Wednesday, September 18, 2013

I thought that we had an embargo on Iran

So does this mean that Iran has agents working in the US as well maybe in local and or state law enforcement. Turns out; that apparently Iran owns buildings in the US.

Obama care under the gun. this time I have to support the Repubs no matter what. Gotta get rid of Obama care.
These attacks on Americans who are opposing the President, well it turns out that the Koran insists that the people of their ilk have to do what the Koran says.  Did you know that the primary A number one source of income for Islamic nations is oil.

I heard that the number one cause of  death in America today is Suicide. I think it is time to force the reporting by the psychiatric field of all their patients....It turns out the a huge number of people who are committing these heinous acts are being treated by psychiatrists.. I have a sister who is being treated by a psychiatrist who told her that if she reveal that she is being treated she her life could get difficult..... I either way there has to be a link between active mental treatment and mass murder, not the guns.

Whahah! The guy in the navy yard deal was an Obama supporter. I have said this that most people complaining about things that they have not objectively researched, and have decided that the gov. should do something about it are doing so because.....well the blue collar answer is they are smelling their own groups poop. In other words they are blaming other ideologies for what their ideologies are feeling. Including genocidal feelings. This is all hacked up and not a complete thought. The moral of the story is they are not sane.

In the Meantime Piers Morgan the anti gunners poster boy is nuts.

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