The AMA may have supported odumbassocare but the DR's aren't...They can't afford too.
How civilized.... Man who was in charge of communications or a speech writer for various presidents for like 20 years says this is "troubling"......TROUBLING!!!!! Fussing to put the back of my watch back on after finding out that the battery was never meant to be replaced, is troubling. People dying because they cannot get health care is TREASON. How about I trouble you people with a hanging. Is that troubling enough?
What do they have vegetable's running LAX? This vet got booted...
I wonder if they really see the threat.....It is not a terror threat. these people are not going to terrorize the US....They are soon enough going to get together with all the governments who will and invade the US.... Could you imagine one of the things I though of was packing a couple hundred wide bodies full of heavily armed commando battalions and a butt load of ammo.. Fly into as many airports and just conquer them....Voila....BEACH HEAD!!!! BTW they will kill everyone in sight.
Nuclear doom and gloom aside....This was just to effing funny to pass up.... The TSA just confiscated a 2 inch pistol from a sock monkey.....ROFL.... One commenter had this hilarious thought....
"Obama voters who get their gun info from MSNBC. I can see the headline now..."
"TSA Valiantly Saves Fliers From Semi-Automatic Assault Handgun Wielding Domestic Right-Wing Cowboy Monkey Extemist"
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