Tuesday, September 30, 2014

A quote from Teddy Rosevelt.

"It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood; who strives valiantly; who errs, who comes short again and again, because there is no effort without error and shortcoming; but who does actually strive to do the deeds; who knows great enthusiasms, the great devotions; who spends himself in a worthy cause; who at the best knows in the end the triumph of high achievement, and who at the worst, if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who neither know victory nor defeat. Shame on the man of cultivated taste who permits refinement to develop into fastidiousness that unfits him for doing the rough work of a workaday world. Among the free peoples who govern themselves there is but a small field of usefulness open for the men of cloistered life who shrink from contact with their fellows. Still less room is there for those who deride of slight what is done by those who actually bear the brunt of the day; nor yet for those others who always profess that they would like to take action, if only the conditions of life were not exactly what they actually are. The man who does nothing cuts the same sordid figure in the pages of history, whether he be a cynic, or fop, or voluptuary. There is little use for the being whose tepid soul knows nothing of great and generous emotion, of the high pride, the stern belief, the lofty enthusiasm, of the men who quell the storm and ride the thunder. Well for these men if they succeed; well also, though not so well, if they fail, given only that they have nobly ventured, and have put forth all their heart and strength. It is war-worn Hotspur, spent with hard fighting, he of the many errors and valiant end, over whose memory we love to linger, not over the memory of the young lord who "but for the vile guns would have been a valiant soldier." 

I am not the  greatest fan of Teddy but He wasn't the worst president....There isn't but one head though that belongs at Mount Rushmore and that is George Washington's.

Sunday, September 28, 2014

Fed study finds global warming normal

I think I said this before. There are people out there who believe that symbolism is the way to live your life... they include people that believe God is talking to them indirectly and that if they take the first letter of a word and make new words they can know what to do. Such as global warming. It would mean. God wins. So they then would assume that hot weather is God but since they oppose God would be against it. Or climate change is; Christ Christ, but since they are against Jesus then they would be against all things Christian.

To me that makes about as much sense as eating crap.... Not a very good picture but I think it gets across the seriousness of the insanity of Global warming alarmists. Most of the GWA's are just stupid mindless drones who want to be someone's slave or serf anyway.

Climate change is a hoax but the prime Shepard of the earth is not.

In the meantime Fall is always beautiful....

Saturday, September 27, 2014

Another ramp up

Cop got shot in Ferguson....then the cops killed a guy who may or may not have been connected with the shooting.... Can't wait....Be exciting to see all out war break out in Ferguson. Come on cops, can't you go after the people any harder than that? I would bet that 10,000 people in Fergy got guns; you think you can handle that, tough guy's...

351 days to go; and the economy goes bye bye and with the economy the dollar...Don't know what's going to start it all but I can guarantee that Law enforcement gets destroyed...

Here is another thought I had. After the war is over the people will outlaw Law enforcement. Probably by constitutional amendment.

Thursday, September 25, 2014

We are going to get invaded

  If for no other reason than to stop the United States and it's several governments from it's Bullshit.
Don't be surprised if they don't say they are coming to save us from the criminal governments(local, state, aaand federal).

With Obama bombing Syria with out congressional approval(so I heard) And foreign governments and media outlets blaming the U.S. for the Ebola virus and a crap ton of news regarding the suppression of the American people and their rights Obama trying to stir up a war with Russia, the taking of a confrontational attitude with China; both nuclear powers....Russia flying Bear bombers again in border probing patrols, and China parking Nuclear armed Subs off the East coast; plus a hundred other things that I could mention.

Can anyone wonder if the world will come to the realization that the solution to their problems is to destroy the USA especially it's governments......

Judge Napalitanos speach that got him fire from Fox.

Saturday, September 13, 2014

9/13/2014 Today is the day...

From this day forward I shall say that the economy will be utterly defunct less than one year from now..... After that there shall come the invasion. I am glad that I did not make these predictions and glad that I was the tool used to discern them.... If I have been truly that tool then I will be vindicated; if I was only deceived then call me happy and  relieved either way too God be the Glory.

On this day 2015 I am sure that the governments of the US shall be dissolved in a massive chaos. I hope that the governments shall repent of the wickedness that they have done and return to the constitution because that is it's only hope. In the constitution includes the allowance of all to worship God openly.

Otherwise; no God no peace.

Friday, September 12, 2014

G.I. Joe passed away....

"Who remembers G.I. Joe as a kid!?!?
If you loved G.I. Joe you will love this. Read to the end to understand. A friend sent to me this morning.
On Nov. 15, 2003, an 85-year-old retired Marine Corps Colonel died of congestive heart failure at his home in La Quinta, Calif., southeast of Palm Springs .

He was a combat veteran of World War II. Reason enough to honor him. But this Marine was a little different. This Marine was Mitchell Paige. It's hard today to envision -- or, for the dwindling few, to remember -- what the world looked like on26 Oct 1942.

The U.S. Navy was not the most powerful fighting force in the Pacific. Not by a long shot. So the Navy basically dumped a few thousand Marines on the beach at Guadalcanal.

As Platoon Sgt. Mitchell Paige and his 33 riflemen set about carefully embracing their four water-cooled .30-caliber Browning machine guns, manning their section of the thin khaki line which was expected to defend Henderson Field against the assault of the night of 25 Oct 1942, it's unlikely anyone thought they were about to provide the definitive answer to that most desperate of questions: How many able-bodied U.S. Marines does it take to hold a hill against 2,000 desperate and motivated Japanese attackers?

Nor did the commanders of the Japanese Army, who had swept everything before them for decades, expect their advance to be halted on some jungle ridge manned by one thin line of Marines in October of 1942.

But by the time the night was over, The Japanese 29th Infantry Regiment has lost 553 killed or missing and 479 wounded among its 2,554 men, historian David Lippman reports. The Japanese 16th Regiment's losses are uncounted, but the [US] 164th's burial parties handled 975 Japanese bodies. ... The American estimate of 2,200 Japanese dead is probably too low.

Among the 90 American dead and seriously wounded that night were all the men in Mitchell Paige's platoon; every one. As the night of endless attacks wore on, Paige moved up and down his line, pulling his dead and wounded comrades back into their foxholes and firing a few bursts from each of the four Browning's in turn, convincing the Japanese forces down the hill that the positions were still manned.

The citation for Paige's Medal of Honor Citation defines the event: "When the enemy broke through the line directly in front of his position, P/Sgt. Paige, commanding a machine gun section with fearless determination, continued to direct the fire of his gunners until all his men were either killed or wounded. Alone, against the deadly hail of Japanese shells, he fought with his gun and when it was destroyed, took over another, moving from gun to gun, never ceasing his withering fire."

In the end, Sgt. Paige picked up the last of the 40-pound, belt-fed Browning's (the same design which John M. Browning fired for a continuous 25 minutes until it ran out of ammunition, glowing cherry red, at its first U.S. Army demonstration) and did something for which the weapon was never designed. Sgt. Paige walked down the hill toward the place where he could hear the last Japanese survivors rallying to move around his flank, the belt-fed gun cradled under his arm, firing as he went.

The weapon did not fail.

At dawn, battalion executive officer Major Odell M. Conoley was first to discover the answer to our question: How many able-bodied Marines does it take to hold a hill against two regiments of motivated, combat-hardened Japanese infantrymen who have never known defeat?

On a hill where the bodies were piled like cordwood, Mitchell Paige alone sat upright behind his 30-caliber Browning, waiting to see what the dawn would bring.

One hill: one Marine.

But "In the early morning light, the enemy could be seen a few yards off, and vapor from the barrels of their machine guns was clearly visible," reports historian Lippman. "It was decided to try to rush the position."

For the task, Major Conoley gathered together "three enlisted communication personnel, several riflemen, a few company runners who were at the point, together with a cook and a few messmen who had brought food to the position the evening before."

Joined by Paige, this ad hoc force of 17 Marines counterattacked at5:40 a.m., discovering that this extremely short range allowed the optimum use of grenades. They cleared the ridge.

And that's where the previously unstoppable wave of Japanese conquests finally broke and began to recede. On an unnamed jungle ridge on an insignificant island no one had ever heard of, called Guadalcanal .

But who remembers,today, how close-run a thing it was, the ridge held by a single Marine, in the autumn of 1942?

Some time after, when the Hasbro Toy Co. telephoned asking permission to put the retired Colonel's face on some kid's doll, Mitchell Paige thought they must be joking.

But they weren't. That's his face on the little Marine they call "G.I. Joe."

Thursday, September 11, 2014

Is this the first strike or second...I don't remember. theres Gold in them there hills.

Inflation in the US causes growth overseas

Because business men moved way to much manufacturing overseas the current economic model will not work.... Unfortunately unemployment here in the US will also not cause growth overseas. The reason is simple; if you make goods overseas to sell here but the people you need to buy the stuff don't have money then you won't be making your stuff  to sell over there or here. In order for the economy to grow the manufacturing has to be brought back here and the people here have to be gainfully employed.  The economic brigands have won. Unfortunately what they won is an eventual place in hell... they need about ten years of food and a hell of a bunker to hide in for about that long.

Monday, September 1, 2014

Brad Owens:

"I am in the military and was at lunch one day when this cop walks up to me and says "you soldiers think you are so bad ass don't you. You really aren't needed and in the near future we will she you how tough you are. Trust me, I can take you out and not even be scared of you. The best part, I'll be following orders." I just laughed and said "4 tours in the middle east involved in direct combat on more occasions than I care to remember with several bullet holes in me means you have little to no chance of 'taking me'."And what orders could you possibly be given to come arrest me or any of my soldiers?" He smirked and said "you'll see, You soldier boys will all see and you'll go quietly or go dead!" I lost my cool at this point, but one of my buddies pulled me away. As we were leaving I looked back and he had his thumb and in the shape of a gun pointing it at me. Now I'm 6' and close to 200lbs and am very athletic and this guy couldn't be more than 5' 5" and was probably 200lbs himself so I wonder where his bravery come from? Guess he ate his wheaties. What concerns me was the part about getting orders to come after soldiers. I hope there was no truth in it because if there is I need get my family somewhere safe before the fun begins. Take me out, good luck. And don't worry America, me and all my buddies and all my soldiers will protect you with our lives. Been talkin about this for a while. We swore to protect you against all enemies, foreign and domestic no matter what someone orders us to do."