Saturday, May 3, 2014

Gross domestic product rose at a 0.1 percent annualized rate from January through March, compared with a 2.6 percent gain in the prior quarter, the Commerce Department said earlier this week.

Maybe it is an article you might think you could get something out of it and maybe not....


  1. looking for any good news Ron...with Benghazi and the freak shows in the is becoming impossible!! have a great week my friend!:)

    1. I have seen some victories but these are far more worrisome...Twenty years ago I could find much to argue for now not so much. Unless you consider cops going to jail for their crimes against mankind and animals or the demorats on the ropes as the people continue to pummel them for their treasonous excesses throwing constitutional lawsuit after lawsuit at them and winning. Never the less the banksters continue to march on towards economic Armageddon which shall bring this country to war on our turf....WWIII is approaching ever more ponderous. The omens are of an insidious future.
