Friday, October 11, 2013

I am still that nosebreaking SOB

I don't know how many times I have had to stop and rethink how I was going to say a thing that did not include filthy expletives..... There really aren't any good words to describe the badness that I have witnessed over the Internet....It is disturbing to watch government officials; from the greatest to the least, lie on camera.

It is one thing to know that these events were predicted in the Holy bible(Daniel):

Dan_8:12 And an host was given him against the daily sacrifice by reason of transgression, and it cast down the truth to the ground; and it practised, and prospered.

And quite another to witness it first hand....

I know that before twenty years ago I was like that....I lied if it suited me....I am glad that God pulled me from that way of living... I am glad that he saw fit that I should be that way and then in his inimical way remove me from that; and I am still dismayed that I even thought that that was OK even though inside I hated it every time I did ..... I am glad and today know that I was being prompted by the spirit of truth and the Holy Spirit....I know today it was God working in my life inexorably to change me to a more worthy person....

I had a billions of excuses too lie and only one reason to tell the truth....It is just that that one reason trumps every thing that matters in the known universe.....Love of God....If God had not of loved me unconditionally I would be treading the same path as the world is....the path to the valley of  Megeddo......I have the choice to live or die....If I choose to live, I am destroyed. If I choose to die in God's timing for my life then I will be saved....I choose the latter....Not because I personally want to but I choose God's will for my life, not mine or another's.... I still wish that the world would repent and choose to humble itself and every living thing before God so that everything that man has done not be utterly destroyed, but it will not....I think that if man would do as Nineva did in Jonah's day that God would have no choice but to repent of the evil that he would do, and come and save the world from the repetitive cycle of wickedness and evil.
The only price that man would have to pay would be to worship at the Masters feet. I think that the world would be utterly surprised at how generous and magnanimous God is....How considerate of our lives and loving he is.... How utterly perfect are his plans for our individual lives, and how very well he is able to plan every thing down to the last detail....