Monday, September 1, 2014

Brad Owens:

"I am in the military and was at lunch one day when this cop walks up to me and says "you soldiers think you are so bad ass don't you. You really aren't needed and in the near future we will she you how tough you are. Trust me, I can take you out and not even be scared of you. The best part, I'll be following orders." I just laughed and said "4 tours in the middle east involved in direct combat on more occasions than I care to remember with several bullet holes in me means you have little to no chance of 'taking me'."And what orders could you possibly be given to come arrest me or any of my soldiers?" He smirked and said "you'll see, You soldier boys will all see and you'll go quietly or go dead!" I lost my cool at this point, but one of my buddies pulled me away. As we were leaving I looked back and he had his thumb and in the shape of a gun pointing it at me. Now I'm 6' and close to 200lbs and am very athletic and this guy couldn't be more than 5' 5" and was probably 200lbs himself so I wonder where his bravery come from? Guess he ate his wheaties. What concerns me was the part about getting orders to come after soldiers. I hope there was no truth in it because if there is I need get my family somewhere safe before the fun begins. Take me out, good luck. And don't worry America, me and all my buddies and all my soldiers will protect you with our lives. Been talkin about this for a while. We swore to protect you against all enemies, foreign and domestic no matter what someone orders us to do." 

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