Friday, October 4, 2013

Yes you are; and other news blurbs

Harry Reid says; he's not the villain. Yes you are.....

This is the new world order. Shooting to death women and slapping children. This one reporter asks but what if this person was driving a car bomb.....good question....So much for their cries of peace. Running amok like a bunch of maniacs acting so high and mighty "our officers acted appropriately".
NO they didn't. This was not appropriate at all....the woman had a baby in the car. A one year old....
This  is not my country; this is foreign to the US, this is of Satin and the world....This  is atheistic, and smacks of eugenics. This  is the way ancient civilizations were, and is not fitting behavior for a modern enlightened society.

The more ungodly this nation gets the more heinous the government is gets....

I am not so much a healthy man. I have bad lung problems, and have had a heart attack, and my back is crap, but I guarantee you that if I was healthier I would be looking for a group to join up with, so that I could be ready with others to go on the offensive, TO TAKE BACK MY COUNTRY from these ignorant barbarians.  As it is millions of others are ready willing and able to do so 'right now'. All were waiting on is for the government to mess up bad, and then it will be on.... Comon unc stupid what are you waiting for? God...I am pissed!! It is definitely time to stand our ground, backed up with guns and bullets....we never shoot first but I assure you this is not going be a Waco. This time we are going to surround you stupid idiots.

When I was younger, yeah I had assault rifles(3) and 9 mmpistol and thousands of rounds of ammo. And food like crazy....Still wish I had them. Sold them to a bunch of undercover ATF dudes... Along with my second gen. ballistic vest, and a butt load of BDU's. Wish I had them back.

Got another sandwich? Biden and Obambna not concerned with the fact their cops just killed a confused woman in front of her baby.

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