Thursday, August 29, 2013

So what now?

The socialists have boxed themselves into a corner. Notice I didn't say left. You can see that their one world agenda based on pacifist ideologies have left them with zero options.....and the old saying don't let your mouth write checks your body can't leaving them stuttering for answers....

Obama has made well documented statements (trying to act tough) about this red line the Syrians can't cross....well they crossed it. Whether it was authorized from the top or not; they crossed it.

That is the mouth now for the body.

The main reason we only have 200 F-22's; the worlds premier number one fighter hands down, instead of the 6 or 7 hundred that the air force wanted, is because the libs blocked it and the repubs gave in to them. The the reason we don't have an F-35 strike fighter now is, same reason...All this  about expensive military hardware, but really trying to fight for cash for their vaunted socialistic agenda. 
I think they still think that words hurt. God's word can hurt, but men's words are no better than the actions that come of them. It is actions that count. We have 10 aircraft carriers instead of the 16 we used to have because the libs wanted money for their cash cows.

Imagine if we did have 16 carriers, we could have reinforced the 6th fleet with  three extra carriers. Imagine that if we had an extra 240 5th generation tactical Naval aircraft plus  4 wings of air force 5th gen tactical aircraft from the air force, plus the bombers, plus the anti-AA and all the extra do dads. What if we would have built the Info-age battleship with it's ability to put out massive salvos of missiles.

The  body would have been more-n capable of  cashing that check.  Instead Obama looks like a empty bag of air....

I want to look at another aspect of this Syrian affair. The One worlders talk all this and that about international law. All backed up by treaties and such.... Treaties against non proliferation of NBC's (nuclear, chemical, biological). Treaties which Syria did not sign.
Guess what. All the blubbering bluster of that socialist beast means nothing. They cannot enforce laws on a country which has not willingly signed on.  In other words if Assad's brother went rogue and slung around some N,B,C's in Assad's Syria, that noisome nonsensical creature  cain't do a thing about it, and this is according to their own mouths.
Now if he fired them at a treatied country, nuther story...I don't think Assad is that dumb.

The question is then who are the lefties following...Kinda looks like some very young naive person. By young..... I mean saaaay less than 18. Not very wise if they are. Hard to imagine that, but there are some very weird and diabolical things going on in the backgrounds background. Has to be. With all the illogical things happening out front.

I should thank Russia and China for their strength to stand up and say 'Yeah, No'. It makes the individual nations stronger. Hard to believe that but it is true too. In their resistance to the knee jerk reaction to pound Syria into submission they have highlighted; for me at least, a greater benefit to not beating the draught(not a misspelling,'ref:Strong's concordence') out of them.

In Syria's benefit Assad should just shut up about being able to resit us. His small country of 20 million wouldn't stand a chance. Even if he had a surprise or two up his sleeve militarily, we could just swamp his defenses anyway, but thanks for the warning. As far as could we;..... attack I mean. Sure....maybe. Right after Obama bargained another bunch of his ideals to Russia and China; Which because of the nature of the bargaining(super duper secret) would last only as long as the next presidential election, maybe.  Great big giant maybe.
I am thinking that no; because Russia I think would like to keep Syria to them selves. Once you throw the US in the mix, it becomes doubtful they can retain full control. I think ultimately the Russians would be forced out of the picture. Praaahbbably not something they would go for.

I hope this whole incident has has scared everyone back to reality. The reality that this world is one savage place and you can't go all wishy washy on it. The libs got to remember one thing. Half-way is the weak way. Compromise equals dead people. And all those dead people's blood is on their heads.

Comforting to the right not so much for the left.

I have said this before....Lawyers make the worst presidents.

Funny very funny. Obama insults Putin and Putin is PO'd......This just keeps getting better and better.


  1. Hiyaz Cody..and poor Israelis are already in gas masks waiting for the typical Muzlim anti semitic retaliation for something they did not even commit~!..can u say OIY!
    ps ty so much..sent ya back a letter:)

  2. There is a peace about you I find comforting angle.

    Yep. I think the Israelis might have seen this. I notice a pattern that sayss to me that Syria is extremely desperate, what with the threatening of neighbors.
