Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Could this end up in WWIII

Maybe could. 

With Russia threatening. It does highlight the differences between cultural attitudes towards life.

In the nature of preparedness this must be a serious consideration.

Economics....Sounds good.... Cain't recommend because I haven't read it but it is a nice refresher on what happened and what; will in the future, happen.

Food....I laughed when I heard on talk radio one parent complained to the school board at a board hearing that the food "tastes like  vomit".  Oh look! I found the article.

I remember school lunch program when I was a kid; the overcooked peas and carrots. I don't ever remember the entrees or the desert. by the time I got to Jr High. No more lunchroom food; instead we got served frozen pizza.... also yuk. Fact is, until I got to high school got my license and could go down to Mickey D's I didn't eat all that well. I envy those schools that have finally figured out too bring in chefs instead of those institutional versions of  cuisine haters . Kudos.

Once again though the fed  mess up costs the tax payers; at every level, too much money.
I read a bunch of comments on an article on Syria in one of the MNN's and the naivety expressed  was scoffable. It is the lack of knowledge at how very dangerous chemical and biological weapons are. They are listed right below nukes and for a very good reason. It has been almost 100 years since the last time chemical weapons were used regularly in war. They were devastating even with the the rudimentary dispensers of the day.

In this day and age with the benefit of research mankind has been able to develop toxins that rumors have it a single drop could kill hundreds.

I know that when I was in the military every year we went through NBC recert. It was specific and educational. And if you don't think hangin out on the line (perimeter) in your chem gear don't suck, think again. We were taught to avoid getting a drop of nerve agent on our chem suit, and how to clean it off before it soaked in, if it did.. They were serious.

My particular mobility group was trained until it was all second nature. Almost 30 years ago I was a member of  an advanced survey crew. Our plane would be first to touch down and first on site in what was likely to be a hostile environment. We were to go in locked and loaded. I was ready and apprised of the danger. We all were. Oh' there were some smart asses that thought they didn't need to know any of that. If we would have got into WWIII with the Soviets back then they'da probably been dead.

Well these wankers who were all critical about the possibility of going to the rescue of  the people in Syria. They were all totally selfish, self centered, and showing how insulated they are from the realities of the real world. A world; that given one slip up on their part, would kill them.

The Bible is plain. In that terrible opening salvo from God, 1/3 of mankind dies. Wouldn't it be a sorry state of affairs if it was chemical weapons that were used. God is also clear; "do no evil thinking to do me a favor".  Won't matter to the people who do the killing then, and truth be told I won't be here for it. Got a promise from God. No skin off my nose. It is the young'uns who will pay.....with their lives.
Blessed be the peacemaker and it's ten independently targeted warheads.

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