops....
I would bet that the judge and all the jurists and the jury and witnesses in the courtroom will be thinking cops have gone crazy. Time to take the guns away from the cops....
Monday, April 21, 2014
Coming soon to a city town or state near you
This happened in one the most autharritarian states in the world.
These cops got stoned and beat to death for being assholes and killing a good person.
These cops got stoned and beat to death for being assholes and killing a good person.
Sunday, April 20, 2014
Saturday, April 19, 2014
Just for fun
Crazy State Laws
Here is a small sample of state and local laws which are still on the books today:
It is illegal to sell toothpaste and a toothbrush to the same customer on a Sunday, in Providence
South Dakota
Here is a small sample of state and local laws which are still on the books today:
- One is not allowed to play dominoes on Sundays
- Men are not allowed to spit in front of the fairer sex
- One is not allowed to wear a fake mustache to church
- It is legal to shoot bears, but walking up to a sleeping bear to take a photograph is strictly prohibited
- It is prohibited to view a moose from an airplane
- Cars cannot be driven in reverse in Glendale, Arizona
- An ordinance passed in Nogales prohibits wearing suspenders
- Women are not allowed to wear pants in Tucson
- Mispronouncing the name of the state of Arkansas is illegal
- It is illegal to eat an orange sitting in a bathtub
- In Riverside, one cannot carry their lunch down the street between 11 am to 1 pm. Kissing on the lips is illegal in that town … unless both parties wipe their lips with carbonized rose water
- A person is not allowed to wear cowboy boots in Blythe, if he does not own at least two cows
- It is illegal to cry on the witness stand in Los Angeles
- Cats and dogs in Ventura County can have sex only if they have the permit to do so
- The copyright to the term ‘San Francisco’ is held by the city of San Francisco One cannot manufacture any item with the name San Francisco without the permission from the city
- It is illegal to dispose of used razor blades
- It is against the law to train dogs for obedience or any other purpose
- It is illegal to kiss your wife on a Sunday in Hartford
- It’s against the law to eat in your car, in Bloomfield
- It is illegal for anyone to fly over any water body without sufficient supplies of food and water
- A husband is not allowed to kiss his wife’s breast
- Only the missionary position is legal when having sex
- It is an offense to bathe naked
- It’s a crime to parachute on Sundays
- Women are fined for falling asleep under the hair dryer and so is the salon owner
- In Jonesboro, it is illegal to say “Oh, Boy”
- One is fined if one does not own a boat
- A man cannot gift his lover a box of candy that is less than fifty pounds in weight
- It is strictly prohibited to walk along the street with a red-tipped cane
- It is a crime to ride a merry-go-round on Sundays
- All bachelors should be called master, not mister, when addressed by their female counterparts according to a state law
- It is illegal to speak English. The officially recognized language is ‘American’
- It is illegal for barbers to use their fingers to apply shaving cream on a customer’s face
- It is illegal for women over 200 pounds wearing shorts to ride horses, in Chicago
- An individual may be arrested for vagrancy, if he does not have at least one dollar bill on person
- All males 18 to 50 years old must work six days a year on public roads
- It is illegal to indulge in ‘spiteful gossip’ and ‘talking behind a person’s back’
- It is illegal to take baths between the months of October and March
- Mustaches are illegal if the bearer has a tendency to habitually kiss other humans
- One is not allowed to carry a cocktail from the bar to a table; only the waiter or waitress can do it
- A man with a mustache may never kiss a woman in public
- The ‘Ice Cream Man’ and his truck are banned in Indianola
- Kisses may last for as much as, but no more than, five minutes
- Within the city limits, a man is not allowed to wink at any woman he does not know in Ottumwa
- A husband in Ames is not allowed to drink more than 3 gulps of beer while lying in bed with his wife after making love or holding the wife in his arms
- In Kansas City, one cannot say the name ‘George Washington’ without adding the phrase ‘blessed be his name’
- Pedestrians crossing the highways at night must wear tail lights
- No female weighing between 90 and 200 pounds shall appear in a bathing suit on any highway within the state, unless she be escorted by at least two officers, or unless she be armed with a club.
- A person needs a license to walk around nude in his/her property
- A woman may not buy a hat without her husband’s permission in Owensboro
- It is considered illegal for a woman to drive a car unless her husband is waving a flag in front of it
- Shoelaces must be tied while walking down the street in Portland
- It is illegal to blow one’s nose in public in Waterville
- Eating while swimming in the ocean is prohibited in Maryland
- It is illegal to mistreat oysters in Baltimore
- A kiss more than one second is illegal in Halethrope
- A woman is not allowed to go through her husband’s pocket while he is sleeping
- One cannot swear within the city limits of Baltimore
- Any person caught eating peanuts in church may be jailed for up to one year
- It is illegal to take a bath unless prescribed by a physician, in Boston
- It is illegal to peep into the windows of automobiles in Milford
- A wife’s hair belongs to her husband, and it is illegal to alter her hairstyle without his permission
- One may not swear in front of women and children
- It is illegal to sleep in a bathtub in Detroit
- It is compulsory for all men driving a motorcycle to wear shirts
- Each and every man in Brainerd is required to grow a beard by law
- No child under the age of 12 is allowed to talk over the phone unless monitored by a parent in Blue Earth
- In Alexandria, it is illegal for any man to make love to his wife with the smell of garlic, onions or sardines in his breath If the wife requests him, it becomes mandatory for the husband to brush his teeth
- Hamburgers are not to be eaten on Sundays in St Cloud
- It is illegal for a man to be sexually aroused in public
- It is illegal to create unnecessary noises in Oxford
- It is illegal for four unrelated women to rent an apartment together (to prevent prostitution)
- Yard waste may be burned any day except on Sundays, in Buckner
- Hard objects cannot be thrown by hand in Excelsior Springs
- Dancing is strictly prohibited in Purdy
- It is considered felony for a wife to open her husband’s mail
- It is illegal for a man and a woman to have sex in any position other than missionary style
- It is illegal for unmarried women to fish without a companion
- If a child cannot hold back a burp during church service, the parents can be arrested
- It is not legal for a tavern owner to serve beer unless a nice kettle of soup is also brewing
- A man is not allowed to run around with a shaved chest
- It is illegal to sleep naked in a hotel/motel room
- The owner of every hotel in Hastings is required to provide each guest with a clean and pressed nightshirt. No couple, even if they are married, may sleep together in the nude. Nor may they have sex unless they are wearing one of these clean, white cotton nightshirts
- Barbers are forbidden from eating onions between 7 am and 7 pm, in Waterloo
- Sex without a condom is considered illegal
- Men who wear mustaches are forbidden from kissing women, in Eureka
- New Hampshire law forbids you to tap your feet, nod your head, or in any way keep time to the music in a tavern, restaurant, or cafe
- Citizens may not relieve themselves while looking up on Sundays
- Any cattle that crosses state roads must be fitted with a device to gather its feces
- It is against the law to ‘frown’ at a police officer
- One may not dance or wear shorts on the main avenue
- All cats must wear three bells to warn birds of their whereabouts
- It is forbidden for a woman, on a Sunday, to walk down Broad Street without wearing a petticoat
- It is illegal to buy ice cream after 6 pm, in Newark
- Lovers in Liberty Corner should avoid satisfying their lustful urges in a parked car. If the horn accidentally sounds while they are frolicking behind the wheel, the couple can face a jail term
- It’s forbidden for a female to appear unshaven in public in Carrizozo, New Mexico
- While riding in an elevator, one must talk to no one, and fold his hands while looking towards the door
- It is illegal for a woman to be on the street wearing ‘body hugging clothing’
- A fine of $25 can be levied for flirting. This is an old law that specifically prohibits men from turning around on any city street and looking ‘at a woman in that way’. If convicted a second time for a crime of this magnitude, it calls for the violating male to be forced to wear a ‘pair of horse-blinders’ wherever and whenever he goes outside for a stroll
- A man can’t go outside while wearing a jacket and pants that do not match, in Carmel
- It is illegal to eat on the street in residential neighborhoods, and the only beverage you can drink on the beach is water in a clear plastic bottle, in Ocean City
- All couples staying overnight in a hotel must have a room with double beds that are at least two feet apart. Making love in the space between the beds is strictly forbidden
- In Charlotte, women must be swathed in at least 16 yards of fabric before stepping out into public
- Fights between cats and dogs are prohibited in Barber
- Before a man asks for a woman’s hand in marriage, he must be inspected by all the barnyard animals on the young woman’s family’s property, to ensure a harmonious farm life, in Raleigh
- It is required that one must pay a property tax on their dog, in Rocky Mount
- It is illegal to lie down and fall asleep with your shoes on
- It’s against state law to serve beer and pretzels at the same time in any bar or restaurant
- You may be jailed for wearing a hat while dancing, or even for wearing a hat to a function where dancing is taking place, in Fargo
- It is against the law to roller skate without notifying the police
- Women are forbidden from wearing patent leather shoes (to avoid men seeing the reflection of their underwear)
- It is illegal to run out of gas
- Breastfeeding is not allowed in public
- It’s illegal to catch mice without a hunting license in Cleveland
- Any person who leans against a public building will be subject to fines in Clinton County
- It’s illegal for a woman to strip off her clothing while standing in front of a man’s picture, in Oxford
- You cannot eat a donut and walk backwards on a city street
- Women are forbidden from doing their own hair without being licensed by the state
- Dogs must have a permit signed by the mayor in order to congregate in groups of three or more on private property
- By law, a kiss can last for 3 minutes, in Tulsa
- It is against the law to open a soda bottle without the supervision of a licensed engineer, in Tulsa
- One may not bathe without wearing ‘suitable clothing’, i.e. that which covers one’s body from neck to knee
- It is illegal to whisper ‘dirty’ things in your lover’s ear during sex
- Anyone with a bad reputation is prohibited from distributing malt beverages, in Oregon
- Any motorist driving along a country road at night must stop every mile and send up a rocket signal, wait 10 minutes for the road to be cleared of livestock, and continue
- Any motorist who sights a team of horses coming towards him must pull well off the road, cover his car with a blanket or canvas that blends with the countryside, and let the horses pass. If the horses appear skittish, the motorist must take his car apart, piece by piece, and hide it under the nearest bushes
- No man may purchase alcohol without written consent from his wife
- It is illegal to sing in your bathtub
- Ministers are forbidden from performing marriages when either the bride or groom is drunk
- Men are banned from getting aroused in public, in Allentown
It is illegal to sell toothpaste and a toothbrush to the same customer on a Sunday, in Providence
South Dakota
- Movies that show police officers being struck, beaten, or treated in an offensive manner, are forbidden
- It is illegal for a woman to call a man for a date
- It is illegal for a woman to drive a car unless there is a man either running or walking in front of it waving a red flag to warn the approaching motorists and pedestrians, in Memphis
- The entire Encyclopedia Britannica is banned in Texas because it contains a formula for making beer at home
- One needs a 5 dollar permit before going barefoot
- It is illegal for kids to have unusual haircuts, in Mesquite
- It is illegal not to drink milk
- It is a felony to persistently tread on the cracks between paving stones on the sidewalk of a state highway
- Denying the existence of God is considered illegal
- Women must obtain written permission from their husbands to wear false teeth
- All bathtubs are to be kept outside in the yard and not inside the house
- One cannot work on a Sunday
- Driving without shoes is prohibited
- Children are not allowed to go trick-or-treating on Halloween
- It’s against the law to tickle a girl under her chin with a feather duster in order to get her attention, in Newport
- It is illegal to kick your wife out of bed, in Lebanon
- One needs a license to sell condoms in Washington state
- It is unlawful for chickens to lay eggs before 8 am and after 4 pm
- One is not allowed to snooze on the train
- It’s against the law to eat candy less than an hour and a half before church service in the town of Salem
- Car dealers cannot sell cars on Sundays
- It is illegal to wake a fireman when he is asleep
- Women cannot stand within 5 feet of a bar while drinking
- One is not allowed to take pictures of a rabbit during the month of June
- In Cheyenne, residents cannot take a shower on Wednesdays
Friday, April 18, 2014
Here is a good one
This is where the rubber meats the road. Christians turned against Christians....I am looking forward to that battle because unfortunately for the commies Christians are too susceptible to the truth so this effort will ultimately fail....
Thursday, April 17, 2014
Wednesday, April 16, 2014
Nope I do not support the EPA taking any control over anything.
This is a Very serious issue! If the Obama Administration is able to use the EPA to change the rules, the Fed government will control ALL waterways and personal water ie.. regulate the run off of the rain water on your roof! Congressman Markwayne Mullin is fighting this, however the Dem controlled Senate is providing cover to allow the Prez and EPA to do this.
Rep. Bennett: New EPA, Corps Regulations Bad for Rural Oklahoma
Rep. Bennett: New EPA, Corps Regulations Bad for Rural Oklahoma
OKLAHOMA CITY – The Environmental Protection Agency and Corps of Engineers want to bypass the word “navigable” in the Clean Water Act thereby expanding the lands and waters they can regulate to nearly all waters and lands in the United States, said state Rep. John Bennett.
If successful, the EPA and Corps would have wetlands jurisdiction over all waters of the United States
and “all activities affecting all waters of the United States.”
“We all know about the overzealousness of the EPA,” said Bennett, R-Sallisaw. “You must educate your U.S. Senators and Congressman about the EPA and Corps and their attempt to dilute or eliminate the “navigable waters” requirement. This is another way for the Obama Administration to circumvent Congress and have more control over states and its citizens. It is similar to what is going on in Nevada, where the federal government is trying to take over land from the state that is occupied by “protected turtles.”
The EPA and Army Corps are trying to push through new "Expanded Clean Water Act Wetlands Jurisdiction Regulations" that would effectively neutralize and bypass the Supreme Court decisions that said the EPA and Corps cannot regulate all waters in the Nation or even all waters with a hydrological connection to downstream “navigable waters.”
New EPA and Army Corp’s Clean Water Act Jurisdictional Regulations appear to be modeled after their now withdrawn Wetlands Guidance Regulations. These new Jurisdiction Regulations would allow these agencies to regulate waters now considered entirely under state jurisdiction.
Agriculture, commercial and residential real estate development, electric transmission, transportation, energy development and mining will all be affected and thousands of jobs will be lost. The residual effect of these regulations will be to increase costs and spread more costs and red tape to every landowner.
Any U.S. Senator can be reached by calling (202) 224-3121. Any Congressman can be called at (202) 225-3121.
If successful, the EPA and Corps would have wetlands jurisdiction over all waters of the United States
and “all activities affecting all waters of the United States.”
“We all know about the overzealousness of the EPA,” said Bennett, R-Sallisaw. “You must educate your U.S. Senators and Congressman about the EPA and Corps and their attempt to dilute or eliminate the “navigable waters” requirement. This is another way for the Obama Administration to circumvent Congress and have more control over states and its citizens. It is similar to what is going on in Nevada, where the federal government is trying to take over land from the state that is occupied by “protected turtles.”
The EPA and Army Corps are trying to push through new "Expanded Clean Water Act Wetlands Jurisdiction Regulations" that would effectively neutralize and bypass the Supreme Court decisions that said the EPA and Corps cannot regulate all waters in the Nation or even all waters with a hydrological connection to downstream “navigable waters.”
New EPA and Army Corp’s Clean Water Act Jurisdictional Regulations appear to be modeled after their now withdrawn Wetlands Guidance Regulations. These new Jurisdiction Regulations would allow these agencies to regulate waters now considered entirely under state jurisdiction.
Agriculture, commercial and residential real estate development, electric transmission, transportation, energy development and mining will all be affected and thousands of jobs will be lost. The residual effect of these regulations will be to increase costs and spread more costs and red tape to every landowner.
Any U.S. Senator can be reached by calling (202) 224-3121. Any Congressman can be called at (202) 225-3121.
Tuesday, April 15, 2014
This is how Government must behave
There is no government established except it be by the Lord; and if that government will beseech the Lord openly before all men then the Lord is obligated to hear and bless that government with wisdom and grace and his uplifting and that it may stand as exemplary beyond measure.
2 mins ·
We had a fellow house member who's wife had a baby at 19 weeks, and the baby died. It is very encouraging and I think you should know, that here in Oklahoma we still believe in Jesus Christ and we prayed on the House floor ~ OPENLY ~ that God would comfort them.and give them peace in their.time of hardship.
Monday, April 14, 2014
Lamestream media is nothing more than weak puppets.
Unfortunately for the gov....the people are on to them now and we are going to kick their asses if they stick their fucked up noses back in it.
Saturday, April 12, 2014
Hey Fedcoats; lets do this again....soon....mabey next time you'll actually shoot at someone so we can kill a few of you.
I would like to say nuff said but I really would like it very much if people would get in the face of the criminal Washington DC by God. Too bad it took the people coming to the party with guns and the threat of kicking the govs ass. Gonna have to actually kick their ass I think before it's over.
Friday, April 11, 2014
THIS IS HOW IT IS DONE! For the last week there has been a vigil on the Bundy ranch and as soon as the Government's tyranny was evident upwards of 5000 militia began packing and heading out to the mans ranch from all over the country. The government had a choice. A political bomb of a blood bath or pull out. Guess what they decided.
Thursday, April 10, 2014
Tuesday, April 8, 2014
Monday, April 7, 2014
Jeb Bush says
Jeb Bush: Illegal Immigration is an “Act of Love”
"According to the current Immigration Law, encouraging an illegal alien to stay in this country is a felony. So the Dumb A$$ just committed a felony, 5 years worth.
Now that boy is as smart as a whip ain't he????"
Libtards are the beast they think they are fighting.
"According to the current Immigration Law, encouraging an illegal alien to stay in this country is a felony. So the Dumb A$$ just committed a felony, 5 years worth.
Now that boy is as smart as a whip ain't he????"
Libtards are the beast they think they are fighting.
Sunday, April 6, 2014
The Republicans are sold out.
I suppose they are hoping for some crumbs from the conquering regime....How can I make this clearer. The PEOPLE will not comply! The people do not consent. Or how about this. The people are ignoring, the people are scoffing and laughing. And when the bullets start to fly; they will not be on your side nor protect you; and when it is all over, will likely to try you for treason.
Saturday, April 5, 2014
How far away has the federal government gone from the constitution
This far....
a judge acts where he/she does not have jurisdiction to act, the judge is
engaged in an act or acts of treason. U.S. v. Will, 449 U.S. 200, 216, 101
S.Ct. 471, 66 L.Ed.2d 392, 406 (1980); Cohens v. Virginia, 19 U.S. (6 Wheat)
264, 404, 5 L.Ed 257 (1821)
a judge acts where he/she does not have jurisdiction to act, the judge is
engaged in an act or acts of treason. U.S. v. Will, 449 U.S. 200, 216, 101
S.Ct. 471, 66 L.Ed.2d 392, 406 (1980); Cohens v. Virginia, 19 U.S. (6 Wheat)
264, 404, 5 L.Ed 257 (1821)
Thursday, April 3, 2014
Be a good Samaritan for everyone but the cops
Cop gets shot and good Samaritan comes to the rescue which saves his life and people get really pissed because they wanted the cop to die.....
If you read this story not even the cops were willing to help him.
What can anyone expect with the daily abuse of authority going on from cops. The people are more and more getting angry....Like I keep saying....Keep acting like gangsta thugs; and when you do need their help the people will start ignoring you. Or in this case if someone comes to your aid the people will get pissed off at the good Samaritan; kind of like they want you to just die.
If you read this story not even the cops were willing to help him.
What can anyone expect with the daily abuse of authority going on from cops. The people are more and more getting angry....Like I keep saying....Keep acting like gangsta thugs; and when you do need their help the people will start ignoring you. Or in this case if someone comes to your aid the people will get pissed off at the good Samaritan; kind of like they want you to just die.
Wednesday, April 2, 2014
Unions paying bounties to cops for killing people.
The Wild Wild West!!! • 17 hours ago
***!!!A MUST READ ALERT!!!*** Albuquerque Cops Are Paid "Bounties" After Killing One of it's Citizens! You better pray to God they don't have any overdue bills if they pull you over here!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ALBUQUERQUE — Mike Gomez has been angry with the police officer here who
shot and killed his 22-year-old son, Alan, last year, after officers
responded to a report that the young man was acting erratically and
firing a rifle. But Mr. Gomez became even angrier just days ago after he
learned that the officer, Sean Wallace, received a $500 payment from
the Albuquerque police union shortly after the shooting.
The payment, union officials said, was made to help Officer Wallace cope
with the stress of the shooting. But Mr. Gomez said he believed the
money served a more ruthless purpose: as a bounty-style reward for a
“You’re telling police that if you shoot somebody you’re going to get
paid leave and you’re going to get $500,” said Mr. Gomez, whose son was
unarmed when he was shot last May. “If the police shoot a person they
get this. What does the family get? A funeral bill.”
The controversy surrounding the payments has shed light on a
little-known practice that police unions in at least a few other cities,
including Phoenix, have engaged in for years.
Advocates and others here have protested the Police Department’s 23
shootings by officers since 2010 — 18 of them fatal — with some people
calling for the police chief’s resignation and for a Justice Department
Albuquerque, the largest city in New Mexico with a population of
546,000, has 1,100 sworn officers. New York City, with a population of
8.4 million and a uniformed police force of 35,000, had 22 fatal
shootings by officers in the same time period.
The police union payments were reported on Friday by The Albuquerque
Journal. Twenty Albuquerque officers involved in shootings in 2010 and
2011 were paid by the union, with 16 receiving $500, two $300, one $800
and another $1,000, the newspaper reported, citing internal union
financial documents. Many of the officers who received the money were
involved in the 15 fatal shootings in Albuquerque during that time.
Executives of the union, the Albuquerque Police Officers’ Association,
said the payments had been given to officers after the shootings and
that the practice had gone on for at least two decades. They said the
payments of up to $500 were to cover the costs of out-of-town trips for
officers and their families after stressful episodes, and that any
payment to an officer beyond $500 was for other union-related matters.
The executives denied that the money was intended to reward officers who
fired their weapons.
“It’s difficult for people to understand what officers involved in
shootings go through — the self-doubt, the worry — and we take great
offense to the fact that people are referring to this as a reward
system,” the union’s president, Joey Sigala, said in an interview. “We
hold onto the honor and the integrity of this profession. And we take great pride in this community.”
Under pressure from city and police officials, union executives held an
emergency board meeting on Friday to discuss suspending the practice.
They later announced that the union would continue issuing the payments,
saying that its 20-member board would now decide who would get the
money on a case-by-case basis. Previously, it was left to Mr. Sigala and
the three other members of the union’s executive board on how the
payments would be allocated.
The union’s move to keep issuing the payments goes against the wishes of
Mayor Richard J. Berry and the police chief, Raymond D. Schultz, both
of whom want the payments stopped.
“I think we all have the same goal in mind: helping the officer and his
family after a traumatic incident,” said Chief Schultz, who has been
under increasing pressure to ease concerns over the rise in shootings by
officers in recent years. “The biggest concern is making a cash payment
to the officer. That obviously sends the wrong message to the
Mayor Berry said he was disappointed in the union’s decision to keep making the payments.
“I am convinced there are other ways other than cash payments to support
our officers and their families during times of great stress and crisis
in their lives, and I will direct Chief Schultz to continue to work with the union to craft a better solution for our officers and our
community,” he said in a statement on Saturday.
Police union officials in other cities said they often provided
financial assistance or other types of aid to officers involved in
shootings, and they said there was nothing wrong with the practice.
“It is completely perplexing to me how anyone can equate this to
anything other than the concern and compassion for a police officer who
has just been through a traumatic event,” said Joe Clure, president of
the Phoenix Law Enforcement Association. “It’s insulting to me as a
police officer that they’re trying to paint these guys as villains.”
Mr. Clure said his union typically sent movie tickets, a gift
certificate to dinner and a personal card when officers were involved in
a shooting or a car crash. In certain circumstances, he said, the union
would give officers “$500 or $1,000 to send them to the beach or help
them relax.”
Ray Hunt, president of the Houston Police Officers Union, said his
organization did not give officers involved in shootings money or gifts,
but he strongly defended the Albuquerque union, saying he thought it
was beneficial to help officers get out of town during stressful times.
“Anyone who claims that this is a reward has absolutely no idea about
police work and how traumatic it is for an officer who has been in a
shooting and for their family,” Mr. Hunt said. “I thank God every day
that I’ve never had to take someone’s life.”
Renetta Torres, whose son, Christopher, was killed by the Albuquerque
police last April, said she was appalled by the practice. Her son, who
suffered from schizophrenia, was shot after the police said he tried to
wrestle away the gun of an officer questioning him about a road-rage
The Torres family, along with the Gomez family, have filed wrongful-death lawsuits against the Police Department.
“These were needless killings,” Ms. Torres said. “We put these police on
paid administrative leave and we give them their little bonus. It flies
against everything that is decent and right.”
Debbie O’Malley, a member of the Albuquerque City Council, said the city
had been fielding complaints from citizens about excessive force and
shootings for months, and that in recent years, the city had paid more
than $10 million stemming from various lawsuits against the Police
Department. “We have a real serious problem here,” she said. “Myself and
other members of the council are very concerned about this. Something
needs to change. We can’t keep this up.”
Matt Flegenheimer contributed reporting from New York.
A version of this article appeared in print on March 25, 2012, on page A20 of the New York edition with the headline: Payments to Albuquerque Officers Are Called a ‘Bounty System’.
shot and killed his 22-year-old son, Alan, last year, after officers
responded to a report that the young man was acting erratically and
firing a rifle. But Mr. Gomez became even angrier just days ago after he
learned that the officer, Sean Wallace, received a $500 payment from
the Albuquerque police union shortly after the shooting.
The payment, union officials said, was made to help Officer Wallace cope
with the stress of the shooting. But Mr. Gomez said he believed the
money served a more ruthless purpose: as a bounty-style reward for a
“You’re telling police that if you shoot somebody you’re going to get
paid leave and you’re going to get $500,” said Mr. Gomez, whose son was
unarmed when he was shot last May. “If the police shoot a person they
get this. What does the family get? A funeral bill.”
The controversy surrounding the payments has shed light on a
little-known practice that police unions in at least a few other cities,
including Phoenix, have engaged in for years.
Advocates and others here have protested the Police Department’s 23
shootings by officers since 2010 — 18 of them fatal — with some people
calling for the police chief’s resignation and for a Justice Department
Albuquerque, the largest city in New Mexico with a population of
546,000, has 1,100 sworn officers. New York City, with a population of
8.4 million and a uniformed police force of 35,000, had 22 fatal
shootings by officers in the same time period.
The police union payments were reported on Friday by The Albuquerque
Journal. Twenty Albuquerque officers involved in shootings in 2010 and
2011 were paid by the union, with 16 receiving $500, two $300, one $800
and another $1,000, the newspaper reported, citing internal union
financial documents. Many of the officers who received the money were
involved in the 15 fatal shootings in Albuquerque during that time.
Executives of the union, the Albuquerque Police Officers’ Association,
said the payments had been given to officers after the shootings and
that the practice had gone on for at least two decades. They said the
payments of up to $500 were to cover the costs of out-of-town trips for
officers and their families after stressful episodes, and that any
payment to an officer beyond $500 was for other union-related matters.
The executives denied that the money was intended to reward officers who
fired their weapons.
“It’s difficult for people to understand what officers involved in
shootings go through — the self-doubt, the worry — and we take great
offense to the fact that people are referring to this as a reward
system,” the union’s president, Joey Sigala, said in an interview. “We
hold onto the honor and the integrity of this profession. And we take great pride in this community.”
Under pressure from city and police officials, union executives held an
emergency board meeting on Friday to discuss suspending the practice.
They later announced that the union would continue issuing the payments,
saying that its 20-member board would now decide who would get the
money on a case-by-case basis. Previously, it was left to Mr. Sigala and
the three other members of the union’s executive board on how the
payments would be allocated.
The union’s move to keep issuing the payments goes against the wishes of
Mayor Richard J. Berry and the police chief, Raymond D. Schultz, both
of whom want the payments stopped.
“I think we all have the same goal in mind: helping the officer and his
family after a traumatic incident,” said Chief Schultz, who has been
under increasing pressure to ease concerns over the rise in shootings by
officers in recent years. “The biggest concern is making a cash payment
to the officer. That obviously sends the wrong message to the
Mayor Berry said he was disappointed in the union’s decision to keep making the payments.
“I am convinced there are other ways other than cash payments to support
our officers and their families during times of great stress and crisis
in their lives, and I will direct Chief Schultz to continue to work with the union to craft a better solution for our officers and our
community,” he said in a statement on Saturday.
Police union officials in other cities said they often provided
financial assistance or other types of aid to officers involved in
shootings, and they said there was nothing wrong with the practice.
“It is completely perplexing to me how anyone can equate this to
anything other than the concern and compassion for a police officer who
has just been through a traumatic event,” said Joe Clure, president of
the Phoenix Law Enforcement Association. “It’s insulting to me as a
police officer that they’re trying to paint these guys as villains.”
Mr. Clure said his union typically sent movie tickets, a gift
certificate to dinner and a personal card when officers were involved in
a shooting or a car crash. In certain circumstances, he said, the union
would give officers “$500 or $1,000 to send them to the beach or help
them relax.”
Ray Hunt, president of the Houston Police Officers Union, said his
organization did not give officers involved in shootings money or gifts,
but he strongly defended the Albuquerque union, saying he thought it
was beneficial to help officers get out of town during stressful times.
“Anyone who claims that this is a reward has absolutely no idea about
police work and how traumatic it is for an officer who has been in a
shooting and for their family,” Mr. Hunt said. “I thank God every day
that I’ve never had to take someone’s life.”
Renetta Torres, whose son, Christopher, was killed by the Albuquerque
police last April, said she was appalled by the practice. Her son, who
suffered from schizophrenia, was shot after the police said he tried to
wrestle away the gun of an officer questioning him about a road-rage
The Torres family, along with the Gomez family, have filed wrongful-death lawsuits against the Police Department.
“These were needless killings,” Ms. Torres said. “We put these police on
paid administrative leave and we give them their little bonus. It flies
against everything that is decent and right.”
Debbie O’Malley, a member of the Albuquerque City Council, said the city
had been fielding complaints from citizens about excessive force and
shootings for months, and that in recent years, the city had paid more
than $10 million stemming from various lawsuits against the Police
Department. “We have a real serious problem here,” she said. “Myself and
other members of the council are very concerned about this. Something
needs to change. We can’t keep this up.”
Matt Flegenheimer contributed reporting from New York.
A version of this article appeared in print on March 25, 2012, on page A20 of the New York edition with the headline: Payments to Albuquerque Officers Are Called a ‘Bounty System’.
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