Thursday, September 26, 2013

Odumma care loses

Cruz may have lost the bid to just shut down the grief-er-ment but he has won a nasty little consolation by prize forcing the highly unpopular health care bill right back out front. What do you call it when I make up some new words like that. Anyway.

Here we have two sides to the story. One side says the weapons were shipped directly and the other side says they were stolen. Given the bad credibility of the propaganda machine; the downstream media, I HAVE to give it to the conspiracy people....

I have a test question: when does a conspiracy theory cease to be a theory.....when it is proven. That is when it becomes a conspiracy.

I don't think that Americans weren't unaware of corruption in government they just weren't affected. But now that  they are being affected in the wallet, and their lives, lively hood, and cover is under threat, Americans are more and more becoming resistant to the government's interference in there ADL's(activities of daily living). All Americans cared about in other words was being kept fat, dumb, and happy. I don't know if I understand which way the people are looking but I always hoed my roe looking forward. Kept me from stepping on the plants.

Right now they are resistant, if the gov does not get the dominion out of it's head they are going to be looking down the barrel of the American peoples 2nd amendment assault rifles. You ever been shot? Most painful thing you can ever be subjected too.

 Soooo, soooo, sooo, many people are tooo to insulated and refuse to look a stuff; like this cop who flat out runs this guy over and kills him, which for the rest of the citizenry would be first degree murder. This guy apparently just gets fired.....but that is not the point of my concern. My personal concern is how it looks like to the rest of the world as it secretly inexorably gears up to invade the U.S.. Gives em incentive and and justifies in their hearts why they need to do it. Here is a sample quote from a foreign land.

"In my country and anywhere in Europe this is murder, never mind who did it. You cant just kill someone and walk away and it is worse if you are a cop, you are here to protect people, your job is first to protect-not to kill!"

Back to the present: The stupidly named shield law won't protect journalists; the NSA will continue to monitor their phones like they always have....Most importantly the people will ignore them and find workarounds (the people always have) while tying up the government in more red tape and first amendment lawsuits, should be fun to watch as the gov gets its(more cuss words)  handed to it one more time.

Governments come and go but the people remain the same.

I keep seeing some other weird stuff about RFI tags and listening devices in all the electronics......Major fail. Why a person might ask. One acroynim answer. EMP. EMP will destroy all electronic devices within its enormous radius. Sooo why waste the money?... What generates EMP?
Nuclear detonation's. Nuclear war... Nukes...

And Back to the second amendment....why would the world want to try and remove guns from the American people....unless it was to make it easier to invade....

Back to health care.....


Congress exempt in an unfavorable article from USA today which is why I am posting the link. what is good for the goose though.

Congress and all the government employees should have to pay just like the rest of the country. Funny as it may seem I am one of those people who are exempt from having to get any coverage. You see the bill only covers people who are working or on workman's comp. I am neither... So NYAH HAH. I am still not on the dole.

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