Alan Erkkila Whoops, here: The most telling confession: "you do have to have some rules to live by."
Understand that he's citing the need for rules generally as a justification for a specific rule. We need to ban *something* or require *something* because there ha...See More
Understand that he's citing the need for rules generally as a justification for a specific rule. We need to ban *something* or require *something* because there ha...See More
Ron Erkkila So now we know what they are trying to deify. Effin rules....They are so baked....pun intended.
Sonja Kadlec So you're for legalizing marijuana? Alcohol, tobacco, and prescriptions are not enough?
Alan Erkkila How many people are we paying to prosecute and imprison for simple possession of a weed that grows wild in almost every climate zone.
Ron Erkkila Prison population in the USA 7 million plus greatest in the world. 72.1 percent are non violent. Prison statistics.
T.F. Stern I like the conservative approach to nanny state laws, just because I don't wish to smoke marijuana doesn't make me want to outlaw it for someone who does.
T.F. Stern I look at this much as I do mandated safety helmet laws, mandated seat belt laws or any number of imposed safety mandate laws.
Sonja Kadlec I don't want to share the road with impaired drivers and if illegal marijuana keeps some of them home I'm good with that. I used to be apathetic about drug use until I had children. Then I decided users and dealers need to be gathered up and put away. I'm not against capital punishment. I am in favor of speeding up the process. How many violent crimes are spawned, directly or indirectly by drug use?
Ron Erkkila
The safety conscious will stay home tonight because driving is just too dangerou...s with all those drunks on the road. But you'll share the streets with a few drunk driversSee More
Ron Erkkila
Use of any psychoactive (mind-altering) drug makes it highly unsafe to drive a and is illegal—just like driving after drinking alcohol. Drugged driving puts at risk not only the driver but also passengers and others who share the road. Why Is Drugged Driving Hazardous? The effects of specific dr...See More
Ron Erkkila
It is well established that alcohol increases accident risk. Evidence of’s culpability in on-road driving accidents is much less convincing.See More
So now you know where I get my inspiration for what is one cog in the wheel wrong with America....
Sonja; My sister would just kill dope heads and dealers....Kind of Messes up the NWO plans if you do that.
No getting what she wants with out WWIII in the US....Her main problem she wants it somewhere else....Can't change here doing over there. Secondly look at her words. It was about what she wanted;
Everyone else be damned.
She violates Jesus new commandment.....Do unto others....Probably wonders why she feels threatened all the time.
And the argument continues; Now note how she tries to change the argument to an insulting accusation....
Ron Erkkila My final statement is: I leave it up to the individual states to determine for themselves.
Sonja Kadlec (original statememt:Sonja wrote: "So litigate morality our hide your head in the sand. Is that what I'm hearing?")So hide your head in the sand. Is that what I'm hearing.
Ron Erkkila Be a libertarian is what I am saying. BTW Litigation is in a court room and legislation is in the state house which do you mean?
Sonja Kadlec I like Oklahoma. I like being conservative. The law is already in place. If they don't like it they can move.
Ron Erkkila
Louisiana State Police are investigating a suspicious death after a handcuffed s...uspect somehow managed to fatally shoot himself in the head while in the back of a patrol car earlier this month. Victor White III, 22, was arrested on March 2 after an altercation in Iberia Parish.See More
Ron Erkkila War on drugs. or how about this one.
I recently re-posted a You-tuber's video "VideoDUI Checkpoint Refusal Tahoe" abo...ut his experience with checkpoints, & he told YouTube I Infringed on his copy...See More
Ron Erkkila Another one.
Reason number 5,001 why NOT to call 9-1-1. Tim Cushing Tech Dirt March 17, 2014“...If you’ve got nothing to hide, you’ve got nothing to fear,” right? Here’s how that works in reality. (via Reason) On Jan. 5, 2012, Paul Valin called the police to report he’d found a backpack containing what he believed…See More
Ron Erkkila I could add a thousand more in these categories. The number of videos runs in the over 500 000. Remember I don't doo drugs and I do not think others should do drugs. But right now your asking governments who are inherently stupid and not to be trusted...See More

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