Yup this is good....go get em guys...Vets, and bikers, and truckers now this is what I am really talking about getting better.
Government tyrants....Park service. It happened so quickly that I think it was planned....which means that the democrats planned this all along...I think it was plan A but only the second half. The Syrian gas attack and subsequent military intervention was I think the first half....I think the idea is to get American troops stuck over seas where they would likely not be able to intervene on behalf of the constitution....Guess what? Plan A has failed and it looks like any follow on plans are heading for the shredder of world opinion....there is only one option and it will also fail....the one worlders in the US are going to have to engage in open warfare....In the meantime the forces of this republic are going to continue to march forward and take back the political realms and gut them.....It is inevitable.....
Back on the farm....Congress is going to investigate the "Outrageous" behavior of the dumbluma administration.... In times past I would have been somewhat comforted by this but recent history has shown that 99 percent of the time, likely nothing will come of it....except for more blustering BS...So whoopdedoo for them...Now if a crap load of bureaucratic and middle management went to prison for it then yeah I might actually feel there was some hope.
Amen, Rock on...
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