Friday, August 23, 2013

Nuther new blog.

Ya I hate this new format. I made up my mind that I was going to live the rest of my life in peace. How can I when there is so much fear and pain out there? My sister got shoved down a stairway; her husband is, last I heard in jail, and after living in an abusive marriage(both ways)she wants him back. I will not put their marriage asunder but I feel sorry for him because she has a diagnosis. In other words she is wackadoodles. I got two other sisters similar problems. The eldest of the three had been taking some kind of pills since I can remember(40 years). The youngest of the three has situational schizophrenia plus bipolar ism. My dads mom was paranoid delusional. My mom took antidepressants for; only God knows how long. And me dad and my brother seemed to be the only...... wait my brother is/or was and addict. I married 4 nougats. I tried not to marry one like my mom but then next thing you know....nutburgers. Ya that's right; my 4th wife was under the care of a phychiatrist before we got married but did not tell me. Stupid me. Couldn't see the forest for the trees. Ulp date, I said the time frame for when this country could start sweating out an invasion begins no later than 2014. Yeah yeah I know just another doomsday nut. oookay. Had to get that in there. The name of this blog means cushion or comforter. So let me try that for a while. George Washington's visions and prophecies convinced me that what I was hearing in sound bites and seeing on the face of it was curious to say the least. Lots of blah blah later. Were going to get invaded. I ain't prophesying that, that jobs already been done. God did show me that I was not going to have to live through that. I got some ideas that people could use and I think I might try to make a few videos to show them. Stuff like water, toilets, and food and stuff. Of course most people around me think I am a little off my rockers too. Oh well. I asked God about that and he shows me in his word not to worry about that. He also told me to warn people of their iniquity or else. BTW I ain't nuts. I know ..... got checked twice. First time the guy said I was fine and he would probably have reacted the same way I had and the second one the woman said I was dealing with the breakup in a normal fashion.... I have a marvelous memory for many details but that is the short of it. Oh yeah, I also did not go seek the counsel myself, I was forced into it by my (nameless). For Christians I have been blessed with discernment for both prophecy the countenance. I have several other gifts but seeing the flow of anything(extrapolation) well that tends to get people riled up I guess they don't want to know. I am not interested in angering anybody, never have been. Mankind as compared to the perfection of our Father is decrepit, corrupt. Lots of dumb things happening out there. Syria gassing their people. I wonder if that guy forgot what happened to Sadam Husein. The world will not be able to sit by on that one he needs to knock it off. If'n I had a guess Our military is ready to rock and roll on him. Bet the Democrats wish they had moor fire power now. 165 AA sites. Plus air bases. That will be a nasty little fight. Or how about getting some help on recovering pilots from the resistance. Limited no fly? Old man says once it's the t-stat... fix it or don't. That's what I say. How bout we split the country giving the rebels from the coast 100 miles inland. No-fly and boots on the ground. In the meantime grind Assad's AAA and, Air force to dust. Gives refugees a place to run too and the rebels more enough to fight from. Load em up with the heavy stuff and armour. Should give them a fighting chance and keep the country out of the radical Islamisits hands. UHHH... think NBC training for everyone concerned....heavy on that. I have recently had a change of heart twards Islam(PBS show on Muhammad). I have decided that for whatever reason the the extremists in Islam have indeed strayed very far from Mohammed's original ideal. I also have decided that he was indeed a prophet. I suppose that there are some who would argue vociferously against that. Maybe I am wrong. I do know one thing for sure. There is no way in the world that Islam could survive this long without Gods assistance. I guarantee it is for God's own purposes and not men's. Economy. Should the Fed take another tac on the bond sales vs buyback. I dunno. I do not have enough data to decide that. The news media used to have these reports every night with data and all but not so these last ten-twenty years; not only that but Greenspan did such a great job after a while I just focused on other things. Hindsight. Without the factories I keep saying we have to have; It is all a waste of time. I do think we should stabilize the dollar and still raise the tariffs back to 96 or 97 levels if they aren't already. Yeah All narcissistic and all that. Whatever is done, I don't really worry about it any more. In case you are worried that it is not me......@#$%^you? For the reader who stumbles across this site. I may be writing anomalously because I have ruffled a few feathers and am not so interested in the crap fights I used to get into. I got a blog or two out there though and have even been ranked in the bottom of the clouds a time or two. Seems two have scared the powers that were then into their version of a dung fight. Wow that was cathartic. Now the test is, can I get back on this site for further upgrades and writing.

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