Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Because nohwere else is it more plain that the people have spoken than in a jury verdict.

The U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia has stated as recently as 1972 that there exists “an unreviewable and unreversible power in the jury, to acquit in disregard of the instructions on the law given by the trial judge…” See United States v. Dougherty, 473 F.2d 1113, 1132 (D.C. Cir. 1972) (this case also includes an excellent discussion of the history and evolution of the idea of jury nullification in America

Monday, December 22, 2014

Jesus fulfilled prophecy

Today I wanted to share the prophecies of the Old Testament that were foretold of Jesus's birth and where in the New Testament that shows they were fulfilled.
What God wrote in His Word will be done. From the beginning of Creation until His return. When God says He will do something, He will do it. Praising God for sending His Son Jesus to us! Jesus is God's special blessing, the reason for the season, the Prince of Peace, Councilor, King and Savior. God Bless~ and written by Mark Driscoll:
1. Jesus will come from the line of Abraham. Prophecy: Genesis 12:3. Fulfilled: Matthew 1:1.
2. Jesus’ mother will be a virgin. Prophecy: Isaiah 7:14. Fulfilled: Matthew 1:18–23.
3. Jesus will be a descendent of Isaac and Jacob. Prophecy: Genesis 17:19 and Numbers 24:17. Fulfilled: Matthew 1:2.
4. Jesus will be born in the town Bethlehem. Prophecy: Micah 5:2. Fulfilled: Luke 2:1–7.
5. Jesus will be called out of Egypt. Prophecy: Hosea 11:1. Fulfilled: Matthew 2:13–15.
6. Jesus will be a member of the tribe of Judah. Prophecy: Genesis 49:10. Fulfilled: Luke 3:33.
7. Jesus will enter the temple. This is important because the temple was destroyed in A.D. 70 and was never rebuilt. Prophecy: Malachi 3:1. Fulfilled: Luke 2:25–27.
8. Jesus will be from the lineage of King David. Prophecy: Jeremiah 23:5. Fulfilled: Matthew 1:6.
9. Jesus’ birth will be accompanied with great suffering and sorrow. Prophecy: Jeremiah 31:15. Fulfilled: Matthew 2:16.
10. Jesus will live a perfect life, die by crucifixion, resurrect from death, ascend into heaven, and sit at the right hand of God. Prophecies: Psalm 22:16; Psalm 16:10; Isaiah 53:10–11; Psalm 68:18; Psalm 110:1. Fulfilled: 1 Peter 2:21–22; Luke 23:33; Acts 2:25–32; Acts 1:9; Hebrews 1:3.

Sunday, December 21, 2014

Why there are wars and rumors of wars.

".... when a nation no longer has a single unified culture and cultural identity then the politicians, police, 'justice system' and military will believe and act as if they are God. We will tower of babel divide and colonize all white cultures, it will be permanent and irreversible." CFR member (NWO)

Sunday, December 14, 2014

Monday, December 1, 2014

Once the threat of imminent danger has passed.....CEASE FIRE!

Tennessee v. Garner, U.S. Supreme Court

 "The use of deadly force to prevent the escape of all felony suspects, whatever the circumstances, is constitutionally unreasonable. It is not better that all felony suspects die than that they escape. Where the suspect poses no immediate threat to the officer and no threat to others, the harm resulting from failing to apprehend him does not justify the use of deadly force to do so. It is no doubt unfortunate when a suspect who is in sight escapes, but the fact that the police arrive a little late or are a little slower afoot does not always justify killing the suspect. A police officer may not seize an unarmed, nondangerous suspect by shooting him dead. The Tennessee statute is unconstitutional insofar as it authorizes the use of deadly force against such fleeing suspects."

Sunday, October 19, 2014

The worst disease since the Plague


"So a few months ago the country was enthralled with the idea of a few patients, infected with the Ebola virus, coming to the United States. Up until this point, we had been safe from Ebola due to the fact that bats can’t fly over the Atlantic. Some people were completely indifferent, while others had seen Outbreak one too many times. Most were a healthy mix, somewhere in between, but what bothered me the most was both the lack of education and the poor information that was spreading more virulently than the virus could ever hope to.
First, I want to stress that I am a nurse, not a virologist, and hopefully throughout my post you will see that I am not pretending to be one. I have a Bachelor’s in Nursing and am currently a graduate student. I have worked extensively with Infectious Disease Specialists. I have been exposed to almost every infectious disease known to the modern world. I have taken courses in Biology, Microbiology, Anatomy, Physiology, Pathophysiology, Advanced Pathophysiology, Pharmacology, and an assortment of others. However, I am not and will not pretend to be an expert, just an experienced professional. When it comes to an epidemic of any sort, my first focus is on the patient, protecting and healing them, my second focus is on protecting the community. I don’t care about which strain does what, or what we can do with in lab. As a nurse, I concern myself with the current patient and future possible patients. I feel the first thing we should examine is Ebola itself. It is foreign to the US, both literally and figuratively. What it does to people and how it harmonizes with nature are both things that most westerners have little concept of. It is a virus, not a bacteria. This means that it is not its own organism. It is actually much smaller and basic than you can imagine. It is nothing more than a few pieces of DNA/RNA and some proteins. No cell wall, no cytoplasm, no metabolic functions. This is both their advantage and their downfall. Viruses require a host. For this example I will use the HIV virus. HIV gets into the human body and invades the host’s white blood cells, T4 cells to be exact but I won’t get that involved. The proteins help get the virus into the cell and those few small sequences of DNA/RNA write themselves into the host DNA/RNA. Now instead of the white blood cell attacking invaders, it is nothing more than an HIV factory. All of its metabolic functions are redirected at producing more of the virus, which pours out of the white blood cell like a sieve until eventually the host cell dies. This is why HIV infected patients have poor immune systems. The virus re-writes the DNA of the host cells. This is not something we can stop. New viruses are pouring out of the white blood cells at a rate of millions a day. We cannot filter them out. We cannot “kill” a little chunk of DNA and we don’t know enough about the human genome to correct the DNA sequences. This is why a lot of viral infections like HIV, Herpes, and Hepatitis are life long infections. HIV invades the white blood cells, Herpes invade the nerve roots, and Hepatitis invades the liver.
Now that we have a better grasp of viruses, we will focus on Ebola a bit more. In tropical Africa, Ebola naturally lives in bats. It is nice to the bats and doesn’t cause them many issues. It is rumored that there are many viruses humans carry our entire lives and have no idea because they show zero symptoms. Therefore, they have never been studied. If this sounds crazy, just remember that it was in recent years the we discovered there was a virus behind cervical cancer. A virus that men can carry and spread without ever knowing they have it. Where the problem arises is that in tropical Africa, people like to eat bats. Sometimes they get infected with Ebola and it spreads. This process is called Zoonosis and can be true of bacteria or viruses. Racoons carry Rabies, Armadillos carry Leprosy, Birds carry the Flu, Bats carry Ebola.
When I said Westerners don’t really understand Ebola, the primary aspect that I am talking about is the patient. We don’t ever see what Ebola does. Our media is too censored, we hear how many died, and see people in haz-mat suits. Speaking of suits, we’ve all seen the pictures. Rubber gloves are adequate for AIDS and hepatitis, a simple mask (N95) stops Tuberculosis, but this requires space suits, just keep that in mind when you think its no big deal. So here is what happens when you catch Ebola, I figure you’re getting bored with reading right about now, so I’ll spice it up. First the virus gets into your system, I’ll elaborate on that later. Then, it hangs out for a few days, even up to 21, growing, multiplying at a rate of millions a day, and guess what, you’re infectious. Now at this point it would pretty much require a straight blood to blood interaction so the only real threat here is for IV drug users who share needles. Just like with the flu or hand foot and mouth disease, you can be spreading it to others before you show a symptom*(apparently not many see the *, so please read the elaboration at the bottom). Remember, nurse mind set, protect the community. At first it’s not bad, little nausea, some sweating, diarrhea, much like a stomach bug. But then the virus really starts to build up in your liver and adrenal glands, after it has saturated your blood cells, the lining of your vessel, your skin, and bones. Hepatocellular necrosis occurs, which is fancy term for your liver starts to decompose.Your liver is what regulates blood clotting. This causes your blood either clot up and turn to jelly in your veins, stay liquid and bleed profusely, or a combo of both. The adrenal glands then do the same, causing your blood pressure to drop. This requires lots of IV fluids to keep your circulating volume up. At the same time inflammatory cytokines are released which causes vascular leakage. Cells don’t do a good job of holding things together so it all becomes a bloody goop. Anywhere in your body that blood vessels are shallow, like your nose, ears, gums, throat, GI tract, urethra, vagina, rectum, all start oozing fluids and bleeding because the tissues that normally keep it contained are disintegrating. So now you bleed from every orifice, including your eyeballs. Every time someone or something touches you, your tissue gets damaged which further the cycle, so a shot in the arm can turn into a massive blood blister. Those who survive are left with massive scarring. Since the adrenals cannot keep your blood pressure up, and you are losing blood and fluids, we have to put IV fluids in to keep you out of hypovolemic shock. This in turn reduces your blood concentration, lowering your oxygen carrying capacity, which causes your heart to race. So you lay in bed, oozing fluids from everywhere, all while feeling like you just ran a marathon, with bloody diarrhea, oh and did I mention pain? Lots and lots of pain, but you can’t have any pain medicine because your liver and kidneys have failed. This why it pains me when I see this outbreak ONLY has a 50% death rate, when in Africa it is up to 90%…ONLY 50%. That is literally worse than cancer, and people are blowing it off. Imagine if cancer was infectious, and you lived in a country with zero cancer, and someone thought it would be a good idea to fly a few people in. I think there would be a different attitude.
The biggest part of the discussion is how Ebola is spread. I will say two things on the topic, no, it is not airborne, and yes, basic hygiene plays a HUGE factor. But while on the topic of whether it is or is not airborne, the definition of an airborne contagion is one that can freely float in the air, survive lengths of time, and infect someone else. VERY few things fit in this category, most have been eradicated, Small Pox, Tuberculosis, Measles. Things that are also NOT airborne, are the flu and the cold. For the flu, you have to come into direct contact with the patients body fluids. How then, do you explain why people catch it and have no idea how. Well for one, people can spread it before they show symptoms, just like Ebola, and one other HUGE factor…droplets….let that word really sink in. The virus may not be airborne, but the droplets are. I’m going to digress for a second and get back to HIV and Hepatitis, while I let droplets dwell in your mind. Everyone knows that HIV and Hepatitis are spread by blood contact, and sexual fluids, I don’t mean a drop of blood on the skin, or even a mucous membrane, it has to get INSIDE of you. This is why only gloves are required. HIV and Hepatitis are not found in urine, stool (Some forms of hepatitis are, but you have to eat the stool to get infected) saliva, sweat, tears, or mucous. This is where some viruses are different. The flu gets into your mucous and other secretions, Ebola tends to stay in the blood, but remember, every one of your bodily fluids are full of blood now. So a person with the flu sneezes, and now millions of little droplets (remember those guys?) shoot out of their nose at nearly mach 1, all across the room, same for a cough, all it takes is a little microscopic droplet to land in your eye, nose, mouth, or the unlikely scenario of an open wound, and you’ve now been infected, because you came in CONTACT with their bodily fluids. I see the word contact thrown around a lot, but most people think of mass amounts of contact with blood, but what they don’t realize is that contact also includes microscopic mucous and saliva droplets, each one chock full of Ebola. Bacteria can survive for long periods of time without a host because they are their own organism. They can feed on just about anything and be happy. Viruses lifespan without a host is much shorter. Their goal is to infect, replicate, and spread, if they cant replicate, they die. Measles only lives 2 hours. But Ebola, depending on what data you look at, can survive for several days.
So with all this information, lets have some role play, so that you can see exactly what this means, to a nurse, in the real world. Imagine it as a cheesy PSA or lifetime movie. You go to see your doctor because its that time of year, you need some blood drawn and refills of your blood pressure med. You sit patiently in the waiting room, thumbing a magazine while your 2-year-old plays with her toys. Like all two year olds, she touches everything, and everything goes in her mouth, toys, pens, her own fingers. She is a 22 lb drool factory and you love her to pieces. You see the doctor, get your goodies, and go home. A week later your angel starts vomiting blood and within 3 days she dies because her heart raced so fast it finally gave up while trying to maintain a blood pressure. Her eyes are blood red and demonic, her skin falls off in sheets. What you don’t know is that 3 days before your visit, someone thought they had the flu. It is October you see and they sneezed while thumbing through that very same magazine you thumbed through. The same thumb you grabbed her pacifier out of your purse with in the waiting room. The people caring for Ebola patients wear space suits, and burn the bodies, yet it still spreads. Here in America, we have much better protocols, and much better hygiene. So if it spreads, it will be contained much better. Still, it spreads prior to symptoms and survives will outside the body, just like the flu. Despite vaccines and good hand washing, thousands still get the flu every year. But while the flu kills 1-2% of its victims, Ebola kills 50% on a good day, and spreads the same way. So please, do not write it off as hype. It is a real thing and it is here.
The case in Dallas has been confirmed. The patient had contact with five children and adolescents prior to admission. Those five kids attend four of the largest schools in Dallas. One sneeze and we could already have thousands of people, who don’t know it yet, infected.
Thank you for reading. Please feel free to comment.
Symptoms* I have had a lot of comments in regards to this. I picked my words carefully, but I never imagined getting thousands of views an hour, or my article getting picked apart, but I will try to elaborate now. I said spread, the virus, I did not say you were contagious. What I meant by this, was the summation of two concepts. To fully explain everything I could write a book, but this is meant to be short and sweet. The first concept is that of a fomite. We have established that the virus can survive for an unspecified amount of time outside the host, and we have established that sneezing/coughing is a perfectly logical method of transmission. So if patient A is infectious/contagious, they sneeze on patient B, but then patient B goes home and picks up their sisters 1 6 month old, who rubs his face, and licks all over your shoulder, he could very well have just orally consumed large quantities of the virus, therefore become patient C. Patient B never got sick, the virus never entered their system, yet they are responsible for spreading the virus to someone else. This is why the 5 exposed kids are so important, there may only be a 2% chance or whatever that they’ll get sick, but if they went to school, and each rubbed up against  500 kids in the hallways, you now have 2500 exposed kids, 50 of which will statistically become infected, 25 of which will probably die. No I do not have a source for the 2%, that is just an EXAMPLE number used to represent the relatively low likelihood of contracting the virus if exposed, granted the R0 factor of R2 is correct. Remember, heal the patient, PROTECT the community. The second concept of this is defining “symptom”. Lets assume it means anything other than your baseline condition. That means the first signs of being contagious, are also the more mild symptoms, sneezy, achy, nausea, flu-like symptoms. So who is going to wake up, feel a little under the weather, and think, crap, I have Ebola, better get quarantined, no, THAT’S how you start fear mongering and mass panic. Again, flu season is upon us, the initial stages of Ebola are like the flu, and its human nature to be in denial, so many people, if infected, would hope its just the flu and wait it out, they are not showing symptoms indicative of Ebola, but they ARE symptomatic of something, and therefore, by the CDC definition, would be contagious. Its also normal procedure for people to be symptomatic BEFORE seeking medical care, so technically, everyone will be contagious, BEFORE knowing they have Ebola. But like I said before, I omitted this lengthy explanation because I didn’t feel it was necessary for the point of the article.
ADDENDUM: Sadly, I feel the need to point out that the title of this blog is “Ebola, A Nurse’s Perspective”, not “A Nurse’s Guide to Surviving the Apocalypse”, or “How to Become an Ebola Expert in 15 minutes”.  It could just as well be “Hamburgers, A Chef’s Perspective” and no one would be hounding me over grammar, a misplaced comma, or wanting citations as to why I say it should be on the grill 5 minutes per side of 7 minutes per side. The point is those things are irrelevant to the goal of the article, this is MY perspective (a particular attitude toward or way of regarding something; a point of view.) I don’t have to prove anything, the point of my article is to take what the uneducated (in a medical sense) journalists say, what the talking heads on TV say, and then let you know what the people say who are on the front lines. That’s like discrediting your grandads account of what happened when he stormed Normandy beach, because its not what your history teacher told you. Have I experienced Ebola first hand? Nope, have I experienced a WHOLE lot of other things that the majority of the population has not? You bet your ass I have, and I felt the need to take the time to hopefully help other people out a little. So please keep that in mind, I’m not perfect, but my experiences are my experiences, and I wanted to share them with you, to let you inside the head of a nurse for a minute."

Sunday, October 12, 2014

This was posted to my facebook page....

"I received this in an email today.
Read on for a little history about the Barbery Pirates.
Here is a little history. Including how the term ‘Leatherneck’ came to be .
. .

Most Americans are unaware of the fact that over two hundred years ago, the United States had declared war on Islam, and Thomas Jefferson led the charge!
At the height of the eighteenth century, Muslim pirates were the terror of the Mediterranean and a large area of the North Atlantic. They attacked every ship in sight, and held the crews for exorbitant ransoms. Those taken hostage were subjected to barbaric treatment and wrote heart breaking letters home, begging their government and
family members to pay whatever their Mohammedan captors demanded.
These extortionists of the high seas represented the Islamic nations of Tripoli, Tunis, Morocco, and Algiers – collectively referred to as the Barbary Coast – and presented a dangerous and unprovoked threat to the new American Republic.
Before the Revolutionary War, U.S. merchant ships had
been under the protection of Great Britain. When the U.S. declared its independence and entered into war, the ships of the United States were protected by France. However, once the war was won, America had to protect its own fleets. Thus, the birth of the U.S. Navy.
Beginning in1784, seventeen years before he would become president, Thomas Jefferson became America’s Minister to France. That same year, the U.S. Congress sought to appease its Muslim adversaries by following in
the footsteps of European nations who paid bribes to the Barbary States, rather than engaging them in war.
In July of 1785, Algerian pirates captured American ships, and the Dey of Algiers demanded an unheard-of ransom of $60,000. It was a plain and simple case of extortion, and Thomas Jefferson was vehemently opposed to any further
payments. Instead, he proposed to Congress the formation of a coalition of allied nations who together could force the Islamic states into peace. A disinterested Congress decided to pay the ransom.
In 1786, Thomas Jefferson and John Adams met with Tripoli’s ambassador to Great Britain to ask by what right his nation attacked American ships and enslaved American citizens, and why Muslims held so much hostility towards
America, a nation with which they had no previous contacts.
The two future presidents reported that Ambassador Sidi Haji Abdul Rahman Adja had answered that Islam "was founded on the Laws of their Prophet, that it was written in their Quran, that all nations who should not have
acknowledged their authority were sinners, that it was their right and duty to make war upon them wherever they could be found, and to make slaves of all they could take as Prisoners, and that every Musselman (Muslim) who should be slain in Battlewas sure to go to Paradise."
Despite of this stunning admission ofpremeditated
violence on non-Muslim nations, as well as the objections of many notable American leaders, including George Washington, who warned that caving in was both wrong and would only further embolden the enemy, for the following fifteen years, the American government paid the Muslims millions of dollars for the safe passage of American ships or the return of American hostages. The payments in ransom and tribute amounted to
over twenty percent of the United States government annual revenues in 1800.
Jefferson was disgusted. Shortly after his being sworn in as the third President of the United States in 1801, the Pasha of Tripoli sent him a note demanding the immediate payment of $225,000 plus $25,000 a year for every year forthcoming. That changed everything. Jefferson let the Pasha know, in no uncertain terms, what he could do with his demand. The Pasha responded by cutting down the flagpole at the American consulate and declared war on the United States. Tunis, Morocco, and Algiers immediately followed suit. Jefferson, until now, had been against America raising a naval force for anything beyond coastal defense, but having watched his nation be cowed by Islamic thuggery for long enough, decided that is was
finally time to meet force with force.
He dispatched a squadron of frigates to the Mediterranean and taught the Muslim nations of the Barbary Coast a lesson he hoped they would never forget. Congress
authorized Jefferson to empower U.S. ships to seize all vessels and goods of the Pasha of Tripoli and to “cause to be done all other acts of precaution or hostility as the state of war would justify”.
When Algiers and Tunis, who were both accustomed to American cowardice and acquiescence, saw the newly independent United States had both the will and the might to strike back, they quickly abandoned their allegiance to
Tripoli. The war with Tripoli lasted for four more
years, and raged up again in 1815. The bravery of the U.S. Marine Corps in these wars led to the line “to the shores of Tripoli” in the Marine Hymn, They would forever be known as “leathernecks” for the leather collars of their uniforms, designed to prevent their heads from being cut off by the Muslim scimitars when boarding enemy ships.
Islam, and what its Barbary followers justified
doing in the name of their prophet and their god, disturbed Jefferson quite deeply. America had a tradition of religious tolerance, the fact that Jefferson, himself, had co-authored the Virginia Statute for Religious Freedom, but fundamentalist Islam was like no other religion
the world had ever seen. A religion based on supremacism, whose holy book not only condoned but mandated violence against unbelievers was unacceptable to him. His greatest fear was that someday this
brand of Islam would return and pose an even greater threat to the United States.
This should bother every American. That the Islams have brought about women-only classes and swimming times at taxpayer-funded universities and public pools; that Christians, Jews, and Hindus have been banned from serving on juries where Muslim defendants are being judged, Piggy banks and Porky Pig tissue dispensers
have been banned from workplaces because they offend Islamist sensibilities. Ice cream has been discontinued at certain Burger King locations because the picture on the wrapper looks similar to the Arabic script for Allah, public schools are pulling pork from their menus, on and on in the news papers….It’s death by a thousand cuts, or inch-by-inch as some refer to it, and most Americans
have no idea that this battle is being waged every day across America. By not fighting back, by allowing groups to obfuscate what is really happening, andnot insisting that the Islamists adapt to our own culture, the United States is cutting its own throat with a politically correct knife, and helping to further the Islamists agenda.

Sadly, it appears thattoday’s America would rather be "politically correct" than victorious.
Any doubts, just Google Thomas Jefferson vs the Muslim World"

Friday, October 10, 2014

Is it Huxley or Orwell.

We were keeping our eye on 1984. When the year came and the prophecy didn't, thoughtful Americans sang softly in praise of themselves. The roots of liberal demo...cracy had held. Wherever else the terror had happened, we, at least, had not been visited by Orwellian nightmares.
But we had forgotten that alongside Orwell's dark vision, there was another - slightly older, slightly less well known, equally chilling: Aldous Huxley's Brave New World. Contrary to common belief even among the educated, Huxley and Orwell did not prophesy the same thing. Orwell warns that we will be overcome by an externally imposed oppression. But in Huxley's vision, no Big Brother is required to deprive people of their autonomy, maturity and history. As he saw it, people will come to love their oppression, to adore the technologies that undo their capacities to think.
What Orwell feared were those who would ban books. What Huxley feared was that there would be no reason to ban a book, for there would be no one who wanted to read one. Orwell feared those who would deprive us of information. Huxley feared those who would give us so much that we would be reduced to passivity and egoism. Orwell feared that the truth would be concealed from us. Huxley feared the truth would be drowned in a sea of irrelevance. Orwell feared we would become a captive culture. Huxley feared we would become a trivial culture, preoccupied with some equivalent of the feelies, the orgy porgy, and the centrifugal bumblepuppy. As Huxley remarked in Brave New World Revisited, the civil libertarians and rationalists who are ever on the alert to oppose tyranny "failed to take into account man's almost infinite appetite for distractions." In 1984, Orwell added, people are controlled by inflicting pain. In Brave New World, they are controlled by inflicting pleasure. In short, Orwell feared that what we fear will ruin us. Huxley feared that what we desire will ruin us. ~ Neil Postman
We cannot buy wine, tobacco, or salt without paying the tax. And a part of the tax that we pay is given by law — in privileges and subsidies — to men who are richer than we are. Others use the law to raise the prices of bread, meat, iron, or cloth. Thus, since everyone else uses the law for his own profit, we also would like to use the law for our own profit.
Frederic Bastiat's

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Obama not qualified for presidential office....

Suzanne Daughtry Atwell AP – WASHINGTON D.C. In a move certain to fuel the debate over Obama’s qualifications for the presidency, the group “Americans for Freedom of Information” has Released copies of President Obama’s college transcripts from Occidental College … Released today, the transcript school indicates that Obama, under the name Barry Soetoro, received financial aid as a foreign student from Indonesia as an undergraduate. The transcript was released by Occidental College in compliance with a court order in a suit brought by the group in the Superior Court of California. The transcript shows that Obama (Soetoro) applied for financial aid and was awarded a fellowship for foreign students from the Fulbright Foundation Scholarship program. To qualify, for the scholarship, a student must claim foreign citizenship. This document would seem to provide the smoking gun that many of Obama’s detractors have been seeking. Along with the evidence that he was first born in Kenya and there is no record of him ever applying for US citizenship, this is looking pretty grim. The news has created a firestorm at the White House as the release casts increasing doubt about Obama’s legitimacy and qualification to serve as President article titled, “Obama Eligibility Questioned,” leading some to speculate that the story may overshadow economic issues on Obama’s first official visit to the U.K. In a related matter, under growing pressure from several groups, Justice Antonin Scalia announced that the Supreme Court agreed on Tuesday to hear arguments concerning Obama’s legal eligibility to serve as President in a case brought by Leo Donofrio of New Jersey . This lawsuit claims Obama’s dual c itizenship disqualified him from serving as president.. Donofrio’s case is just one of 18 suits brought by citizens demanding proof of Obama’s citizenship or qualification to serve as president.

Sunday, October 5, 2014

A message of destruction and resurrection

From Ronald Cody Erkkila;
Throughout history; whenever there is about to be a changeover in monetary dominance, there was great turmoil or major war.... The world is once again in that place.... By all note of foreign unrest; we the United States of America are being blamed. We are that beast that must be overcome to them.... I know that after posting huge numbers of articles spelling out those perceptions I must say; that since we in a world of perceptions now, and not reality, and due to logistical capabilities we are going to be invaded...No sooner than Sept 13th 2015.... Simply because of perceptions.... Simply because of the people's ignorance....
Many Christians pray and because of their faith; are simply ignoring world events, and willfully chastising wrongfully, people they think are chicken little's.... But I have found support for this catastrophe in the bible, and in historical record going back as far as Israel and Babylon.
I believe we are the glorious land; spoken of in the book of Daniel, that land of pork eaters, and that land of fat ones...
Since I believe that we are that land of destiny spoken of in the bible that none of your prayers will bear fruit if they be for forbearance of God's wrath;
except that the word of God be fulfilled.... Believe though that as much devastation as the world may lay upon this land; and as many people that may be killed, and taken away into slavery, that this land will endure, and to that end; I encourage you all to pray, that we being given fair warning from God through signs and wonders; and from the mouths of many wise people; that it behooves us to prepare for this coming battle to ward off pestilence and starvation to be an encouragement to one another remembering that by belief in God, and by his Son, has already given this nation victory. and that it is to the liberty that God has declared to us, and that in the end of this matter, we will again glorify His name; having been purged from our unrighteousness.
In our losses; we might never forget that it was our hubris and pride that brought our down fall, and upon proper atonement of our sins; those of not being watchful against the demons of chaos and hell. Yet will God give unto us the gift of humility that he may raise us up as a land to be counted with the lambs....forever.
Though I am a base man and am not worthy; I have been given this as a message from God to give to whom so ever would hear it.

Tuesday, September 30, 2014

A quote from Teddy Rosevelt.

"It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood; who strives valiantly; who errs, who comes short again and again, because there is no effort without error and shortcoming; but who does actually strive to do the deeds; who knows great enthusiasms, the great devotions; who spends himself in a worthy cause; who at the best knows in the end the triumph of high achievement, and who at the worst, if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who neither know victory nor defeat. Shame on the man of cultivated taste who permits refinement to develop into fastidiousness that unfits him for doing the rough work of a workaday world. Among the free peoples who govern themselves there is but a small field of usefulness open for the men of cloistered life who shrink from contact with their fellows. Still less room is there for those who deride of slight what is done by those who actually bear the brunt of the day; nor yet for those others who always profess that they would like to take action, if only the conditions of life were not exactly what they actually are. The man who does nothing cuts the same sordid figure in the pages of history, whether he be a cynic, or fop, or voluptuary. There is little use for the being whose tepid soul knows nothing of great and generous emotion, of the high pride, the stern belief, the lofty enthusiasm, of the men who quell the storm and ride the thunder. Well for these men if they succeed; well also, though not so well, if they fail, given only that they have nobly ventured, and have put forth all their heart and strength. It is war-worn Hotspur, spent with hard fighting, he of the many errors and valiant end, over whose memory we love to linger, not over the memory of the young lord who "but for the vile guns would have been a valiant soldier." 

I am not the  greatest fan of Teddy but He wasn't the worst president....There isn't but one head though that belongs at Mount Rushmore and that is George Washington's.

Sunday, September 28, 2014

Fed study finds global warming normal

I think I said this before. There are people out there who believe that symbolism is the way to live your life... they include people that believe God is talking to them indirectly and that if they take the first letter of a word and make new words they can know what to do. Such as global warming. It would mean. God wins. So they then would assume that hot weather is God but since they oppose God would be against it. Or climate change is; Christ Christ, but since they are against Jesus then they would be against all things Christian.

To me that makes about as much sense as eating crap.... Not a very good picture but I think it gets across the seriousness of the insanity of Global warming alarmists. Most of the GWA's are just stupid mindless drones who want to be someone's slave or serf anyway.

Climate change is a hoax but the prime Shepard of the earth is not.

In the meantime Fall is always beautiful....

Saturday, September 27, 2014

Another ramp up

Cop got shot in Ferguson....then the cops killed a guy who may or may not have been connected with the shooting.... Can't wait....Be exciting to see all out war break out in Ferguson. Come on cops, can't you go after the people any harder than that? I would bet that 10,000 people in Fergy got guns; you think you can handle that, tough guy's...

351 days to go; and the economy goes bye bye and with the economy the dollar...Don't know what's going to start it all but I can guarantee that Law enforcement gets destroyed...

Here is another thought I had. After the war is over the people will outlaw Law enforcement. Probably by constitutional amendment.

Thursday, September 25, 2014

We are going to get invaded

  If for no other reason than to stop the United States and it's several governments from it's Bullshit.
Don't be surprised if they don't say they are coming to save us from the criminal governments(local, state, aaand federal).

With Obama bombing Syria with out congressional approval(so I heard) And foreign governments and media outlets blaming the U.S. for the Ebola virus and a crap ton of news regarding the suppression of the American people and their rights Obama trying to stir up a war with Russia, the taking of a confrontational attitude with China; both nuclear powers....Russia flying Bear bombers again in border probing patrols, and China parking Nuclear armed Subs off the East coast; plus a hundred other things that I could mention.

Can anyone wonder if the world will come to the realization that the solution to their problems is to destroy the USA especially it's governments......

Judge Napalitanos speach that got him fire from Fox.

Saturday, September 13, 2014

9/13/2014 Today is the day...

From this day forward I shall say that the economy will be utterly defunct less than one year from now..... After that there shall come the invasion. I am glad that I did not make these predictions and glad that I was the tool used to discern them.... If I have been truly that tool then I will be vindicated; if I was only deceived then call me happy and  relieved either way too God be the Glory.

On this day 2015 I am sure that the governments of the US shall be dissolved in a massive chaos. I hope that the governments shall repent of the wickedness that they have done and return to the constitution because that is it's only hope. In the constitution includes the allowance of all to worship God openly.

Otherwise; no God no peace.

Friday, September 12, 2014

G.I. Joe passed away....

"Who remembers G.I. Joe as a kid!?!?
If you loved G.I. Joe you will love this. Read to the end to understand. A friend sent to me this morning.
On Nov. 15, 2003, an 85-year-old retired Marine Corps Colonel died of congestive heart failure at his home in La Quinta, Calif., southeast of Palm Springs .

He was a combat veteran of World War II. Reason enough to honor him. But this Marine was a little different. This Marine was Mitchell Paige. It's hard today to envision -- or, for the dwindling few, to remember -- what the world looked like on26 Oct 1942.

The U.S. Navy was not the most powerful fighting force in the Pacific. Not by a long shot. So the Navy basically dumped a few thousand Marines on the beach at Guadalcanal.

As Platoon Sgt. Mitchell Paige and his 33 riflemen set about carefully embracing their four water-cooled .30-caliber Browning machine guns, manning their section of the thin khaki line which was expected to defend Henderson Field against the assault of the night of 25 Oct 1942, it's unlikely anyone thought they were about to provide the definitive answer to that most desperate of questions: How many able-bodied U.S. Marines does it take to hold a hill against 2,000 desperate and motivated Japanese attackers?

Nor did the commanders of the Japanese Army, who had swept everything before them for decades, expect their advance to be halted on some jungle ridge manned by one thin line of Marines in October of 1942.

But by the time the night was over, The Japanese 29th Infantry Regiment has lost 553 killed or missing and 479 wounded among its 2,554 men, historian David Lippman reports. The Japanese 16th Regiment's losses are uncounted, but the [US] 164th's burial parties handled 975 Japanese bodies. ... The American estimate of 2,200 Japanese dead is probably too low.

Among the 90 American dead and seriously wounded that night were all the men in Mitchell Paige's platoon; every one. As the night of endless attacks wore on, Paige moved up and down his line, pulling his dead and wounded comrades back into their foxholes and firing a few bursts from each of the four Browning's in turn, convincing the Japanese forces down the hill that the positions were still manned.

The citation for Paige's Medal of Honor Citation defines the event: "When the enemy broke through the line directly in front of his position, P/Sgt. Paige, commanding a machine gun section with fearless determination, continued to direct the fire of his gunners until all his men were either killed or wounded. Alone, against the deadly hail of Japanese shells, he fought with his gun and when it was destroyed, took over another, moving from gun to gun, never ceasing his withering fire."

In the end, Sgt. Paige picked up the last of the 40-pound, belt-fed Browning's (the same design which John M. Browning fired for a continuous 25 minutes until it ran out of ammunition, glowing cherry red, at its first U.S. Army demonstration) and did something for which the weapon was never designed. Sgt. Paige walked down the hill toward the place where he could hear the last Japanese survivors rallying to move around his flank, the belt-fed gun cradled under his arm, firing as he went.

The weapon did not fail.

At dawn, battalion executive officer Major Odell M. Conoley was first to discover the answer to our question: How many able-bodied Marines does it take to hold a hill against two regiments of motivated, combat-hardened Japanese infantrymen who have never known defeat?

On a hill where the bodies were piled like cordwood, Mitchell Paige alone sat upright behind his 30-caliber Browning, waiting to see what the dawn would bring.

One hill: one Marine.

But "In the early morning light, the enemy could be seen a few yards off, and vapor from the barrels of their machine guns was clearly visible," reports historian Lippman. "It was decided to try to rush the position."

For the task, Major Conoley gathered together "three enlisted communication personnel, several riflemen, a few company runners who were at the point, together with a cook and a few messmen who had brought food to the position the evening before."

Joined by Paige, this ad hoc force of 17 Marines counterattacked at5:40 a.m., discovering that this extremely short range allowed the optimum use of grenades. They cleared the ridge.

And that's where the previously unstoppable wave of Japanese conquests finally broke and began to recede. On an unnamed jungle ridge on an insignificant island no one had ever heard of, called Guadalcanal .

But who remembers,today, how close-run a thing it was, the ridge held by a single Marine, in the autumn of 1942?

Some time after, when the Hasbro Toy Co. telephoned asking permission to put the retired Colonel's face on some kid's doll, Mitchell Paige thought they must be joking.

But they weren't. That's his face on the little Marine they call "G.I. Joe."

Thursday, September 11, 2014

Is this the first strike or second...I don't remember. theres Gold in them there hills.

Inflation in the US causes growth overseas

Because business men moved way to much manufacturing overseas the current economic model will not work.... Unfortunately unemployment here in the US will also not cause growth overseas. The reason is simple; if you make goods overseas to sell here but the people you need to buy the stuff don't have money then you won't be making your stuff  to sell over there or here. In order for the economy to grow the manufacturing has to be brought back here and the people here have to be gainfully employed.  The economic brigands have won. Unfortunately what they won is an eventual place in hell... they need about ten years of food and a hell of a bunker to hide in for about that long.

Monday, September 1, 2014

Brad Owens:

"I am in the military and was at lunch one day when this cop walks up to me and says "you soldiers think you are so bad ass don't you. You really aren't needed and in the near future we will she you how tough you are. Trust me, I can take you out and not even be scared of you. The best part, I'll be following orders." I just laughed and said "4 tours in the middle east involved in direct combat on more occasions than I care to remember with several bullet holes in me means you have little to no chance of 'taking me'."And what orders could you possibly be given to come arrest me or any of my soldiers?" He smirked and said "you'll see, You soldier boys will all see and you'll go quietly or go dead!" I lost my cool at this point, but one of my buddies pulled me away. As we were leaving I looked back and he had his thumb and in the shape of a gun pointing it at me. Now I'm 6' and close to 200lbs and am very athletic and this guy couldn't be more than 5' 5" and was probably 200lbs himself so I wonder where his bravery come from? Guess he ate his wheaties. What concerns me was the part about getting orders to come after soldiers. I hope there was no truth in it because if there is I need get my family somewhere safe before the fun begins. Take me out, good luck. And don't worry America, me and all my buddies and all my soldiers will protect you with our lives. Been talkin about this for a while. We swore to protect you against all enemies, foreign and domestic no matter what someone orders us to do." 

Sunday, August 31, 2014

11:39 PM August 31, 2014

I am sleepy and going to bed now....So I am want to say this. One year to go... and the third and final economic warning will be complete.... People.... mankind has still got time to avoid this....Mankind does not have to go through this and yet it is written....Let then the will of God be done....

Saturday, August 30, 2014

The curtain is now open now for anyone to see.

The distraction in Europe the illegal aliens crossing our borders

This is all about getting your guns.This is just a distraction from a coming false flag as an excuse to go door to door looking for terrorists and oh by the way they are going to take your guns and your prepping supplies. Your all going to have to choose to fight because after that it is another false flag to get you into their FEMA camps.

Tuesday, August 26, 2014

His name is not Reggie

If you don't read anything else I have ever posted you must read this.

"There are only three alternatives: 1. The current gridlock continues, and the policies in place grind on with minor tweaks. 2. The Democrats win a sweeping victory and are able to unilaterally impose their reforms. 3. The Republicans win a sweeping victory and are able to unilaterally impose their reforms. Why do we know the entire model is broken? Because all three alternatives lead to a continuation of the same ruinous model of “how the world works”: "

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Sunday, July 20, 2014

Nobama is such a hack  
#10 Relations between the United States and Germany are at the lowest point that they have been since the end of World War II.  German Chancellor Angela Merkel was so furious when one U.S. spy was discovered recently that she expelled the top U.S. intelligence official from the country.  But Germany is far from alone.  The truth is that most of the rest of the world is sick and tired of our "Big Brother" behavior.

Sunday, July 13, 2014

Temperature of Yellowstone melts asphalt road. We could be so lucky....Yellowstone going off would shut down government in the US and free the people. The prognosis is that with a normal eruption here in Oklahoma we would be covered with a foot thick layer of ash. That would pretty much shut this area down and with the rest of the devastation across the US all emergency services would collapse under the burden.... Of course billions across the globe would die from starvation due to volcanic winter...but gotta look at the bright side. In a couple of years I could plant a garden.

Monday, July 7, 2014

Unfortunately, most Americans don’t care about any of this at all.
They don’t understand that more U.S. dollars are actually used outside the United States than are used inside the United States.  Because most of the rest of the world uses U.S. dollars to trade with one another, this has created a tremendous amount of artificial demand for our currency.  In other words, the value of the U.S. dollar is much higher than it otherwise would be, and this has enabled us to import trillions of dollars of products at ridiculously low prices.  The standard of living that we enjoy today is highly dependent on this arrangement continuing.
And our ability to fund the federal government and our state and local governments is heavily dependent on the rest of the planet loaning our dollars back to us for next to nothing.  If we actually had to pay realistic market rates to borrow money, the finances of the federal government would have already collapsed long ago.

Sunday, July 6, 2014


The unanimous Declaration of the thirteen united States of America
When in the Course of human events it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.
We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. — That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, — That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security. — Such has been the patient sufferance of these Colonies; and such is now the necessity which constrains them to alter their former Systems of Government. The history of the present King of Great Britain is a history of repeated injuries and usurpations, all having in direct object the establishment of an absolute Tyranny over these States. To prove this, let Facts be submitted to a candid world.
He has refused his Assent to Laws, the most wholesome and necessary for the public good.
He has forbidden his Governors to pass Laws of immediate and pressing importance, unless suspended in their operation till his Assent should be obtained; and when so suspended, he has utterly neglected to attend to them.
He has refused to pass other Laws for the accommodation of large districts of people, unless those people would relinquish the right of Representation in the Legislature, a right inestimable to them and formidable to tyrants only.
He has called together legislative bodies at places unusual, uncomfortable, and distant from the depository of their Public Records, for the sole purpose of fatiguing them into compliance with his measures.
He has dissolved Representative Houses repeatedly, for opposing with manly firmness his invasions on the rights of the people.
He has refused for a long time, after such dissolutions, to cause others to be elected, whereby the Legislative Powers, incapable of Annihilation, have returned to the People at large for their exercise; the State remaining in the mean time exposed to all the dangers of invasion from without, and convulsions within.
He has endeavoured to prevent the population of these States; for that purpose obstructing the Laws for Naturalization of Foreigners; refusing to pass others to encourage their migrations hither, and raising the conditions of new Appropriations of Lands.
He has obstructed the Administration of Justice by refusing his Assent to Laws for establishing Judiciary Powers.
He has made Judges dependent on his Will alone for the tenure of their offices, and the amount and payment of their salaries.
He has erected a multitude of New Offices, and sent hither swarms of Officers to harass our people and eat out their substance.
He has kept among us, in times of peace, Standing Armies without the Consent of our legislatures.
He has affected to render the Military independent of and superior to the Civil Power.
He has combined with others to subject us to a jurisdiction foreign to our constitution, and unacknowledged by our laws; giving his Assent to their Acts of pretended Legislation:
For quartering large bodies of armed troops among us:
For protecting them, by a mock Trial from punishment for any Murders which they should commit on the Inhabitants of these States:
For cutting off our Trade with all parts of the world:
For imposing Taxes on us without our Consent:
For depriving us in many cases, of the benefit of Trial by Jury:
For transporting us beyond Seas to be tried for pretended offences:
For abolishing the free System of English Laws in a neighbouring Province, establishing therein an Arbitrary government, and enlarging its Boundaries so as to render it at once an example and fit instrument for introducing the same absolute rule into these Colonies
For taking away our Charters, abolishing our most valuable Laws and altering fundamentally the Forms of our Governments:
For suspending our own Legislatures, and declaring themselves invested with power to legislate for us in all cases whatsoever.
He has abdicated Government here, by declaring us out of his Protection and waging War against us.
He has plundered our seas, ravaged our coasts, burnt our towns, and destroyed the lives of our people.
He is at this time transporting large Armies of foreign Mercenaries to compleat the works of death, desolation, and tyranny, already begun with circumstances of Cruelty & Perfidy scarcely paralleled in the most barbarous ages, and totally unworthy the Head of a civilized nation.
He has constrained our fellow Citizens taken Captive on the high Seas to bear Arms against their Country, to become the executioners of their friends and Brethren, or to fall themselves by their Hands.
He has excited domestic insurrections amongst us, and has endeavoured to bring on the inhabitants of our frontiers, the merciless Indian Savages whose known rule of warfare, is an undistinguished destruction of all ages, sexes and conditions.
In every stage of these Oppressions We have Petitioned for Redress in the most humble terms: Our repeated Petitions have been answered only by repeated injury. A Prince, whose character is thus marked by every act which may define a Tyrant, is unfit to be the ruler of a free people.
Nor have We been wanting in attentions to our British brethren. We have warned them from time to time of attempts by their legislature to extend an unwarrantable jurisdiction over us. We have reminded them of the circumstances of our emigration and settlement here. We have appealed to their native justice and magnanimity, and we have conjured them by the ties of our common kindred to disavow these usurpations, which would inevitably interrupt our connections and correspondence. They too have been deaf to the voice of justice and of consanguinity. We must, therefore, acquiesce in the necessity, which denounces our Separation, and hold them, as we hold the rest of mankind, Enemies in War, in Peace Friends.
Now therefore, the Representatives of the united States of America, in General Congress, Assembled, appealing to the Supreme Judge of the world for the rectitude of our intentions, do, in the Name, and by Authority of the good People of these Colonies, solemnly publish and declare, That these united Colonies are, and of Right ought to be Free and Independent States, that they are Absolved from all Allegiance to the British Crown, and that all political connection between them and the State of Great Britain, is and ought to be totally dissolved; and that as Free and Independent States, they have full Power to levy War, conclude Peace, contract Alliances, establish Commerce, and to do all other Acts and Things which Independent States may of right do. — And for the support of this Declaration, with a firm reliance on the protection of Divine Providence, we mutually pledge to each other our Lives, our Fortunes, and our sacred Honor.
— John Hancock
New Hampshire:
Josiah Bartlett, William Whipple, Matthew Thornton
John Hancock, Samuel Adams, John Adams, Robert Treat Paine, Elbridge Gerry
Rhode Island:
Stephen Hopkins, William Ellery
Roger Sherman, Samuel Huntington, William Williams, Oliver Wolcott
New York:
Willaim Floyd, Philip Livingston, Francis Lewis, Lewis Morris
New Jersey:
Richard Stockton, John Witherspoon, Francis Hopkinson, John Hart, Abraham Clark
Robert Morris, Benjamin Rush, Benjamin Franklin, John Morton, George Clymer, James Smith, George Taylor, James Wilson, George Ross
Caesar Rodney, George Read, Thomas McKean
Samuel Chase, William Paca, Thomas Stone, Charles Carroll of Carrollton
George Wythe, Richard Henry Lee, Thomas Jefferson, Benjamin Harrison, Thomas Nelson, Jr., Francis Lightfoot Lee, Carter Braxton
North Carolina:
William Hooper, Joseph Hewes, John Penn
South Carolina:
Edward Rutledge, Thomas Heyward, Jr., Thomas Lynch, Jr., Arthur Middleton
Button Gwinnett, Lyman Hall, George Walton

Thursday, July 3, 2014

Campagne contributions..

I could write a long article listing the abuses of campaign contributions. I have also seen some of my compromise ideas relating to campaign contributions be enacted(not because I had anything to do with it other than talking them up at a grass roots level)....the problem with those current and past champagne donations....Wicked and greedy people will always get around them or use something less than prudence in the effort to buy them selves a seat at the table.

I have finally decided that since greed is always going to be a problem; that if a person desires to run for office they need to fund themselves.....

Bam...Aks a silly question and get a world class answer and a few other things to mull.

Why did the attack happen on 9-11?

    • Anyone see a pattern here?
      Why did the attacks happen on 9/11? That is actually a very interesting question. Let's look at some American history with the 4th so close and all.
      Aside from the obvious subliminal 911 phone call-- there is another connection worthy of investigation after all 3000 victims perished in agony-- it is the least one should rightly do in honor of the fallen especially in light now that there are a lot of professional people saying on record the 9/11 investigation needs to be reopened.
      September 11, 1777 was the British victory by General Sir William Howe over the American colonial army led by General George Washington named the Battle of Brandywine where the British marched from Sandy Hook N.J. after landing 17,000 soldiers from 260 ships. This was General Howe's march on Philadelphia-- the coup d' etat against the nations capitol restoring the Crown against the uprising.
      There are a few questions to ask because by now it is clear WTC7 did not collapse on its own and was imploded. When we look at companies with the means to do this-- it would start the investigation asking questions with this company named AMEC : it is British. Even sounds American but it is not. So two questions why is a foreign company in America's most secret and classified buildings in the country: the pentagon and WTC7. This is a matter of record.
      "AMEC Construction Management, a subsidiary of the British engineering firm AMEC, renovated Wedge One of the Pentagon before 9-11 and cleaned it up afterward.
      AMEC had also renovated Silverstein’s WTC 7, which collapsed mysteriously on 9-11, and then headed the cleanup of the WTC site afterward. The AMEC construction firm is currently in the process of closing all its offices in the United States."
      -----By Christopher Bollyn published
      Beyond means and opportunity in a crime there is motive.
      When looking at the motive of money and power, the question is who benefited the most from the subsequent military engagements taking this nation to war which now they don't even get Congressional approval. These engagements exceeded 2.2 trillion dollars. It is time to look at the motivations of war.
      You know the usual suspects but this look a little closer.
      "Despite the Hollywood image of redfaced Texas oil millionaire driving new Cadillacs, the Texan oil industry has for years been dominated by the London Rothschilds through the billion dollar First City National Bank of Houston, and its fifty-seven subsidiary Texas banks. Chairman of First City is James Anderson Elkins Jr., who is a director of Hill Samuel Co. of London, one of the seventeen merchant banks chartered by the Bank of England."
      ~ page 110, World Order (Our Secret Rulers) written by American historian, author, and speaker Eustace Mullins.
      Don't forget the CIA had to be in on it to pull this off-- Harley Guy and all. So who are they? Before they changed their name they were the OSS.
      "The OSS was actually set up by four members of the British Chief of Staff: Lord Louis Mountbatten (formerly Battenberg), a cousin of the King, and related to the Frankfort banking families. Rothschild and Cassel; Charles Hambro, director of Special Operations Executive, and director of Hambros Bank; Col.Stewart Menzies, head of Secret Intelligence Service; and William Stephenson, in charge of SIS American operations." - page 140, World Order (Our Secret Rulers) written by American historian, author, and speaker Eustace Mullins.
      The CIA, Federal Reserve and the London Connection.
      "The "City" banks, which dominate American finance and politics (code name for banks for the "City", financial district of London), descend directly from East India and Bank of England operations. The Rockefeller Empire is the most prominent scion of this dynasty."
      ~page 279, World Order (Our Secret Rulers) written by American historian, author, and speaker Eustace Mullins.
      "The Bank of England also dominates the Bank of Scotland, whose
      chmn is Robert Bruce, Lord Balfour; his title Balfour of Burleigh was
      created in 1607; he is manager of English Electric and Viking Oil; he
      married the daughter of magnate E.S. Manasseh. Directors of Bank of
      Scotland inc1ude Lord Clydesmuir, also dir. Barclays Bank, and Rt.
      Hon. Lord Polwarth, director of Halliburtons, which interlocks with
      the Rothschild First City Bank of Houston and Citibank, Imperial
      Chemical Industries, Canadian Pacific, and Brown and Root Wimpey
      Highland Fabricators, which interlocks with George Wimpey PLC,
      largest construction firm in the British Empire, whose 44 companies
      have revenues of 1.2 billion pounds per year."
      ~Page-34-35, World Order (Our Secret Rulers) written by American historian, author, and speaker Eustace Mullins.
      "A number of popular books now in circulation claim that the
      Council on Foreign Relations is the secret government of the United
      States. Nothing could be more incorrect. The members of the Council
      on Foreign Relations have never originated a single item of policy for
      theU .S. Government. They merely transmit orders to our government
      officials from the RIIA and the House of Rothschild in London. It "is
      true that the CFR comprises a ruling elite in the United states, but they
      are mere colonial governors absolutely responsible to their overseers
      in the World Order. However, every prominent American mentioned
      in the present book is a member of the CFR, and therefore it is not
      necessary to note it each time a name is mentioned. Not only do they
      transmit orders to the White House, the Cabinet, the Federal Reserve
      Board of Governors, and other government institutions, but they also
      maintain absolute control" of the foundations, whose duty it is to
      formulate policy or organize it in an acceptable form to
      the government. Shoup's "Imperial Brain Trust", 1969, notes that the
      CFR includes 22 trustees of Brookings Institution, 29 at Rand, 14 at
      Hudson, 33 at Middle East Institute, 14 of 19 trustees of the Rockefeller
      Foundation, 10 of 17 at Carnegie, 7 of l 6 at Ford Foundation, 6 of 11
      at Rockefeller Bros. Fund. This proves that the CFR runs these major 52
      foundations. In the academic world, CFR members number 58 on the
      faculty at Princeton, 69 at the University of Chicago, and 30 at
      Harvard. Of the banks which are the principal owners of Federal Reserve
      Bank stock, directors of Chase include 7 CFR members, 8 at J. P. Morgan, 7 at
      1st Natl. City (now Citibank), 6 at Chemical Bank, and 6 at Brown Bros. Harriman."
      ~page 52-53, World Order (Our Secret Rulers) written by American historian, author, and speaker Eustace Mullins.
      Just who owns the federal reserve, that's American isn't it?
      "Well the City of London set this whole thing up. JP Morgan was simply an agent for the Bank of England when he organized this meeting down in a... Jekyll Island Georgia and a, the Federal Reserve bank of New York... the stock is principally owned by five merchant banks in London chartered by the Bank of England. So you see every decision of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York a... comes out of London." ~ Quote Eustace Mullins.
      Quote at 19 minutes.
      911: Is it Live or Livery?

        • Absolutely awesome answer....I will have a hard time believing they didn't do it to get the run of the mill person to associate 9/11 with cops.
          But yeah; world class answer. Thanks. You just brightened by other wise boring day.

      Thursday, June 26, 2014

      My skin color tickles me.....In fact I am smiling about it right now. How about being called a red neck then a faggot then a homophobe name it...oh wait there is one more really big one....'Red Beast'....I could get all sensitive about all of them. I don't; it doesn't matter to me....the only thing that really matters is the smile on my face and can I get someone else to smile....I would bet that your grandma is a wonderful person. Just from the little I have seen of you and your interactions with others over the net.

      Wednesday, June 25, 2014

      Hm Seems like

      History has proven that government gun confiscations from private citizens are the chest pains prior to the heart attack. In the 20th century, there were 17 major genocides committed against civilian populations resulting in a death toll of around 60 million people. Every one of these genocides was preceded by gun confiscation which rendered the intended victims defenseless against the slaughter that awaited them.