Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Oscama fixing to whack another hornets nest

Taking a swing at shutting down pacs using rules again.   Good efin luck with that; and I can't wait to say "how did that work out for you"? Mwhahahaha!

And Obama takes a swing at the supreme court....Probably not a good idea...fact is I see the inklings of what I said a little while ago... No less than the executive branch of the government and the legislative are way outside the boundaries of the constitution....trying to rule by executive order and bureaucratic codifying.....

Obama tried to let slip by his purposeful misquoting of  Lincolns speech, and THEN tries to make it up by putting it in his thanks giving speech. It is like the idiot is speaking to some invisible crowd who have the memory of a fly....that's it;! He is talking to the flies...Obama is the mythical lord of the flies! Huh, who would have guessed. The flies that are eating the carcass of liberalism. The more of them that die the more flies.

Then he keeps beating a dead horse, trying to pretend to go on as if everything is normal, but he will not be able to overcome the fear, pain, and suffering he is causing all of those poor zombies who banked on free health care, I wonder how many of them will die waiting for O-your damned-ocare to kick in. I should really say the mythical Obamacare.

And then we got this hornets nest.....which is the mother of all hornets nests. Iran. I used to throw rocks with pinpoint accuracy and I made the fateful and painful decision to throw some at a big hornets nest...... These suckers were big black ones. Two of them figured out who and or what was disturbing their nest.... I saw them coming in slow motion. I froze like a proverbial dear in headlights.... No time to think, no time to move until they hit. And then like a baseball bat in the face, BAM BAM. Now that effin hurt. I never messed with a hornets nest again. If we can figure out who is the effin nutburger giving Ostupid his ideas then we can put so much pressure on them they quit trying to manipulate the world again....It is either that or....well; the or is going to happen anyway....I wouldn't want to be the ultimate blame for it.....that's all.

I hear a drum beat and see the march of the footsteps of war of the Almighty God.....Shant be more-n a couple of years before we should hear the rattling of  foreign sabers. Keep it up Obama your doing a great job of being the tool of pissing everyone off.

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