Monday, October 7, 2013

The Pubs are one up

The Republicans are definitely on the right track. But I say no negotiation, I say no-bamacare. The longer they delay funding the better off as a whole the country will be. Makes the US stronger....

Now for a little more speculative predicting(conspiracy theories). Is this a plea for information grabbing? The insurance companies are (cussidy cuss)complaining because they can't get personal info corroborated because they aren't, about the insurance but really about the unitard one worlders.

Y'and voila, oscumma care funds go out of the country...which will not help this country nor the world but what it will help is the destruction of the dollar.

Are the dumma-scraps and O-can-do so stupid as to be immune from wisdom that they cannot see that no one is buying their props anymore.

Wall street has become too addicted to the fed printing press.

Dum dum Kerry don't get that this kind of bragging just pisses off the Muslims. That's good if any prescribe the notion that they are going to invade the US..

Allright.....Nice to know that Brother Billy sees this. I wish him well and in my estimation is certainly numbers wise the greatest evangelist the world has ever seen. He certainly is in line to sit at the very right hand of the son. Of course I am not the determiner of this but only God is...Just saying. Calms me down.

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