Friday, August 30, 2013

Traveling lies of the ya ya media hood

I took a quaint little poll on whether Obama needs get congresses permission to attack Syria and if we should attack Syria.

I answered no to the first because Constitutionally only if he is going to commit armed forces on the ground for more that 189 days does he HAVE to get permission.. To the second question I said no he should not attack Syria.

The results of the poll were that 79% thought he needed to get permission and 80 percent that we should not attack......

Then I ran across this article that said 80 percent of Americans think he should get permission.....

First of all this highlight the American peoples ignorance of the Constitution. Second of all the news media which should know the Constitution are still trying to reinforce Constitutional ignorance.....Conspiracy. On going conspiracy....What fore?  WWIII?

Second the article does not mention the other question; the one where Americans overwhelmingly do not favor an attack.  Conspiracy.

It doth appear that someone in backgrounds background are trying to get the US to attack. How about this one. Frankly the left wing socialist person should stand up and say we should attack. What a terrible shock that would be for the left. You know a pacifist screaming to attack....It would probably ruin his/her career but then whoever is in the lead of this nonsense is only pretending to be a pacifist, or ignorant of  the consequences or worse wants the outcome. War.

I have noticed a pattern...A ramp up pattern....People who think we need to tighten the screws. In a long history of  putting increasing pressure on nations how often does that work? None.
We here in the US have too long been insulated from physical horrors of war; and these; I am sure,  well meaning people or persons consider tha raw intellect is the power behind peace, but is is not.
If you deprive people of sustenance it will only make them desperate. The more desperate they get the more likely they are to start a war....This is not a good thing. Best to go thump em right off or ignore them. You can say all the nice words you want to explain the situation but wasting words on a despot....maybe it makes you feel better about your self if they start a war. But to the kids who are getting their butts shot off or blown up it ain't all that. Ohhhhh once in a while I hear or see someone on you tube; in the throws of battle maniacally screaming, 'this is great' or something like that.
Not the norm for sure.

Either way this leads to a faster resolution of situations.

I think that most of the people that do play this game are scared to death of this world. The party it up for tomorrow we die group is in there too. There is a place and time for everything under the sun but being in the habit of not living life for fear is crazy.  I guess it appears I have digressed from the theme of this article but I believe this is truly tied in.

Let me enumerate...

If you are afraid of dying because life is as far as it gets for you, you will be afraid that anything you do might be risky and not want to do it. As you get older  you realize more and more that other peoples lives also have negative possibilities on your life. The more you fear their  actions the more you may try to curb them by law or government or worse you may enable others who are not so predisposed to peaceful demeanor. The more you try to gain the upper hand the more you are likely to force a showdown. Violence becomes more and more likely. It ends up in war....

The more you live life including it's  inherent risks the more likely you are the let others live they're lives. The happier you will be and the happier they will be. The only concern you will have then is working hard not to inhibit they're lives. From there your worry is only where is the limit for surely there are limits.

So we make a government that says the only limit is; Say what you want, don't harm or hurt(feelings don't count) don't kill, or steal, or rob, or trick people out of what makes them happy. Don't help other's do any of this either. There is nothing in the constitution about prevention of behavior. There is only (given to the states) punishment for actions..  Amazingly this leaves till the last second free will to choose not to do a bad thing.

The constitution is for a good people not a perfect people.

The writers of the Constitution in the consummate wisdom of God, decided that the government will not be the judge of  behavior. But the inhibitor of  those who would inhibit behavior. To this end I now add that when government decided to control the behavior of anyone on a government paycheck from leading a prayer, instead of stopping those who would inhibit they became the inhibitor. And ever since then the forces of inhibition have had to micromanage or try to micromanage what was or is right or wrong. which leads us to today. They have created a conundrum. A cyclic wheel of cause and effect. Because of the intellect of mankind who is able to think of a way around any law that a man could make. Ex: Russia before the iron curtain fell. They had a huge black market which essentially had all but destroyed their economy. The soviets laws were so strict that the only choice their people had was to sit on their bums and do the least amount of work they could get away with.

Back to the top. The News media is not acting in good faith by twisting a poll around to make it look like the people want the pres. to act when in fact they don't. They are simply continuing the cause and effect only this cause and effect does not stop in Syria it stops right here in the good 'ol USA. And I reiterate you don't want to know that extrapolation so I will stop here.

In my recollection there has never been truce that lasted. A truce only delays the inevitable.


  1. Hey Cody:) gosh u have made so many salient points here (<<howz that for a big word eh? honestly..the Tyrant in the WH has enabled the Muz Brothahood from day one and free countries are paying the price in blood. Instead of supporting Israel and democratic nations he has undone Tunisia, Libya, Malaysia, and now Egypt...and the libtards still sing his praises....Dang I need to take a deep breath!!..have a super weekend despite the madness buddy:-)

  2. I read that! That dummy may have single handedly taken down the brotherhood by association. It's hilarious.

    ty for the complement and I think you are highly intelige..inteligent...intelling....ah you know.
