People are now trying to enroll in odummmer care and bam it's the poor house for them....Wait we don't have poor houses in the U.S.. So tis the streets where they will be at the mercy of the...... forget the gangs and criminals......................While Nero plays his tune....
The Democrats are the ones who are blocking the legislation.....Not the Republicans. The Republicans though should not be the ones offering the compromises.
The finally a Governor that gets it. Scott Walker Of Wisconsin say to the fed, we got this, and keeps the state parks open. That's right; I said state parks......Not fed parks; state parks.....It is a stupid foreign concept for the fed to think to tell the states what they can and cannot do, except in the case of the civil rights granted to all the people of the republic....the fed has to keep it's mitts off....
So who is to blame. This reporter is full of drivel about compromise.....Apparently he thinks that some kind of compromise can be struck on the destruction of the dollar....Which is what Obama care offers.... Oh wait the guy would think that was absurd. Maybe this guy has some verbal guarantee of a slot in one of those luxury bunkers I keep hearing about. Because the only thing that compromising with Obama care would do is send crap loads of people to the curb then to prison and then maybe they could open up one of those demonic detention centers that I again keep hearing about. He is not worthy the name of Reporter....He is worthy the name of idiot. I would not want to be associated with the cause of the upcoming war and this reporter is doing just that.
There are 800,000 Government employees off work right now due to the shut down....that leaves about 12.4 million still at work.....What a crock; this is not a shut down, this is just an organized vacation for 800,000 people, and maybe a paid holiday it the idiots we have in congress pass on the compromise to. If I was one of those people not working right now I would be hoping for a longer one.
Oh yea, oh yea; the demigods have spoken, let the poor poor 100,000.oo a year government workers get paid, to rob, rape, and pillage. But not until after their vacation....
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