Tuesday, November 19, 2013

News pile up

O-dumma care going to destroy what is left of the middle class....

More, can't afford it....

Obama care destroys the health system.

Obamination-ocare annihilating presidency.

Challenges; every where challenges. Right makes right.....Obamacare has been illegally instituted from it's inception.

The mainstream news getting it now. Stand up and be counted or get out I say.

As defections continue the run of the mill democrat congressman knows that if they don't distance themselves they are the (I am making this one up right now)the proverbial burnt Christmas goose.

It is what you get when you lie. When you lie you get to be alone. Of course his imperial highass hates that....

In the meantime I have seen the rumors concerning his sexuality....Is he a homo, or bi, or hetero... Who gives a flea bitten rat...Adultery is adultery and not befitting a highass such as him.

Ignoring and then lying to the American people will get an American politician canned; or in this case politicians. Man up Boehner I am talking about your kind as well. I hate the apologist attitude.

As far as the official intellectuals They wouldn't happen to realize that they are the obsolete ones now would they?. So no the second amendment is not obsolete. In any case he lives in the land of the most guns.....Texas.....he's so full of blah ble blah blah .

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