Sunday, August 31, 2014

11:39 PM August 31, 2014

I am sleepy and going to bed now....So I am want to say this. One year to go... and the third and final economic warning will be complete.... People.... mankind has still got time to avoid this....Mankind does not have to go through this and yet it is written....Let then the will of God be done....

Saturday, August 30, 2014

The curtain is now open now for anyone to see.

The distraction in Europe the illegal aliens crossing our borders

This is all about getting your guns.This is just a distraction from a coming false flag as an excuse to go door to door looking for terrorists and oh by the way they are going to take your guns and your prepping supplies. Your all going to have to choose to fight because after that it is another false flag to get you into their FEMA camps.

Tuesday, August 26, 2014

His name is not Reggie

If you don't read anything else I have ever posted you must read this.

"There are only three alternatives: 1. The current gridlock continues, and the policies in place grind on with minor tweaks. 2. The Democrats win a sweeping victory and are able to unilaterally impose their reforms. 3. The Republicans win a sweeping victory and are able to unilaterally impose their reforms. Why do we know the entire model is broken? Because all three alternatives lead to a continuation of the same ruinous model of “how the world works”: "

Wednesday, August 20, 2014