Monday, October 21, 2013

Where is the 13th amendment? Impeach Obama

Thursday, July 14, 2005

Something I want to save for future reference

For most citizens,
Income Tax is Unconstitutional
by Forest Glen Durland

Our Constitution Says

Article I - The Legislative Article
Powers of Congress
Section 8: "The Congress shall have Power To lay and collect Taxes, Duties, Imposts and Excises, to pay the Debts and provide for the common Defence [sic.] and general Welfare of the United States; but all Duties, Imposts and Excises shall be uniform 1 throughout the United States."

Powers Denied to Congress
Section 9: … "No Capitation [sic.], or other direct, Tax shall be laid, unless in Proportion to the Census or Enumeration herein before directed to be taken."
No Tax or Duty shall be laid on Articles exported from any State."
… "No Title of Nobility shall be granted by the United States; And no Person holding any Office of Profit or Trust under them, shall, without the consent of Congress, accept of any present, Emolument, Office, or Title, of any kind whatever, from any King, Prince, or foreign State. 2

Powers denied the States
Section 10: [States are denied the power to coin money and the power to levy most taxes.]

The original 13th Amendment is missing from most modern printings, but it is, most probably, still in effect. It prohibits lawyers from holding federal office. President Clinton, a lawyer, is holding office in violation of our Constitution. (More at Missing 13th4.)
The 16th Amendment is moot.

The so-called 16th Amendment legalizing income tax was most probably never fully ratified and therefore does not exist. But even if it does, two Supreme Court cases ruled it moot. The 16th Amendment is nothing more than double talk. The IRS operates on 90 percent bluff. But that is only the first part. 3
In addition, there is no law that requires you to pay income tax if you are a United States citizen living and working in the United States. (Employment by the federal government may be an exception.)5
Recently I learned that it is most probable that the IRS has no legal authority to enforce. That really put those crooks in the dictator's throne.6
Now consider this: With no law to enforce, without warrant or even notice, heavily armed IRS swat teams break, enter, seize, terrify, abduct and jail. They leave familes economically destitute. To add insult to injury, judges enforce a law that does not exist and put citizens in prison.
Folks, this is the very reason people left the old country and came to America. For that same reason they created the United States of America. The IRS is brazenly violating our Constitution and its inherent Bill of Rights as though it did not exist. Think about that for awhile. 6

Time to Act!
We need to act before an uninformed Congress tries to re-create the non-existent 16th Amendment. All of us want to get rid of income taxes. Now is the time. It is something we can all do, but it is also something that we all must do.
We must use our heads and be practical. Let's sum up the facts and conditions:
1. To maintain a democratic government, we must all help with the chores. That means that we must always pay some taxes, but we need pay only a small fraction of what we have been paying.
2. Taxes have been levied completely backwards and upside down .
a. Our Constitution instructs our Congress to create needed money.
b. If they did, we would not owe anyone as much as one dime for it.
c. But Congress, in their divine ignorance, pays private banklords to create our money. The bill is the national debt, currently about $30 trillion and rising exponentially.
3. We all must rise and inform OUR Congress of two things:
a. They are working for us, and they had best become aware of that fact.
b. We must force Congress to create needed money and never borrow again, or else.
4. For necessary taxes:
a. There must be only one reason for taxes - to drain excess money from the economy.
b. There must be only two cause for taxes - government payroll and non-productive spending.
c. Tax money thus collected must be extinguished, meaning sent back to the nothing from whence it came.
d. Politicians who spend that tax money must likewise be extinguished.
e. Spending that tax money will cause severe inflation.
Please be advised: So long as we allow the existence of private banks, we will pay heavily for their extraction of our money. Check with Ben Franklin. Ben found that avoiding the private banklords and creating debt free money created prosperity. Go see Abe Lincoln. Abe saved billions of tax dollars by creating debt free money.

1 Bold emphasis inserted by Forest Glen Durland.
2 This section was later substantiated by the missing 13th Amendment.
3The 16th Amendment was rendered moot by two Supreme Court rulings.
4 Missing 13th.
5 No law requiring income tax.
6Larry Becraft spent weeks assembling a brief showing that the IRS, and possibly the BATF, have no legal authority for enforcement, especially with guns. His legal brief is one of best available and is posted on this site at this hot link.

Want some more proof? Check out these documentary entries:
Franklin - explains debt free money and tells us the real cause of the Revolutionary War.
Lincoln - includes "could have known and should have known".
Free Money Corollary - is way out front.

For more explanation, visit the rest of the essays in this web page. We need to act before an uninformed Congress tries to re-create the non-existent 16th Amendment. Only the BBLs benefit. (See Game Plan and DFMS below.)
Creation of Money explains that simple but little understood business.
Banklords puts them in their place. Try Boar for a little humor with some truth thrown in.
Game Plan exposes the antics of the billionaire banklords.
DFMS - Debt Free Monetary System explains the system needed to replace our current banking fraud.
Money vs Currency is a must for your understanding, unless you want to be as uneducated as Congress.
Please read Grassroot Force for a way to get something done. We all need each other urgently!
There are answers for all your questions, if you will but read. Any more? My addresses are listed above.
Or, if you want to read some real scoop on the IRS, check new topics on ICE.
Go to the List of Tax Stuff
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The President and Congress said they are reducing taxes and balancing the budget. uhuh. Sez who?
Smile and Force Congress to Kick the Debt & Taxes Habit with Money System Honesty for We People. We demand the whole truth with an honest viewpoint.
Don't send money. Call Jo(e) Congress and send letters.
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The term U-Mail, uhuh and this web page are Copyright 1996 by Forest Glen Durland, subject to rights of article owrner.
incomtax.htm. Revised 3-29-05. uhuh and GR Force are non-profit.

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