I have wanted; for quite a long time, for the rest of the world to stop relying on the dollar for it's primary backing.... The reason is simple....I noted during the Clinton administration that we were in danger of crossing a line of honesty versus dishonesty...I knew that the overall behavior of the US was about to tip into dishonesty.... Money has to have an honest people backing it.... or it fails....and it is failing.... The result will be every economy in the world is going to fail as miserably or worse; unless the world takes steps to mitigate the fallout, when the dollar fails....Ultimately The US will be blamed and the tsunami of the seas that is the human emotion will prevail, and we will be invaded.... already the floods are striking the gates, and it is just a matter of time before the dam bursts forth.... Maybe the globalists think they can manage the surge, but I say they won't ....In the end they will be pushed aside like so much flotsam....and the wreckage of their failing shall be great.
Again I say this beast is not the beast of revelations...this beast is not 666. It is beatable. It will be defeated. And this time the Glory will go to God.....so much so that the final beast will come to the conclusion that it will have to move towards God, not away from him. Hence the danger of the deceit of the saints....This beast in no wise is deceiving the saints....It has to know this....In fact is not even pretending to....
I see four titular heads....One has much knowledge of psychology, one is law enforcement, one is a bureaucrat, and one is a corporate head.... they all have other discipline's...Notice I did not mention the military..... This beast has no experience with the military; hence the reason it keeps trying to use the military as a police force, and the military balks....It also is not so good at spying; hence the incredibly inept use of spy tech and spy's. In other words in the war arena it is incompetent, thus easily defeatable....
Rev 13:1 And I stood upon the sand of the sea, and saw a beast rise up out of the sea, having seven heads and ten horns, and upon his horns ten crowns, and upon his heads the name of blasphemy.
This beast I likely shan't see it rise up....It is a long slow arduous process and not one I will likely live to see...
All things begin with an idea coalescing into an ideology Am seeing the idea that this current path to world dominion as a colossal and expensive failure......
One that is destined to fail and will go out with billions of bangs...
As for the spy nets that read this you will have to say he told you so.... I am not proud....disappointed....because I was hoping mankind was wiser than this....
To this end I throw my lot in with He who created all that is.....My loving Father, his son Jesus, and the Holy Spirit which sustains my life....
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