Saturday, August 31, 2013

The Illuminatti

<iframe width="640" height="360" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>  Rev 6:15
And the kings of the earth, and the great men, and the rich men, and the chief captains, and the mighty men, and every bondman, and every free man, hid themselves in the dens and in the rocks of the mountains;
Rev 6:16
And said to the mountains and rocks, Fall on us, and hide us from the face of him that sitteth on the throne, and from the wrath of the Lamb:
Rev 6:17
For the great day of his wrath is come; and who shall be able to stand?

I don't know about all this conspiracy theory stuff but this makes a strong argument for whoa what is this? 

Friday, August 30, 2013

The Syrian rebels

They are going to be very angry. They were hoping that we could help them but the President Obama is being parsimonious. Raising their hopes and dashing them. O well maybe he could funnel heavy arms into Syria for the rebels giving them the go ahead by telling them as Long as you are fighting we'll keep supplying.

He should quit floating trial balloons and make the decision. Either way the dems,  libs, and socialists are gonna ultimately be in trouble.

Traveling lies of the ya ya media hood

I took a quaint little poll on whether Obama needs get congresses permission to attack Syria and if we should attack Syria.

I answered no to the first because Constitutionally only if he is going to commit armed forces on the ground for more that 189 days does he HAVE to get permission.. To the second question I said no he should not attack Syria.

The results of the poll were that 79% thought he needed to get permission and 80 percent that we should not attack......

Then I ran across this article that said 80 percent of Americans think he should get permission.....

First of all this highlight the American peoples ignorance of the Constitution. Second of all the news media which should know the Constitution are still trying to reinforce Constitutional ignorance.....Conspiracy. On going conspiracy....What fore?  WWIII?

Second the article does not mention the other question; the one where Americans overwhelmingly do not favor an attack.  Conspiracy.

It doth appear that someone in backgrounds background are trying to get the US to attack. How about this one. Frankly the left wing socialist person should stand up and say we should attack. What a terrible shock that would be for the left. You know a pacifist screaming to attack....It would probably ruin his/her career but then whoever is in the lead of this nonsense is only pretending to be a pacifist, or ignorant of  the consequences or worse wants the outcome. War.

I have noticed a pattern...A ramp up pattern....People who think we need to tighten the screws. In a long history of  putting increasing pressure on nations how often does that work? None.
We here in the US have too long been insulated from physical horrors of war; and these; I am sure,  well meaning people or persons consider tha raw intellect is the power behind peace, but is is not.
If you deprive people of sustenance it will only make them desperate. The more desperate they get the more likely they are to start a war....This is not a good thing. Best to go thump em right off or ignore them. You can say all the nice words you want to explain the situation but wasting words on a despot....maybe it makes you feel better about your self if they start a war. But to the kids who are getting their butts shot off or blown up it ain't all that. Ohhhhh once in a while I hear or see someone on you tube; in the throws of battle maniacally screaming, 'this is great' or something like that.
Not the norm for sure.

Either way this leads to a faster resolution of situations.

I think that most of the people that do play this game are scared to death of this world. The party it up for tomorrow we die group is in there too. There is a place and time for everything under the sun but being in the habit of not living life for fear is crazy.  I guess it appears I have digressed from the theme of this article but I believe this is truly tied in.

Let me enumerate...

If you are afraid of dying because life is as far as it gets for you, you will be afraid that anything you do might be risky and not want to do it. As you get older  you realize more and more that other peoples lives also have negative possibilities on your life. The more you fear their  actions the more you may try to curb them by law or government or worse you may enable others who are not so predisposed to peaceful demeanor. The more you try to gain the upper hand the more you are likely to force a showdown. Violence becomes more and more likely. It ends up in war....

The more you live life including it's  inherent risks the more likely you are the let others live they're lives. The happier you will be and the happier they will be. The only concern you will have then is working hard not to inhibit they're lives. From there your worry is only where is the limit for surely there are limits.

So we make a government that says the only limit is; Say what you want, don't harm or hurt(feelings don't count) don't kill, or steal, or rob, or trick people out of what makes them happy. Don't help other's do any of this either. There is nothing in the constitution about prevention of behavior. There is only (given to the states) punishment for actions..  Amazingly this leaves till the last second free will to choose not to do a bad thing.

The constitution is for a good people not a perfect people.

The writers of the Constitution in the consummate wisdom of God, decided that the government will not be the judge of  behavior. But the inhibitor of  those who would inhibit behavior. To this end I now add that when government decided to control the behavior of anyone on a government paycheck from leading a prayer, instead of stopping those who would inhibit they became the inhibitor. And ever since then the forces of inhibition have had to micromanage or try to micromanage what was or is right or wrong. which leads us to today. They have created a conundrum. A cyclic wheel of cause and effect. Because of the intellect of mankind who is able to think of a way around any law that a man could make. Ex: Russia before the iron curtain fell. They had a huge black market which essentially had all but destroyed their economy. The soviets laws were so strict that the only choice their people had was to sit on their bums and do the least amount of work they could get away with.

Back to the top. The News media is not acting in good faith by twisting a poll around to make it look like the people want the pres. to act when in fact they don't. They are simply continuing the cause and effect only this cause and effect does not stop in Syria it stops right here in the good 'ol USA. And I reiterate you don't want to know that extrapolation so I will stop here.

In my recollection there has never been truce that lasted. A truce only delays the inevitable.

Thursday, August 29, 2013

So what now?

The socialists have boxed themselves into a corner. Notice I didn't say left. You can see that their one world agenda based on pacifist ideologies have left them with zero options.....and the old saying don't let your mouth write checks your body can't leaving them stuttering for answers....

Obama has made well documented statements (trying to act tough) about this red line the Syrians can't cross....well they crossed it. Whether it was authorized from the top or not; they crossed it.

That is the mouth now for the body.

The main reason we only have 200 F-22's; the worlds premier number one fighter hands down, instead of the 6 or 7 hundred that the air force wanted, is because the libs blocked it and the repubs gave in to them. The the reason we don't have an F-35 strike fighter now is, same reason...All this  about expensive military hardware, but really trying to fight for cash for their vaunted socialistic agenda. 
I think they still think that words hurt. God's word can hurt, but men's words are no better than the actions that come of them. It is actions that count. We have 10 aircraft carriers instead of the 16 we used to have because the libs wanted money for their cash cows.

Imagine if we did have 16 carriers, we could have reinforced the 6th fleet with  three extra carriers. Imagine that if we had an extra 240 5th generation tactical Naval aircraft plus  4 wings of air force 5th gen tactical aircraft from the air force, plus the bombers, plus the anti-AA and all the extra do dads. What if we would have built the Info-age battleship with it's ability to put out massive salvos of missiles.

The  body would have been more-n capable of  cashing that check.  Instead Obama looks like a empty bag of air....

I want to look at another aspect of this Syrian affair. The One worlders talk all this and that about international law. All backed up by treaties and such.... Treaties against non proliferation of NBC's (nuclear, chemical, biological). Treaties which Syria did not sign.
Guess what. All the blubbering bluster of that socialist beast means nothing. They cannot enforce laws on a country which has not willingly signed on.  In other words if Assad's brother went rogue and slung around some N,B,C's in Assad's Syria, that noisome nonsensical creature  cain't do a thing about it, and this is according to their own mouths.
Now if he fired them at a treatied country, nuther story...I don't think Assad is that dumb.

The question is then who are the lefties following...Kinda looks like some very young naive person. By young..... I mean saaaay less than 18. Not very wise if they are. Hard to imagine that, but there are some very weird and diabolical things going on in the backgrounds background. Has to be. With all the illogical things happening out front.

I should thank Russia and China for their strength to stand up and say 'Yeah, No'. It makes the individual nations stronger. Hard to believe that but it is true too. In their resistance to the knee jerk reaction to pound Syria into submission they have highlighted; for me at least, a greater benefit to not beating the draught(not a misspelling,'ref:Strong's concordence') out of them.

In Syria's benefit Assad should just shut up about being able to resit us. His small country of 20 million wouldn't stand a chance. Even if he had a surprise or two up his sleeve militarily, we could just swamp his defenses anyway, but thanks for the warning. As far as could we;..... attack I mean. Sure....maybe. Right after Obama bargained another bunch of his ideals to Russia and China; Which because of the nature of the bargaining(super duper secret) would last only as long as the next presidential election, maybe.  Great big giant maybe.
I am thinking that no; because Russia I think would like to keep Syria to them selves. Once you throw the US in the mix, it becomes doubtful they can retain full control. I think ultimately the Russians would be forced out of the picture. Praaahbbably not something they would go for.

I hope this whole incident has has scared everyone back to reality. The reality that this world is one savage place and you can't go all wishy washy on it. The libs got to remember one thing. Half-way is the weak way. Compromise equals dead people. And all those dead people's blood is on their heads.

Comforting to the right not so much for the left.

I have said this before....Lawyers make the worst presidents.

Funny very funny. Obama insults Putin and Putin is PO'd......This just keeps getting better and better.

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Ye ol', "The Plot Thickens"

The question I have is will Assad throw his brother under the buss or is family blood thicker than their victims?

I don't know about this.....This man seems to not be factoring in next years health care nonsense or oil prices. The single reason the the U.S. Economy was so stable for 22+ years was that oil was held below the rate of inflation; in fact the price of gasoline at the pump was nearly stagnant at around $1.00 a gallon.

The economy didn't start to tank until the price of gas went over the then inflation adjusted price of  $2.69 (My  calculations) back in 2007. Quite the coincidence weren't it.

After writing a couple of articles

I see I am already failing to comfort.

Before I stray to far from my intended mission statement for this site I am going to redouble my efforts; I don't know how I am going to do that though. I remember when I was still a teen someone says to me that I made them feel better about themselves. I don't know how I did that. It appeared to come natural to me.

Maybe it was God in my life. I always stray from him. This world is full of it's trappings. Things that just totally piss me off are one of my failings.

I hate to say this but I understand the deep inner desires of most people who hope to do good and right. I don't know if they got a devil or are just deceived in what they think will work though.

I also know there are bunches of people who can see whats happening and maybe don't know which way would be best but definitely know which way leads to Meggedo.

I read this guy's article and frankly I have said this about 100 times. About Iraq and Iran and a few other places.....We have enough fire power to flatten the whole country even without nukes. Nothing but conventional weapons. These people are asking for our;(this Christian nation), they are asking for Christian help. Then when they get it they turn on Christians and start killing them in there own country. This is the road to standing in the valley of Meggeddo facing against God....

I am no Muslim....I will never be a Muslim....From what I can tell about the way Muhammad started out, this is the furthest thing from his first dealings with Christians. Frankly I get it when one of the scoffers I mentioned the other day said; just let them kill each other off. Yet the babies. The mothers....None of this is my call.....Maybe I should just change my name to tear it all down or something, because it just pisses me off.

I envision knocking their air force and anti-air defence systems down and then walking 1000# J-dams from one end of the country to the other perfectly spaced so that  there isn't one brick left standing upon the other. Then dropping leaflets on them telling them.; stop being such a bunch of murdering fools. But what comfort is there in that vision.

I have no solution for the Muslims. I have no solution for the world except Jesus. Men are just heading right down the path of destruction. That is what I see and hear from the left, right, and the middle is silent, but when I talk to the people in the middle they are voicing the same concerns. Nobody I talk too has even an inkling of a solution. They just keep bleating like hungry sheep.

The only solution is Jesus. The return of Christ. Obama is not the solution. He is just another weak man bargaining away his ideals for the hope of doing something; anything good. I said when he first got elected that he had the potential of being a great President, but that was just a fools hope on my part. He's a hack and a blithering idiot from what I see on TV.
Right now he is ranked amongst the worst of presidents in the USA's history. His fault. He should have stayed the course his mouth bought him instead of turning out to be the wimp he apparently was all along.

Solutions come from within not from without.

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Could this end up in WWIII

Maybe could. 

With Russia threatening. It does highlight the differences between cultural attitudes towards life.

In the nature of preparedness this must be a serious consideration.

Economics....Sounds good.... Cain't recommend because I haven't read it but it is a nice refresher on what happened and what; will in the future, happen.

Food....I laughed when I heard on talk radio one parent complained to the school board at a board hearing that the food "tastes like  vomit".  Oh look! I found the article.

I remember school lunch program when I was a kid; the overcooked peas and carrots. I don't ever remember the entrees or the desert. by the time I got to Jr High. No more lunchroom food; instead we got served frozen pizza.... also yuk. Fact is, until I got to high school got my license and could go down to Mickey D's I didn't eat all that well. I envy those schools that have finally figured out too bring in chefs instead of those institutional versions of  cuisine haters . Kudos.

Once again though the fed  mess up costs the tax payers; at every level, too much money.
I read a bunch of comments on an article on Syria in one of the MNN's and the naivety expressed  was scoffable. It is the lack of knowledge at how very dangerous chemical and biological weapons are. They are listed right below nukes and for a very good reason. It has been almost 100 years since the last time chemical weapons were used regularly in war. They were devastating even with the the rudimentary dispensers of the day.

In this day and age with the benefit of research mankind has been able to develop toxins that rumors have it a single drop could kill hundreds.

I know that when I was in the military every year we went through NBC recert. It was specific and educational. And if you don't think hangin out on the line (perimeter) in your chem gear don't suck, think again. We were taught to avoid getting a drop of nerve agent on our chem suit, and how to clean it off before it soaked in, if it did.. They were serious.

My particular mobility group was trained until it was all second nature. Almost 30 years ago I was a member of  an advanced survey crew. Our plane would be first to touch down and first on site in what was likely to be a hostile environment. We were to go in locked and loaded. I was ready and apprised of the danger. We all were. Oh' there were some smart asses that thought they didn't need to know any of that. If we would have got into WWIII with the Soviets back then they'da probably been dead.

Well these wankers who were all critical about the possibility of going to the rescue of  the people in Syria. They were all totally selfish, self centered, and showing how insulated they are from the realities of the real world. A world; that given one slip up on their part, would kill them.

The Bible is plain. In that terrible opening salvo from God, 1/3 of mankind dies. Wouldn't it be a sorry state of affairs if it was chemical weapons that were used. God is also clear; "do no evil thinking to do me a favor".  Won't matter to the people who do the killing then, and truth be told I won't be here for it. Got a promise from God. No skin off my nose. It is the young'uns who will pay.....with their lives.
Blessed be the peacemaker and it's ten independently targeted warheads.

What the Twerk?

To work, to work, it's off t-werk we go, we pay two bits........Oh what am I doing. Each step has a platform and that platform is made up of many molecules. Aaaand here is one of them cules.
Do not go there if you have aversions to booty shaking. How my country do embarrass me.

Monday, August 26, 2013

It's all relative, you see.

Mitt Romney,  Related to who? Fascinating but not all that surprising. When it comes to matters of the spirit some people would understand I suppose.

OOOOOOH! Holy God in heaven. Is this true is this really true. What are the odds,  a billion to one? This I declare must be the handiwork of God. As I have grown older it is becoming harder and harder to astonish or surprise me . I thank god that I can still be. President Obama is; so far as can be told, a descendant of  Americas first slave......

I think what I find almost as interesting is that some of John Punch's descendants became slave owners themselves. Looks like there may be more guilt to go around than some would like to admit....

It just keeps gettin better and better

I believe I warned ya that one of the things I have to do is tell ya's about the wickedness that is going on. Least it's not in this country.
Jesus says as it was in the days of Sodom and Gomorrah so too shall it be at the time of the end.
That's a step in the right/wrong direction of full filling God's word.
As far as will a US response fail in Syria.....The Democrats have been responding halfway in military affairs from Vietnam on. If they do so this time all they are going to get is a lot more dead women and children than they would have otherwise. I have to admit that Assad is correct in assessing failure in a "warning shot across the bow" type of effort. He will ignore it. I know that I would. Everyone knows that the Democrats are paper Tigers. They love to cry wolf. The dogs they are smelling are them selves. And know I am not neutral when it comes to them. I have been called my approach to war. Maybe. It's just that I believe in a do it or don't attitude. No slap fighting allowed. Knock em out of it or don't. Anything in between just equals to many dead babies.
I am not grey nor pacifist. Never have been nor ever will be.
BTW. My Grandma, mom, and two of my sisters mom's in laws too are passed on.........I wish that I could say more on the spiritual side, but most people just disagree on that stuff. I miss my mom, dad, and grandma. I miss the old day's sometimes but the happiness of  the memories of youth still remain. I'm cool with that. God's got the ball and I trust him fully. I just hope that if he tosses it my way I got enought sense to catch it and then give it up when I am supposed to. 

Don't make me famous or infamous. I don't deserve either.

Saturday, August 24, 2013


Life happens long.
Many things that we do take time to completely gestate. I have a terrible thirst for new updated data but that does not change the speed of input.
Therefore foolishness belongs to those who live a life with their foot in their mouth. How long does it take to remove that foot?
Ask that Big City Mayor in California. When do you think he will get his honor fully back. Never will be the same for him, or anyone else who has been dissed or a disappointment.

What in the name of their God did Google do to their format.

Okya'(cute misspell, I think I'll keep it) after a little tweeking lets see if I can get my paragraphs to stay where I put them. Found the spell checker. YAY! Whats up with the compose button. I can't write jack in that mode. wait Jack is the name of my 1sts bastards kid. Sweet kid, still out of wedlock. Uh before anyone goes to judgin me for saying that (remember you people don't want to know the future) bwha, Mankind will be returning to that no later than 2070. Mankind will return to one man for one woman. Nope paragraphs still clumping together like one giant glomular glob of words. Zero control over that. Zero ability in this format to change colors of text, no ability to add links. Too bad. Did you see the number on over all gun deaths. The more guns there are the in the general public the fewer gun deaths there are. I'ts just the (yuk) "human condition". For conservatives a little comfort. The pacifist liberal culture will be extinct. Simply because they were to selfish to have kids and they also joined the liberal group as a whole, buying into the idea that one day there will be no more pain. In a statement of probability not likely. I know that you don't like hearing this but the truth is if you do deceive you will not be able to change your selves to not deceivers because of the neural pathways you built up. Everyone knows this hence the lack of trust. Hence the reason the Bible says in Revelations that if God does not come to save men, man will utterly destroy himself. For man hindsight won't be the year 2020 but about 2070. It is the flow of things. It is the way it is.

As to the format of this site; maybe I am overlooking a button or a sequence or something; but I am reminded of something that Teddy Roosevelt said that was wrong. He said roughly that leadership should belong to the educated. Sad really because he overlooked the fact that Jesus picked mostly uneducated men to be his disciples, the leader of which was Peter; an uneducated fisherman. I remind you of which; Christendom is the largest single group of people on earth. Only God made this so.

Friday, August 23, 2013

Nuther new blog.

Ya I hate this new format. I made up my mind that I was going to live the rest of my life in peace. How can I when there is so much fear and pain out there? My sister got shoved down a stairway; her husband is, last I heard in jail, and after living in an abusive marriage(both ways)she wants him back. I will not put their marriage asunder but I feel sorry for him because she has a diagnosis. In other words she is wackadoodles. I got two other sisters similar problems. The eldest of the three had been taking some kind of pills since I can remember(40 years). The youngest of the three has situational schizophrenia plus bipolar ism. My dads mom was paranoid delusional. My mom took antidepressants for; only God knows how long. And me dad and my brother seemed to be the only...... wait my brother is/or was and addict. I married 4 nougats. I tried not to marry one like my mom but then next thing you know....nutburgers. Ya that's right; my 4th wife was under the care of a phychiatrist before we got married but did not tell me. Stupid me. Couldn't see the forest for the trees. Ulp date, I said the time frame for when this country could start sweating out an invasion begins no later than 2014. Yeah yeah I know just another doomsday nut. oookay. Had to get that in there. The name of this blog means cushion or comforter. So let me try that for a while. George Washington's visions and prophecies convinced me that what I was hearing in sound bites and seeing on the face of it was curious to say the least. Lots of blah blah later. Were going to get invaded. I ain't prophesying that, that jobs already been done. God did show me that I was not going to have to live through that. I got some ideas that people could use and I think I might try to make a few videos to show them. Stuff like water, toilets, and food and stuff. Of course most people around me think I am a little off my rockers too. Oh well. I asked God about that and he shows me in his word not to worry about that. He also told me to warn people of their iniquity or else. BTW I ain't nuts. I know ..... got checked twice. First time the guy said I was fine and he would probably have reacted the same way I had and the second one the woman said I was dealing with the breakup in a normal fashion.... I have a marvelous memory for many details but that is the short of it. Oh yeah, I also did not go seek the counsel myself, I was forced into it by my (nameless). For Christians I have been blessed with discernment for both prophecy the countenance. I have several other gifts but seeing the flow of anything(extrapolation) well that tends to get people riled up I guess they don't want to know. I am not interested in angering anybody, never have been. Mankind as compared to the perfection of our Father is decrepit, corrupt. Lots of dumb things happening out there. Syria gassing their people. I wonder if that guy forgot what happened to Sadam Husein. The world will not be able to sit by on that one he needs to knock it off. If'n I had a guess Our military is ready to rock and roll on him. Bet the Democrats wish they had moor fire power now. 165 AA sites. Plus air bases. That will be a nasty little fight. Or how about getting some help on recovering pilots from the resistance. Limited no fly? Old man says once it's the t-stat... fix it or don't. That's what I say. How bout we split the country giving the rebels from the coast 100 miles inland. No-fly and boots on the ground. In the meantime grind Assad's AAA and, Air force to dust. Gives refugees a place to run too and the rebels more enough to fight from. Load em up with the heavy stuff and armour. Should give them a fighting chance and keep the country out of the radical Islamisits hands. UHHH... think NBC training for everyone concerned....heavy on that. I have recently had a change of heart twards Islam(PBS show on Muhammad). I have decided that for whatever reason the the extremists in Islam have indeed strayed very far from Mohammed's original ideal. I also have decided that he was indeed a prophet. I suppose that there are some who would argue vociferously against that. Maybe I am wrong. I do know one thing for sure. There is no way in the world that Islam could survive this long without Gods assistance. I guarantee it is for God's own purposes and not men's. Economy. Should the Fed take another tac on the bond sales vs buyback. I dunno. I do not have enough data to decide that. The news media used to have these reports every night with data and all but not so these last ten-twenty years; not only that but Greenspan did such a great job after a while I just focused on other things. Hindsight. Without the factories I keep saying we have to have; It is all a waste of time. I do think we should stabilize the dollar and still raise the tariffs back to 96 or 97 levels if they aren't already. Yeah All narcissistic and all that. Whatever is done, I don't really worry about it any more. In case you are worried that it is not me......@#$%^you? For the reader who stumbles across this site. I may be writing anomalously because I have ruffled a few feathers and am not so interested in the crap fights I used to get into. I got a blog or two out there though and have even been ranked in the bottom of the clouds a time or two. Seems two have scared the powers that were then into their version of a dung fight. Wow that was cathartic. Now the test is, can I get back on this site for further upgrades and writing.