Why did the attack happen on 9-11?
guest ron erkkila • an hour ago Anyone see a pattern here?
Why did the attacks happen on 9/11? That is actually a very interesting question. Let's look at some American history with the 4th so close and all.
Aside from the obvious subliminal 911 phone call-- there is another connection worthy of investigation after all 3000 victims perished in agony-- it is the least one should rightly do in honor of the fallen especially in light now that there are a lot of professional people saying on record the 9/11 investigation needs to be reopened.
September 11, 1777 was the British victory by General Sir William Howe over the American colonial army led by General George Washington named the Battle of Brandywine where the British marched from Sandy Hook N.J. after landing 17,000 soldiers from 260 ships. This was General Howe's march on Philadelphia-- the coup d' etat against the nations capitol restoring the Crown against the uprising.
There are a few questions to ask because by now it is clear WTC7 did not collapse on its own and was imploded. When we look at companies with the means to do this-- it would start the investigation asking questions with this company named AMEC : it is British. Even sounds American but it is not. So two questions why is a foreign company in America's most secret and classified buildings in the country: the pentagon and WTC7. This is a matter of record.
"AMEC Construction Management, a subsidiary of the British engineering firm AMEC, renovated Wedge One of the Pentagon before 9-11 and cleaned it up afterward.
AMEC had also renovated Silverstein’s WTC 7, which collapsed mysteriously on 9-11, and then headed the cleanup of the WTC site afterward. The AMEC construction firm is currently in the process of closing all its offices in the United States."
-----By Christopher Bollyn published
Beyond means and opportunity in a crime there is motive.
When looking at the motive of money and power, the question is who benefited the most from the subsequent military engagements taking this nation to war which now they don't even get Congressional approval. These engagements exceeded 2.2 trillion dollars. It is time to look at the motivations of war.
You know the usual suspects but this look a little closer.
"Despite the Hollywood image of redfaced Texas oil millionaire driving new Cadillacs, the Texan oil industry has for years been dominated by the London Rothschilds through the billion dollar First City National Bank of Houston, and its fifty-seven subsidiary Texas banks. Chairman of First City is James Anderson Elkins Jr., who is a director of Hill Samuel Co. of London, one of the seventeen merchant banks chartered by the Bank of England."
~ page 110, World Order (Our Secret Rulers) written by American historian, author, and speaker Eustace Mullins.
Don't forget the CIA had to be in on it to pull this off-- Harley Guy and all. So who are they? Before they changed their name they were the OSS.
"The OSS was actually set up by four members of the British Chief of Staff: Lord Louis Mountbatten (formerly Battenberg), a cousin of the King, and related to the Frankfort banking families. Rothschild and Cassel; Charles Hambro, director of Special Operations Executive, and director of Hambros Bank; Col.Stewart Menzies, head of Secret Intelligence Service; and William Stephenson, in charge of SIS American operations." - page 140, World Order (Our Secret Rulers) written by American historian, author, and speaker Eustace Mullins.
The CIA, Federal Reserve and the London Connection.
"The "City" banks, which dominate American finance and politics (code name for banks for the "City", financial district of London), descend directly from East India and Bank of England operations. The Rockefeller Empire is the most prominent scion of this dynasty."
~page 279, World Order (Our Secret Rulers) written by American historian, author, and speaker Eustace Mullins.
"The Bank of England also dominates the Bank of Scotland, whose
chmn is Robert Bruce, Lord Balfour; his title Balfour of Burleigh was
created in 1607; he is manager of English Electric and Viking Oil; he
married the daughter of magnate E.S. Manasseh. Directors of Bank of
Scotland inc1ude Lord Clydesmuir, also dir. Barclays Bank, and Rt.
Hon. Lord Polwarth, director of Halliburtons, which interlocks with
the Rothschild First City Bank of Houston and Citibank, Imperial
Chemical Industries, Canadian Pacific, and Brown and Root Wimpey
Highland Fabricators, which interlocks with George Wimpey PLC,
largest construction firm in the British Empire, whose 44 companies
have revenues of 1.2 billion pounds per year."
~Page-34-35, World Order (Our Secret Rulers) written by American historian, author, and speaker Eustace Mullins.
"A number of popular books now in circulation claim that the
Council on Foreign Relations is the secret government of the United
States. Nothing could be more incorrect. The members of the Council
on Foreign Relations have never originated a single item of policy for
theU .S. Government. They merely transmit orders to our government
officials from the RIIA and the House of Rothschild in London. It "is
true that the CFR comprises a ruling elite in the United states, but they
are mere colonial governors absolutely responsible to their overseers
in the World Order. However, every prominent American mentioned
in the present book is a member of the CFR, and therefore it is not
necessary to note it each time a name is mentioned. Not only do they
transmit orders to the White House, the Cabinet, the Federal Reserve
Board of Governors, and other government institutions, but they also
maintain absolute control" of the foundations, whose duty it is to
formulate policy or organize it in an acceptable form to
the government. Shoup's "Imperial Brain Trust", 1969, notes that the
CFR includes 22 trustees of Brookings Institution, 29 at Rand, 14 at
Hudson, 33 at Middle East Institute, 14 of 19 trustees of the Rockefeller
Foundation, 10 of 17 at Carnegie, 7 of l 6 at Ford Foundation, 6 of 11
at Rockefeller Bros. Fund. This proves that the CFR runs these major 52
foundations. In the academic world, CFR members number 58 on the
faculty at Princeton, 69 at the University of Chicago, and 30 at
Harvard. Of the banks which are the principal owners of Federal Reserve
Bank stock, directors of Chase include 7 CFR members, 8 at J. P. Morgan, 7 at
1st Natl. City (now Citibank), 6 at Chemical Bank, and 6 at Brown Bros. Harriman."
~page 52-53, World Order (Our Secret Rulers) written by American historian, author, and speaker Eustace Mullins.
Just who owns the federal reserve, that's American isn't it?
"Well the City of London set this whole thing up. JP Morgan was simply an agent for the Bank of England when he organized this meeting down in a... Jekyll Island Georgia and a, the Federal Reserve bank of New York... the stock is principally owned by five merchant banks in London chartered by the Bank of England. So you see every decision of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York a... comes out of London." ~ Quote Eustace Mullins.
Quote at 19 minutes.
911: Is it Live or Livery?
- Absolutely awesome answer....I will have a hard time believing they didn't do it to get the run of the mill person to associate 9/11 with cops.
But yeah; world class answer. Thanks. You just brightened by other wise boring day.
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