Wednesday, August 28, 2013

After writing a couple of articles

I see I am already failing to comfort.

Before I stray to far from my intended mission statement for this site I am going to redouble my efforts; I don't know how I am going to do that though. I remember when I was still a teen someone says to me that I made them feel better about themselves. I don't know how I did that. It appeared to come natural to me.

Maybe it was God in my life. I always stray from him. This world is full of it's trappings. Things that just totally piss me off are one of my failings.

I hate to say this but I understand the deep inner desires of most people who hope to do good and right. I don't know if they got a devil or are just deceived in what they think will work though.

I also know there are bunches of people who can see whats happening and maybe don't know which way would be best but definitely know which way leads to Meggedo.

I read this guy's article and frankly I have said this about 100 times. About Iraq and Iran and a few other places.....We have enough fire power to flatten the whole country even without nukes. Nothing but conventional weapons. These people are asking for our;(this Christian nation), they are asking for Christian help. Then when they get it they turn on Christians and start killing them in there own country. This is the road to standing in the valley of Meggeddo facing against God....

I am no Muslim....I will never be a Muslim....From what I can tell about the way Muhammad started out, this is the furthest thing from his first dealings with Christians. Frankly I get it when one of the scoffers I mentioned the other day said; just let them kill each other off. Yet the babies. The mothers....None of this is my call.....Maybe I should just change my name to tear it all down or something, because it just pisses me off.

I envision knocking their air force and anti-air defence systems down and then walking 1000# J-dams from one end of the country to the other perfectly spaced so that  there isn't one brick left standing upon the other. Then dropping leaflets on them telling them.; stop being such a bunch of murdering fools. But what comfort is there in that vision.

I have no solution for the Muslims. I have no solution for the world except Jesus. Men are just heading right down the path of destruction. That is what I see and hear from the left, right, and the middle is silent, but when I talk to the people in the middle they are voicing the same concerns. Nobody I talk too has even an inkling of a solution. They just keep bleating like hungry sheep.

The only solution is Jesus. The return of Christ. Obama is not the solution. He is just another weak man bargaining away his ideals for the hope of doing something; anything good. I said when he first got elected that he had the potential of being a great President, but that was just a fools hope on my part. He's a hack and a blithering idiot from what I see on TV.
Right now he is ranked amongst the worst of presidents in the USA's history. His fault. He should have stayed the course his mouth bought him instead of turning out to be the wimp he apparently was all along.

Solutions come from within not from without.


  1. hey Friend...all I can say is Keep your beautiful inner flame burning strong..The world needs your courage and tenacity<<<(big word eh? seriously...The IzlamoNazis are on the march and the Good Lord will help us stop them...if we help ourselves. Keep talking...and keep being..You.

  2. Hard to do when I am pummeled (metaphorically)on all sides, but I say whilst I am alive I can. Did you get my E-mail?
