Thursday, September 19, 2013

Fight first ask questions later.

Nope and not going to get any support for gun control either. Guess what you bunch of lowlife mud sucking scum bags..... the number of guns in Americans hands is up to 88% of the population.

Now I have heard numbers as low as 120 million but more commonly above 200 million..... but 88% equals 250, 260, or more millions of guns.

There has never been in the history of the world such a game of chicken only it is not. The people are not bluffing.  How about this.....Leave the guns alone forget about Obama care and get the hell out of my government and my country. Because I can personally guarantee you that(and I am not alone) I would rather nuke the world than give up my personal freedom. This nation is about personal self determination not corporate determination. This is the spirit of this nation.
Uh oh! Now the irregularities are coming out....or was it. Were they trying to fill a gap, nearer the white house? I wonder. I got a suggestion. How about mil tac teams on the bases. on the bases...Unless there is a conspiracy to declare martial law. Well good luck with that. Won't work.

Remember these doom-ocrats are trying to cover every possible angle....won't work. That's what the second amendment is for.

I have a speculation..... after we win the democrats will be an outlawed party.

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