After watching, I was thinking could this happen today, we are better educated, information at the finger tip, not like fascist (Nazis') at all. Or are we?
I will tell you what we are, animals pure and simple. The New Testament of the Bible addresses our animalistic behavior. Jesus com...mands us to set aside our animal nature. I find it is easy to pay lip service to but in reality extremely difficult to manage.
For example, that SOB cut me off, I ought to kill him, the Mexicans are taking all our jobs, we ought to line them up and shoot them all, the Russians are invading the Crimean, rally the troops let us kick their a..... out of there.
I see a disturbing trend in the USA with the militarization of our police forces across the USA, from the city, county, state, and Federal government. The provisions provided in the constitution that were designed to protect us from ourselves being struck down in the courts, state legislators, US Congress.
Could Americans be turned on each other, no you say we are better than that. Could atrocities happen here, concentration camps, mass killings, internment for opinions expressed.
Yes they could it is a simple matter of divide and conquer. This is all ready happening, ie the war on drugs and terrorism. Just by using the word WAR you have divided the population into separate camps. Refer to the ROBBERS CAVE EXPERIMENT.
I would not conform! Refer to the ASCH CONFORMITY EXPERIMENT.
I would not allow or participate in maltreatment of citizens. Refer to the STANFORD PRISON STUDY.
I would never torture anyone. Refer to the MILGRAM EXPERIMENT.
People in general are very capable of still behaving just like they did in Rome. My sister posted a plea for prayer for a missionary that has been captured, someone willing to die to spread the word of God. Am I worthy? Probably not.
I worry not for my self but for the future generations. I would have them grow up in a country where charity and compassion are the rule of the day not internment.
PLEASE PRAY FOR OUR COUNTRY I fear for her citizens.
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