Sunday, September 29, 2013

Main stream media

The polls are in and still the lost boys in the new world order globalist propaganda media don't understand. The people are not connecting guns to the navy yard shooting. They are more likely to see the media  connected to the conspiracy to defraud the constitution..... The problem with rejecting the idea of a globalist conspiracy which includes the media is that it ignores the fact that this current globalist plot is a business oriented scheme. Which must include the business of organized media.

Conspiracy? Following a highly dangerous course.....Suddenly a bunch of nonspecific and petty charges being brought against the troops manning our nuclear launch facilities....the  officers in charge are being relieved of command.....Is  that because they refuse to obey unlawful orders? Considering who is  the new pretty face (Obama) of the New World order, I would have to say that something very deadly is afoot.

Strange that a test of the emergency preparedness systems in sector three is coinciding with the initiation of Obamacare. Both to happen on October 1st. I don't think it is a coincidence. I think it is on purpose. I think it is the government threatening the people.

Friday, September 27, 2013

Gun registry

The people won't register their guns.... Any law that violates the Constitution of the United States the people do not have to obey. If the governments of this country try to enforce that kind of law then there will be a revolt. As such Kerry and Obama have long since been enemies of the Constitution....And obviously this country. Impeach Obama....And try that son-of-bitch.

I know that Washington DC will be a smoking radioactive crater someday anyway.

I wonder if Mall of America knows that Nairobi is like 10000 miles away....

Thursday, September 26, 2013

Odumma care loses

Cruz may have lost the bid to just shut down the grief-er-ment but he has won a nasty little consolation by prize forcing the highly unpopular health care bill right back out front. What do you call it when I make up some new words like that. Anyway.

Here we have two sides to the story. One side says the weapons were shipped directly and the other side says they were stolen. Given the bad credibility of the propaganda machine; the downstream media, I HAVE to give it to the conspiracy people....

I have a test question: when does a conspiracy theory cease to be a theory.....when it is proven. That is when it becomes a conspiracy.

I don't think that Americans weren't unaware of corruption in government they just weren't affected. But now that  they are being affected in the wallet, and their lives, lively hood, and cover is under threat, Americans are more and more becoming resistant to the government's interference in there ADL's(activities of daily living). All Americans cared about in other words was being kept fat, dumb, and happy. I don't know if I understand which way the people are looking but I always hoed my roe looking forward. Kept me from stepping on the plants.

Right now they are resistant, if the gov does not get the dominion out of it's head they are going to be looking down the barrel of the American peoples 2nd amendment assault rifles. You ever been shot? Most painful thing you can ever be subjected too.

 Soooo, soooo, sooo, many people are tooo to insulated and refuse to look a stuff; like this cop who flat out runs this guy over and kills him, which for the rest of the citizenry would be first degree murder. This guy apparently just gets fired.....but that is not the point of my concern. My personal concern is how it looks like to the rest of the world as it secretly inexorably gears up to invade the U.S.. Gives em incentive and and justifies in their hearts why they need to do it. Here is a sample quote from a foreign land.

"In my country and anywhere in Europe this is murder, never mind who did it. You cant just kill someone and walk away and it is worse if you are a cop, you are here to protect people, your job is first to protect-not to kill!"

Back to the present: The stupidly named shield law won't protect journalists; the NSA will continue to monitor their phones like they always have....Most importantly the people will ignore them and find workarounds (the people always have) while tying up the government in more red tape and first amendment lawsuits, should be fun to watch as the gov gets its(more cuss words)  handed to it one more time.

Governments come and go but the people remain the same.

I keep seeing some other weird stuff about RFI tags and listening devices in all the electronics......Major fail. Why a person might ask. One acroynim answer. EMP. EMP will destroy all electronic devices within its enormous radius. Sooo why waste the money?... What generates EMP?
Nuclear detonation's. Nuclear war... Nukes...

And Back to the second amendment....why would the world want to try and remove guns from the American people....unless it was to make it easier to invade....

Back to health care.....


Congress exempt in an unfavorable article from USA today which is why I am posting the link. what is good for the goose though.

Congress and all the government employees should have to pay just like the rest of the country. Funny as it may seem I am one of those people who are exempt from having to get any coverage. You see the bill only covers people who are working or on workman's comp. I am neither... So NYAH HAH. I am still not on the dole.

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Senator Ted Cruz, and other news blurbs.

Reads green eggs and ham. Apt. metaphorical story. Because Liberals whom have destroyed America by forcing upon it a series of  legislative laws designed to install capitalist, imperialist, socialism or bust(wow, I sound like a commie) don't want to eat the green eggs and ham of governmental austerity.

Oh I know that the U.S. is still here.....for now.....and I say that come what may(an invasion) America will still be here...... sans the socialism of the beast(after God helps us defeat them) but at great great cost.

Whether it has been the beast of Nazi Germany or the beast of Communism or the beast of Socialist Corporatism this effort by the devil shall be defeated and set aside.

Aside from my religious ranting.

It begins... The natural response to the expectation of rising costs; businesses have to cut the labor force to stay in business. Those that don't.....well....they are going to struggle.....With Odummacare.

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Justice (We don't want no stinking justice); calling good evil and evil good.

HA HA! GOOD BYE LEARNER! Now if we can just find a way to throw the bitch in jail.

It appears the masters whom the serfs had thrown off so long ago have returned to reclaim the lands, the serfs, and maybe some interest. Ok I think I should go get some cigarettes, I have started out this morning a little g- rumpy. When actually I should be happy at least about Learner. No horse tradin.

Tom Delay is nuts, he's a crook, just the bible being fulfilled about the world turning things upside down. Calling good evil and evil good.

Kid playing in own yard get's suspended.

Monday, September 23, 2013

Illegal immigration down

However; I disagree that there will be a increase, due in part to the fears of a civil war here in the US, and also the economy is not ticking over like it should.

And as long as there is a roiling turmoil over the bill of rights in this country there will be the threat of a civil war....

If I was coming here to make a buck working and there were no jobs I would go home and I for sure would not like to get caught up in a no holds barred civil war. If this was not my country I would just stay put or go home.

Want to know why there are so many conspiracy theroists?

Because; why are there three Americans amongst the Alqaeda terrorists in the Kenyan mall? I get the feeling that US interests are more into getting us invaded than in bringing peace. Not because I particularly think so but because foreign countries will. Eventually the foreign countries will give in and attack....And no one will be safe.

In the mean time why are our best birds stationed in the middle east when we have good planes in fact better than the best of theirs already available. We do not put our best out there unless it is beyond imperative, and this new world order crap is not even an imperative.

Curious development. News reporter fired after bringing to the fore the fact that Saudi Arabia provided the chemical weapons to the Syrian rebels.....

Adding insult; the disparity in censoring one group but not another; instead of leaving it in the hands of the individual to censor what he will or will not chose to read, all the while trying to replace personal discrimination in favor of government discrimination, which reminds me that Tocqueville was right about Americas greatness but his racial purity morays were wrong.

And also this about Diana. Raising more questions like; what for? I suppose if Diana would have acted more like the grieving widow.

And the president using the insane actions of one of HIS supporters; to make impromptu,  a case for violating the very document upon which he was installed, as reason and purpose to violate as obsolete; is preposterous, and does exhibit the very essence of  tyrannical and insane. That he does so in concert with others is conspiratorial; hence the conspiration to usurp for himself, and a few others what he could not attain openly; ultimate power. The dream of which has already corrupted his mind in such a manner as to become a danger to the very ideals he so eloquently espoused in his campaign which must be naught but an apparent deceit.

Continuing what is nothing more than an abomination; teaching outright lies in schools concerning the Second amendment. In which this short video directly shows the outrage.

Yes by God; I did write this all by my self.

The solution for lowered numbers of conspiracy theorists is complete transparency in governments and an end to corruption....Alas...the human condition shall prevail until we see Jesus coming in the clouds....never the less that shenanigans are an ongoing threat to world peace and always lead to war is a fact, that there are people that succumb to the expediency of  gain at any cost; for now that regular people should always be ever vigilant and ready to squash the government when it goes to far.


Sunday, September 22, 2013

News blurbs for today

Congress does not have the votes for a gun ban. Yippee ky yi yay! That's right,,,,, there were not enough good guys with guns......

You know what I think we got going here. I talked with this guy at (location undisclosed) who saaaaaid he was a Methodist minister, who said that the tribulation had already happened. That was a first....for me... He must be a minority of one. because nobody else believes that; in fact I suppose he was deliberately lying to me. Yup he was lying. Probably is one of those tares I read about. A phony... Any way if the trib had happened and Jesus was already here then we would be turning our weapons into plow shares..... but were not, instead we are building up to the the tribulation and manufacturing more weapons.

The Illuminati are not doing this stuff. If anything and if there is an Illuminati they are likely being demonized and the opposite is happening. The biblical verses that support my assumption are in revelations and they apply to the whore and the beast that is with her. You have a total of 1 king beneath her and 12 stars in her crown. and then ten more kings....The whole kingdom is one filthy  pile of  stinking draught. Jesus used that word.

In other words this is about ORGANIZED CRIME.

See this old man. What would his condition have been if he would not have had a gun? Might be dead you know.

And there are some lost sheep out there that are wondering why no gun control....citing some recent mass shootings.... More and more people are not believing that guns are the problem, the homicidal medicines that mental health pros are giving the shooters are the problem or gangland culture is the problem. but what is notable and every 2nd amendment rights people know is that these shooting are happening in heavily gun controlled states and cities. In fact the last shooting in Chicago was it now turns out is gangland related. And we all know that more guns in peoples hands equals fewer gun deaths. In fact now it is known that at a rate of 80 to 1 guns prevent the successful completion of crimes.

Saturday, September 21, 2013

Time to get rid of Obamacare

Obama care will not work. It cuts care for the most in need of it in order to give some half assed cares to those who likely don't want it all the while pulling enormous amounts of money from the private sector to give to another sector, where it will then be  largely invested overseas. A grand scheme to apparently destroy the dollar, and well....if I keep on with this extrapolation; "the love of money" being the root of all evil",...........WWIII.

In the mean time the pres in the "pride cometh before a fall" is getting all kind of  combative.

What if Obama did try to pull a Hitler and abolish congress under a false flag pretense to prevent from being impeached?  Also time to get rid of  the Patriot Act.

Friday, September 20, 2013

Climate change is a lie

It is more likely that climate change is due to what I wanted as a kid( I wanted it hot in the summer so I could swim in warm water) than to all the ill thought out policies of stupid governments....Silly thought isn't it.
Oh yeah here we go on whether we will go into some economic meltdown next year or the year after....good question. Remember after 9/11 how we had a mini meltdown and stocks took about 500 point hit....but then after 6 or 7 years of war we had a major economic meltdown. One which we  are still struggling with. Well let's just say that we get rid of Obama care and straighten out the budget and get control of  spending and the economy does start to grow....What would cause then an economic melt down on the next day of  debt forgiveness scheduled(by God) to happen.
 Let me guess. The government creates a scene (false flag)  declares martial law. Bam. whamidy bam bam. That would be the last thing that was needed....The dollar will crash every market in the world will crash. And there ought to be a huge rush to sell off the dollar and any other kind of paper securities. Say bye to any chance of economic recovery and hello to a brand new mega depression which afflicts the whole world....The whole ((((()))))world. That would be the last straw the New world order people would be done for.

Yup! In an article I wrote about 3 years ago concerning the mental health of the shooter of the Colorado congress woman. I hated that the congresswoman was shot and what was it; 9 other people killed?, but I did not blame the gun. I blamed the psychiatric system. And I blame the psychiatric system for the Washington deal as well.

Thursday, September 19, 2013

Fight first ask questions later.

Nope and not going to get any support for gun control either. Guess what you bunch of lowlife mud sucking scum bags..... the number of guns in Americans hands is up to 88% of the population.

Now I have heard numbers as low as 120 million but more commonly above 200 million..... but 88% equals 250, 260, or more millions of guns.

There has never been in the history of the world such a game of chicken only it is not. The people are not bluffing.  How about this.....Leave the guns alone forget about Obama care and get the hell out of my government and my country. Because I can personally guarantee you that(and I am not alone) I would rather nuke the world than give up my personal freedom. This nation is about personal self determination not corporate determination. This is the spirit of this nation.
Uh oh! Now the irregularities are coming out....or was it. Were they trying to fill a gap, nearer the white house? I wonder. I got a suggestion. How about mil tac teams on the bases. on the bases...Unless there is a conspiracy to declare martial law. Well good luck with that. Won't work.

Remember these doom-ocrats are trying to cover every possible angle....won't work. That's what the second amendment is for.

I have a speculation..... after we win the democrats will be an outlawed party.

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

I thought that we had an embargo on Iran

So does this mean that Iran has agents working in the US as well maybe in local and or state law enforcement. Turns out; that apparently Iran owns buildings in the US.

Obama care under the gun. this time I have to support the Repubs no matter what. Gotta get rid of Obama care.
These attacks on Americans who are opposing the President, well it turns out that the Koran insists that the people of their ilk have to do what the Koran says.  Did you know that the primary A number one source of income for Islamic nations is oil.

I heard that the number one cause of  death in America today is Suicide. I think it is time to force the reporting by the psychiatric field of all their patients....It turns out the a huge number of people who are committing these heinous acts are being treated by psychiatrists.. I have a sister who is being treated by a psychiatrist who told her that if she reveal that she is being treated she her life could get difficult..... I either way there has to be a link between active mental treatment and mass murder, not the guns.

Whahah! The guy in the navy yard deal was an Obama supporter. I have said this that most people complaining about things that they have not objectively researched, and have decided that the gov. should do something about it are doing so because.....well the blue collar answer is they are smelling their own groups poop. In other words they are blaming other ideologies for what their ideologies are feeling. Including genocidal feelings. This is all hacked up and not a complete thought. The moral of the story is they are not sane.

In the Meantime Piers Morgan the anti gunners poster boy is nuts.

This whole thing was a fake

The question needs to be raised; why is the President and the White house not dispersing, in the face of what they must know is pretext to WW!!!, They should have been scattering to prevent a decap strike in the event of this. They must have known that it wasn't going to happen because they didn't.

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

The police are not all gun banners!

Turns out that the little organization protecting the president's reputation also went after liberal groups as well. Hmph, The pres. has become an anchor instead of a driving force. He's a cornered man and suddenly the beast is cornered as well.... this is truly a dangerous situation. 

Biden's neice is arested

And according to the report Joseph Biden is also accused of  obstruction.

Boulder flood

How to make news media people stupid

The more you pay them the stupider they get... Or maybe they are paying them to be stupid or maybe they are accidentally hiring  stupid people, or maybe they don't recognize stupid, or maybe it is all a huge plot by God to destroy everything the devil has ever done to people on earth.

Now that's the truth. Yesterday I was skimming about several wires. The lack of clarity from the navy yard incident wasn't dismaying; it is irresponsible....It is stupid.

I have seen European, ; white Europeans move to this country. I bet it is to escape the violence I keep hearing about in Europe. Problem is the violence is there own fault. No guns in the peoples hands with the freedom to use them in self defense, no peace.....but they come over here thinking to get peace, but find a new crusade; 'why blubbering bluster these people have guns, prefreakin- preposterous.
We have guns for one reason only. To conquer the Government of the United States of America when it gets out of hand.  It's out of hand.....And it is not going to take much to lite this country up. LET ER RIP. Fire it up. Lets Rock...READY, READY, on the left, Ready on the RIGHT. TAKE AIM...........Let the re-history lesson begin. I say.You dorkwad Europeans, shouldn't have involved us in your asinine wars. If we are a violent people it is certainly Europeans fault. It is where we learned it. It where our violence began.

To the government I say; violence begets violence. The Federal, State, and Local governments have been wrongfully violent, then lied about it, and have worked the people up into a lather, and now from the looks of it are trying to cause a civil war.

To the pacifists. The wrongful murders of people happening at the governments hands in this country are on your heads....

I say that there are millions of people in this land ready willing and able to rise up and repulse this anti gun  nonsense. It is guns in the peoples hands that is preventing a foreign invasion. It is guns in the peoples hands preventing a wholesale take over of the United states by the Saul Alinsky's of this world. It's these guns that have reduced the crime rates, It's these guns that make the average run of the mill people safe and scare the cork up the butts anal micromanaging wannabe nutjob's to death.

All of this data is available; everything I am saying is supported by research studies and are proven facts. .

God is with us; the Son's of the Republic, through this because this is going to get massively violent before it is done. I pray that God would raise us up, to quash this foolishness brought on this country by the few.

As to this gun play at a military facility; somehow, at some level, it is a setup.

Monday, September 16, 2013


     Wasn't that long ago that I read where altruism was a mental illness.  Now they say that research proves that it can lead to a healthier happier life.... Well I guess that just about splains my still being alive after all if you could hear what my lying family kep saying about me I should be dead by now but one day bout 17 years ago  Out of my intense love of God I decided to be fastidiously honest... In fact when I was homeless I once went 6 days without eating.
      When a desk clerk I was pestering said to me; during that time, "I would think that it would be ok to steal a loaf of bread if you were starving".... I remember turning to her and saying; "I WOULD RATHER STARVE TO DEATH FIRST".

Now no matter the worlds or my troubles, I still seem to be able and ready with a smile and a joke.

Altruism. Love it. At least you know from which way I am coming.


First mosquito bite

Yup! Enough said. Oops, maybe not enough said...The shooting began inside the compound and this detective says could have been inside job.

In the mean time the Rooskies are having a good time at the expense of  O'slama,

But what is absolutely amazing.....The bad policies of the of the administration have led to this abomination of a decision of a judge to release 3000 sex offenders....early...


Interesting term used to note Governments killing people.....

Sunday, September 15, 2013

This is unaceptable

Two innocent bystanders shot; when police could not gain control of a crazy man, they shot at him instead..... Makes Obama and the Democrats look bad. Want to know why Obama's credit is down? These are his and the democrats people. The cops are bad because their leadership is bad.

Unfortunately; and I didn't know this, it is not the first time New York City cops have done this.

Tapering is good. The whinnying whiners in the markets are bad.

The foolish attempt by Obama to intervene militarily in Syria has taken a huuuge bite out of his credibility, and thusly a major bite out of the New World order beast. their last and likely most desperate attempt must come before the  2016 elections. If we the people can stand up strong enough publicly and politically we may be able to deny this new abominations efforts at globalization. If not then we are going to have to fight it our. Either way we win....and it's influence here in the US is destroyed.

I am now calling for the abolition of the patriot act.

Saturday, September 14, 2013

Pay your house off

I had learned growing up by listening to elders  that you should pay your house off and not to get into too much personal debt.

Same deal today.. Want to stick it to the banks....Pay your house off.... Want to have money to burn pay your house off. For 15 out of the last 17 years I have had no house payment and have had the benefit of not being afraid of losing my house to the band.....

To be honest I have not paid for my roof with cash because I was trying to stick it to the bank it just gave me the ability to focus money usually towards fixing up the house. Or getting stuff I wanted...

It has made living my life very easy. Same deal with my car. I have only one bill I have to pay. Car insurance.

No debt no worry. I can then get what I want so long as I have the cash. Means waiting but then I don't have a problem with that. Kind messes up the people that think I should have ADD or something. Well I don't....

It makes the acquisition of my stuff that much more satisfying.

During the Barbary wars; one of the things that I read, was that the pirates before the war had commented on how docile the the Americans were, but during the war were amazed at how fierce they had become.

It is our way, to submit humbly even in the face of tyranny.  To the tyrannical beast that is pushing against American civil rights. We will only go so far...Note: we are beginning to push back..

We may humbly submit now but you will learn the hard way. As humble as we are we can be more fierce in battle than all the rest of the world can once....

Somebody needs to tell Obama to quit jumping out in front of things, the next one could be a buss.
Like Obama had anything to do with getting Syria to give up it's chemical weapons. If he had anything to do with it; it was his acting like a crazy man. Scared the crap out of the rest of the world, making them think he was a lunatic with his finger on the doomsday button.

I guess when surrounded by the enemy, going bezerker has it's place....

Friday, September 13, 2013


Little mosquito bites and the news media is advertising for them.

With rumors abounding and even some eyewitness confirmation supposedly of an Al-Qaeda US conspiracy connection; if an attack comes off, could set off another round of conspiracy talk.....For the last two and a half weeks it began to look to me as if the President wanted to start WWIII. It is either that or the president is the worst case bungler the world has ever seen.

What's funny is life; just goes on, and most people are not hardly paying one lick of attention....Toodle looing through life. Alqaeda apparently doesn't realize that 100% of all expenditures towards security have been spent, and all systems are in place. Now whether we can catch (if this is real)the villains before they strike or not may be a whole nuther ball game, but that is the way it does go.
They don't seem to have a grasp on actually how large this country is. With vast distances between potential targets and security ramping up to tackle the problems, it is impossible to get people on one side of the county too exited about many things on the other. It would take multiple timed events in many various cities to make  anyone sit up and take notice....Of course that also fits the conspiracy theorist plot; if a device went off the administration by  over hyping, the situation trying to make it a national case. In lew of the disgraceful way the Pres has recently performed and the fact that all of sudden the whole population is suddenly wary of strange machination an event such as this could backfire in a  pursuit for impeachment....then we will have Biden an known incompetent...Might have to have double impeachment if it turns out he is complicit as well.... 

Back to Al-Qaeda. With a large number of forces  tied up in Syria they're having to rely on the much inferior amatures amongst the American Banking industry....Hence the call for gnat bites. Of course the focus on economic attacks may suggest banking centers or I suppose New York. Never the less there are many targets of lessor values that could hinder economic movement....

I would rather be about tech but......

Now who is the conspiracy theorists?.....Dems accusing; in the conspiratorial manner to which they are accustomed.....Careful democrats, it could come back to get you.....wait a minute; it already has...What you say?....You know. Obama lost his bid to bomb Syria, because of all the public intrigue involving conspiracies. Fact is the American people no longer trust the gov no matter which way it goes...Should have been super honest, and super clean instead of LA...LA.....LA....Lying all the time..

Loved that movie Liar Liar. It is the way all the scripts should be written, when it comes to making and fixing a lie.... In this movie the star starts out lying and then spends the rest of the show having to figure out how to find the truth er else....

I like that. Be truthful to begin with and none of the nonsense crops up....Lie and the continuation of a lie just destroys things....

I like to put it this way....A lie is a zero....keep telling a lie and everything you do based on the lie will collapse in the end.

Extrapolate: what is going to happen to the Dollar?,....It is based on a lie..... they like to say that it is all just a paper chase....that ultimately goes nation has bought into the lie that is the dollar....the vast majority of the worlds peoples believe it means something; but because it is all choking smoke and mirrors, shifting sand, dust in the wind, it will just all blow away. Everything built upon that lie will come crashing down....And that is going to make people's of the world, very very angry....they are going to want blood for all those lies....  Lot of people have been murdered to maintain that lie....Lot of people. All that blood demands recompense and recompense will be had.

After the dollar was fully removed from the gold standard the geniuses that be figured out through a complicated set of algorithms that the money should be set on the value of a mans work....The great and almighty dollar was then based not upon the full faith and credit of the (lots of swear words need to be right here) U.S. government but in truth the backs of the people in the morass that was the U.S. Economy. As long as those people were good hard working people; not a prob. But then geniuses who had MBA's from Haaaavad(not a misspell) decided that they could make more money(Grrrreed and avarice) if they went overseas with their factories. The resulting shrinkage of available jobs for the people at the low economic end of the labor force meant redoing the algorithms into....well....they're trash....The Fed is flying blind....doing money by the seat of their pants or upon the FEELINGS of some nuts apparently.

People have made feelings God.  God over money, God over facts, God over everything. They have turned things upside down....

Feelings; belong in Marriage, in the family, in close personal relationships, compassion belongs in passive relationships and interactions, but never do feeling belong in the public forum. Hard cold reality should rule especially, Especially, when determining the long term effects decisions will have on ourselves and our progeny...Our Children....their future. Their future does not belong to us. We will pass and they are the one who have to deal with our decisions not us....We should be leaving them a legacy of  how to do it right not how do we fix the lies and BS of our parents.

Is there a fix for this problem? Yes, but it is nigh unto too late. Only a miracle can save us now...Only a miracle.....The fix begins deep in our hearts, corporately we have to change our minds, repent, change our ways; and that cannot begin until we install a school prayer amendment and let these little ones begin every day with a prayer to the Almighty to help us be the good people we need to be....

Be comforted in this, for surely this land shall get victory over these forces of  chaos but only by beseeching the Lord for strength....

Technology, the thing I wish I could really be all about

Phenomenal.... the future of personal transport...I hope.

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Two balls and a bat.....

I gotta say; I think that there must be better things to do than measuring the size of a man's junk.

For what it is know what; I was intensely involved in my kids up bringing and I think they have turned out wonderfully. They are two kids any dad could be ecstatic over....

Bet you think I am going to comment on my jewels......NYET!

And the One worlders...I mean global warming alarmists starting to look preeety bad. Maybe that is not what I mean either.....New world order nuts/global warming fear mongers, can not splain this....

In the mean time: Billionaires prepping for possible economic Armageddon...

Putin hammers away at what can only be called Obama's amateurish international politics;  while  scooping Obama and made him look the fool by working a deal to help Assad get rid of Syria's chemical weapons.

While the gov does what it can to ameliorate Syrian Rebel supply situation.

Still we have some ignorant people thinking they have some kind of say or worry for; 'how to destroy  chemical weapons'....I wish I could convey somehow my sense of how absurd those thoughts are.

Russia is going to be doing that; and the narcissistic, micromanaging worry warts,  one worlders have not got a say.....Is this reporter asking a question for a child? C'mon....Read-study, and then read some more....If I know how to destroy and neutralize nasty chemicals, then the info is still out there.
I am quite sure that the Russians are fully capable of completely, and safely destroying those  chemicals.

On the home front: Wow how many times can I say this. Don't build your house in a low lying area....I remember as a kid asking my mom how come rivers always seemed be in a valley?  Now here is how smart people were in the previous generation....She says; that is the rivers flood plain.
Seriously. How do people think that gorges, canyons, valleys, and various terrain feature's came to be.
God's nature carved them, mainly by flooding.... A flood of water that man cannot withstand...proving time and again that when God is a moving about get out of the way or don't be in the way to begin with.
So; Please stop building in flood plains. Put a little height between you and the water basin. God rewards wisdom and punishes the foolish.


I read the book the Harbinger.....It is Americas Wake up call from God. Too bad our politicians did not get the message.....The people did. If you haven't read it I recommend it. Though it is written as fiction the facts of the events are true.....I also say that the next event will come on the day of the forgiveness of all debts. Sometime in 2015....In other words though the book is a work of fiction it is based on the bible, Gods word.
I do urge everyone to do something about putting up a little extra food water; for your emergency supplies do not get freezer goods, they will just spoil if the electrical grid goes down,  also  water filtration and toiletries, and a small generator plus spare gas. At least 3 months worth...BTW guns and ammo are in order as well. Don't get too crazy I think, but some should see you through, just in case.

Won't be the end of the world but I think it will be the trigger that makes the rest of the world realize they have to invade the U.S. to put an end to the narcissistic rich people....

This land dedicated itself to the Lord and his Son Jesus and since 1963 this land has been under the risk of Gods judgment with the Supreme courts barring of school prayer; since GW Bush went back on his word to fight for a school prayer amendment, which would have ended the threat of God's anger and retribution. I think.... I hope that 2020 is the end of this matter which concludes with the a school prayer amendment.............

Today there will pomp and circumstance and  remembrances and statements of defiance(I hope not). Maybe even an attack or two from the enemy to remind us they are still there...Although they seem to be all tied up right now....

In the mean time patriots stand up. Be counted and for inspiration listen to this. Talk about some Serious ROLLING THUNDER!!!!

Monday, September 9, 2013

Two funny stories

My cats have flees....No biggy. Happens every summer; same battle different year. Every year I try something different; hoping that maybe there is a new trick out there. This year is no different. I was down at the local wallmeister and picked up some flee repellent.

When I got home I got a hold of  my male cat Leap and spritzed him. Funny, funny, funny; he squints, and flinches, and squirms, to get away. I expected that from him... Did that couple three days in a row. On the fourth day I heard my wife say ; (who had picked up the can of spray) I thought you got flee repellent; this is not flee repellent, it's Cat repellent!........

Now I get why the cat was working so hard to get a way.....

And this brings us to last night... We have these massive dictionaries which I keep on the chest of drawers next to my side of the bed. My other cat Pearl; who does not go outside, also has flees she got from Leap..... She is one smart kitty.... She has figured out that  her scratchy problem is from those little bitty bugs. She has learned to sleep where they ain't. Last night it was on top of the chest of drawers....

I was in a deep slumber (now that I look back) when off in the distance I heard some kind of thumping commotion;  followed by a great Biiiiing;  which was my head.....being hit by this massive dictionary.....

Poor kitty. She was scratching so hard that the dictionary vibrated right out from under her, and right on top of my head..... Knot is not too bad.... Di'nt yell at her... Did move the Dictionary.

Sunday, September 8, 2013

My Bro in law says to my niece

My niece whom shall remain nameless for now, spouted some socialist trash that she learned in college; "so you went to college to become stupid," he says to her? I laughed.

Meanwhile front stage.....

This guy has been out of college, gotten a well paid job and gets to say in front a national audience; 'Yeah, so bombing Syria would send Iran a message'....Right about now I would be scoffing or using some of those black and blue words which I had become waaay to fond of using, but I won't.

Iran has a serious case of make my day. They want us to attack, because they believe they can stomp us on the battle field.....A whole lot of very naive people think that a rational thinking leadership could not possibly consider fighting us... ..NUTBURGERS! Iran has a  Billy-the-kid syndrome.. Only we are that metaphorical Billy- the-kid, and they are the challengers....I don't think that the William Bonnie story has been adequately portrayed in film or books, but the one thing that has remained a constant is that an acquaintance of his ambushed him. Well Syria is  the location of the ambush.... If Bonnie would have gone in with all guns drawn it might have been a different story. Same deal with Syria. We need to pull out all the stops and hit them with everything, but right now we got 5 destroyers and 1 sub., with a grand initial salvo of 80 missiles....BWHAAA!

 I believe that Syria is our last straw. If we attack them outside of world opinion, our adversaries may well be able to convince everyone to attack us, they already believe that they need to attack. For those who think that the logistics are unavailable..... that just shows their ignorance. I literally mean they are not thinking outside the box. If I can think of a way to rig up transport, then so can any potential enemy.

You gonna hit Syria? Hit em with 1000 Tomahawk's; also lay waste to  the one whole terrorist group that claimed responsibility for the attacks.... thanks to downsizing our navy we don't have anywhere near the ability to do such a thing.... We aren't even sure who was responsible. And this is a case of having to be one -hundred percent sure. We don't have any idea who gave those orders and the US government is not telling anyone how they know anything about it because to admit it would be to give everyone a peek at just how extensive our surveillance programs have gotten.. The US has become the best in the world by quantum leaps over our enemies at spying. Not even our allies know how good we are. And in all of this we still don't know for sure exactly who.

This all compares the 747 Lockerbie bombing; Reagen waited years to perfectly identify who and then from what sponsoring state, and then when he did attack, he lulled Libya into thinking we had forgotten, and then he sent a strike package in surprising and so overwhelming Libya's defenses that they had no time to react before we destroyed them. But his first target was Qaddafi himself. Yeah; that's right. He went straight for a head shot. I bet Qaddafi soiled himself literally. Gave him a case of permanent PTSD. Now thaaaat's how you send a message....

Well you don't want to topple Assad?;...... forget the strike to begin with, because that muddles up the whole picture.

And you over educated foreign policy wannabes If you want to send a message. DO not use bombs and bullets. Right them a note...And stop using foreign problems to hide your failed domestic decisions.

Saturday, September 7, 2013

Ronald Reagan always said that he trusted the American people

Ronald Reagan was right....In this mans district he is getting calls 95 to one against sticking our nose in Syria. Oh it will come back to bite us in the hind end later but for now it is the right thing to do.

I keep saying this that God is ultimately maneuvering the whole world with a series of decisions that no one cannot afford to not make.  This is one of them. Damned if we do damned if we don't. So take the high road and don't. Send them arms, food, and medicine and let them fight it out. That's probably all we can do....

Want comfort?

Be comforted in this......Americans standing up and saying. Be comforted in this also....This too shall pass....

The verse we are seeing come to life before us is none other than
Dan 7:7 After this I saw in the night visions, and behold a fourth beast, dreadful and terrible, and strong exceedingly; and it had great iron teeth: it devoured and brake in pieces, and stamped the residue with the feet of it: and it was diverse from all the beasts that were before it; and it had ten horns. Again I say be ye be comforted, for in the darkest most terrifying hour; though this union is beset round about, and this great beast thinking to devour this land, yet shall it be withheld from completion of it's consumption, and rebuked and shall flee with it's own and treasures, and  be struck a blow and shall be as if it were dead, yet this land shall be purged of it's sin; and through this shall this land be renewed and restored, to the place which God has ordained for it. A place for the good, and the meek, and humble, and shall be a lamb before the Lord to live forever in paradise with him. Never to thirst or hunger or fear the beast of the field again.

Be comforted, yet for the right standeth  in the strength of the Lord, and the battle be sore, yet stand against the might of the world, for the right hand of God which purifieth by fire, will yet save this nation both now and forever.

I guess I can't get away from preaching after all....Message delivered.

I see that Obama is still at it

I would bet that Obama has been taken to the wood shed....but he does manage to get a strongly worded statement to take action.......

Man I want to bust his balls bad right now but I am not going to. I am going to be more diplomatic....

Alex I guess......I am not going to........say any more on this for a minute.....because I really want to scoff at the lawyerly foolishness of the man(Obama).... The vast majority of Americans don't see a clear cut reason to up and intervene because of the contradictions from the mans(Obama's) own the man lied or rather everything the man promised he as apparently gone against making everything he ran on a lie.

Back to this guy named Alex. Short for Alexander I guess. The guy did what I would have done. Hit the raving maniac stage last night. I want to give one to google for free. Make me some laugh box buttons for my blog that  a person  could  run a cursor over them to activate, because right now I want to jump up and down and shout WAHOO! Atta boy go get em.... Ya the man hasn't got it all figured out but that isn't necessary because it is absolutely obvious that so many things that the government is doing is soooo unconstitutional. What commitment! What  passion!....I love that.

Never fear Alex(safe). There is a huge number of people who are with you.....We need guys like this voicing their concerns (yes even shouting them at the top of their lungs if they are inspired too). This is the American way.....

Back to Bark (misspell....huh.....) Obama.     McCain....I believe you have the ball on this one....

Newsmax: Yup, and then with some added thoughts. I am going to call it the lame duck syndrome....You know...the second and final term.

To all the people of my ilk that is independent 1776 ers... Please stock up on about 3 months of canned or dried non perishable food, have some sort of way to filter and purify potable water, a generator with some fuel safely stored, because sometime in 2015 I believe the dollar will crash.

Friday, September 6, 2013

The Syrian Crysis is surely making for some strange bed fellows

Julian Assange, Ron Paul, the lefties, the righties and the mucky middlen???? Wow normally these people oppose each other just for the principle of it. But not on this one.

 I think Assad's saving grace was he pretty much kept his propaganda to a minimum and even over the last few years helped out the allies against Alqueda. Which explains the Alqueda rebels and other notorious terrorist groups .......

Assad's failings to the world. He supported Hezbollah......Even if Assad's regime survives he will likely be marginalized. What he will gain in power and influence won't be the peace loving middle....
I think the only group that would leave any hope of  peace would be from the free Syrian army but even they have embraced some of these killer groups.

It is the clearest case of damned if we do damned if we don't. It's is all clear as a muddy flood.

It truly is back to kill them all let God sort them out....And that is not a comfortable thought.

Tea Party Getting all messed up by what is the American way and what is not....Or all being twisted up by a news media that hates all things America.

First if the Tea party gets to fighting amongst them selves they will become marginalized which the people that are the leaders of the chapters would be responsible for.

But if this is just one other hate article proffered by the media well then brak on them.

My opinion on Solar power. 'Definitely' embraces what America is all about. It frees people up to be them selves and focus on what is more important to them. What is freer that free electricity. Imagine the personal freedom from having to pay the electric bill. As for the utility companies what could be freer than not having  expend resources and money expanding generation plants, not to mention the red tape nightmare.  

Thursday, September 5, 2013

When does common sense begin

He was talking about an 'obvious abuse of power' by a TSA agent at an airport... In this report people are (I know..... I just jumped ahead) The reporter asks the question are tasers a nonlethal weapon.
When I was young I really trusted the common sense and wisdom of police officers.....Ohh there are some bad apples but that seamed to be the .01 percent. The vast majority of them were cool, very cool, I even loved them. (don't go there with that thought). Now even with training they don't care. They seem to have become insensitive to life.

I don't know......maybe it was my fault(crazy) because.....well I knew that I couldn't be a cop because I would have been just like it is today. Maybe it is just that the streets have become so mean that they end up treating everyone like that. Just shoot em; or taze them until they stop breathing and screaming. I told a buddy of mine, I would not be able to handle being smarted off too. Me an my stick would have just knocked them out.
Maybe there were millions of other guys and gals just like that.

At the age of 54 I have had my share of being pulled over; for speeding(27 in a 25 zone; didn't fight it) tail light out(warning ticket); headlights not on (Both blew out at the same time(go figure)warning ticket), ran a red arrow (light off, I din't fight it), tag expired(company vehicle and my boss forgot to get a new one and he paid the ticket), parking in a no parking zone(front of hospital, wife having a baby and I didn't care). There have been other instances. I was living in a rented storage shed and the owners didn't like it so I had to answer a bunch of questions (they; the cops, got me a night at a motel for free).

You know why I kept getting treated so well? It is simple. The cops got no lip from me and no extraneous questions either. I spoke when spoken to, I answered everyone of they're questions politely, forthright with every detail, and with respect bordering on reverence.....I keep my hands in plain sight at all times, and made zero sudden moves. If I  need to get something to prove my innocence, such as go get a receipt (apartment apps and check book) I asked them humbly and politely or when I couldnt' believe that my headlights were out, I asked in the same attitude if I could get out and look for myself, again I was very respectful.

Some would say that I was just putting on a mask. I Never put on a mask for anyone. I do not act or put on airs.....ever. When you meet me I am exactly what you see in front of you. Just because there is a bunch of crap going on in the world I never take it out on the next guy no matter who they are..... ever.

My wife has a mental diagnosis and well she doesn't know what she is doing. (I was a dupe). Just because she stresses me out doesn't mean that I will change who I really am to other people. I don't even begin to like my family and truly can't stand them. I don't take my wife stressing me out on them nor their mental nonsense on my wife.
Yeah they all have some real problems. The spiritual answer lay in what Jesus said; who ever calls they're brother a fool is in danger of judgment. I pretty much gave up any chance of major success so that they might live. Only a guess on my part. It is likely more involved than that, but the short of it..... they all have bonifide mental problems. I probably didn't have any issues because I withdrew from too much interaction with them. Seems harsh but the selfishness I show is I refuse to empathize with mental people.....You can't unless you want their illness to rub off on you, and if you go down the path of mental illness them you are absolutely no good to them and will become a detriment to society in general as well.

PTSD. I think there is general traumatic shock amongst lawmen. I think that is why they are tasing people to death. I say this knowing that almost twenty years ago I fully supported the use of non lethal tools for law men. I can't support that any more because of the abuse of  damaged cops.

Our country in general is showing signs of Traumatic Shock...

Our hearts have grown hard.

We don't care any more.

I am aware that there is much debatable in this, but I have my arguments down pat.

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Wouldn't this be a boon

To the man or nation whom discovered an asteroid that was not but mostly of gold. And if the gold could be brought back to earth. Why you could build your house out of it.
Maybe it wouldn't be gold but some other rare or semi rare mineral.

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

See this is what I am talking about

This figure needs to raise slow but steady in order for the economy to really recover. Manufacturing jobs are the bread and butter of any nation.....without the less educated having a chance at permanent steady income there can be no hope  of a sustained profitable economy.

Right now the manufacturing index looks wobbly. It must be a steady rise.

With out the peoples ability to purchase a rich mans wares their would soon be few rich men. Only a narcissistic wealthy person would be happy about that.

This article says strike while the iron is hot. The iron is not  hot it has cooled off. Assad has moved the weapons and moved his forces around and hidden much. The bomb damage report will likely show an unproductive strike......Da link....Da link I forgot da link..Well It was about Obama striking Syria now...He should have hit them within 72 hours and in the sneaky way of politics should have made it look like this dastardly deal was not up front important. Thennnnn tried to put a missile right down Assad's smoke stack like we did to now deceased Muhamar Qaddafi. Reagan almost got that guy. Now that sent him a message that he got loud and clear. Should have done the same to Assad. Might have gotten him.

The only message being sent will be Obama gloating, and  Assad will have the upper road of scoffing. Now scoffing is a low thing to God but lying is the lowest. I wonder though; will Assad take the bait and try and fire some Israels way..... Maybe.... Then of course we could chunk a real salvo at him. I wonder if Obama is prepared to go down in history as the man who caused another war in the Middle East?

To bad we don't have the Mighty Mo around.... Now there is a real show of force. 

Monday, September 2, 2013

Was Oprah playing the race card?

No I don't think she was....I think the media was playing the race card. Funny that they would play the race card on Switzerland. If they weren't racist before, the media ain't helping....

What in the world, are  American media people so naive that they don't have any scruples  about asking such a stupid question as that.


Funny that young people have to learn that the NSA is spying on every phone conversation.  It is a known fact that the NSA has massive banks of super computers recording, sorting and tagging for further investigation  every digital scrap floating around in the world. There isn't anything out there that is not saved, decoded, catalogued, categorized and checked out.

I would bet; that just putting the acronym at the top of this article, my site was flagged and tagged and if they desired, are reading what I am writing in real time right now.

Why are they doing this you might ask? Ohhhh, just because they know that there are forces out  and about in the world that would like nothing better that to annihilate the good ol' USA....

It has been  speculated, prophesied and documented over the centuries from the time of the founding this country that we would not fall from without but within(that explains the domestic surveillance), but with George Washington's Visions and prophecies , you also can understand the external surveillance.....

This level of surveillance has been around all of my life and I am particularly used to it but then again I personally am not going to do anything that would warrant their all seeing eyes.

Anyway these systems have been around as an outcropping of the cold war.  Starting very early in my life I heard rumors that J. Edgar Hoover; understanding the massive threat to U.S. security that Communism presented had managed to secretly get the Fed major communication operating, and manufacturing corporations, into the most massive surveillance program in history initiated.

If so it would all seem unconstitutional, except that once any communications hits the airways or interstate wires it becomes fair game for the U.S. government to trap and record. Of course international affairs is fair game in the spy world especially involving the maxim "thou shalt not get caught".

The only problem with the massive spying that I see is that the reason for the spying evaporated once the Berlin wall came down. Unfortunately with the wall down the spying has continued. Likely because the threats against this country have not ended. (lends support to the conspiracy theories concerning some nasty events that have been happening around the world.)

I think that likely during the Clinton administration the system became politicized and an organized effort to treat patriots as dissidents arose using the same system. I believe  also that a secret  underground battle to restore the system to it's rightful place; that of  leaving discourse amongst the people of the U.S.. alone and return to the days of  hammering away at true saboteur's, occurred or is occurring. I believe this battle got deadly early on.  Never the less it appears that people and Congressman are either afraid to say things or are being made to be silent.

As far as conspiratorially, I don't know for sure if  any of these events are connected but I have certainly seen some cogent arguments both ways. I tend to believe that their is truth to the conspiracies. I do know one thing for sure, that at least people who were crying foul are finding peace in the careful analysis given by some very respectable men of honor such as Jessie Ventura.... Most of the time conspiracy theorist just want their theories taken a good honest look at.

God hates an unbalanced scale....everything in nature moves to a state of balance. Everything that man does in the name  of expedient policies intent upon permanent solution has come to death and destruction.

God says that he has raised up a waster to wreck havoc. Perhaps I should insert the verse.

Isa 54:16
Behold, I have created the smith that bloweth the coals in the fire, and that bringeth forth an instrument for his work; and I have created the 'waster' to destroy.

God also says do no evil thinking to do me a favor.

I'm like that. I remember when I was young. People would come to me and tell me they got even for me...I rebuked them because I knew that later on it would cause me trouble. My second wife whom I loved so much would also come in telling me she had done similar, thinking to impress me.. I could not support her and also rebuked her. I still wish I would have been nicer about it....But....that is on a personal level...I have digressed....

Is the NSA some evil entity bent on being a tool for world dominion?.....No not internally. The people working there, probably just believe they are doing a necessary evil. But with all things that have grown so efficient and useful, the information  they glean in the hands of the wrong people is very very destructive to life, lives, and the future of man.

Can we just get rid of it by fiat or legislation?...I don't think so, not without risking our national security, and the future of the American way of life. Can the government wean itself off of this paranoid need to know everything that is going on in the world?  Probably should. Will it?  Probably not.

It is the "human condition". "Greed and avarice".

We Christians call it, "mans sin nature".

Sunday, September 1, 2013

Whups a daisy

AAAAnd yup they(Syrian Rebels) mad..... Not only that buuut the other side is scoffing.

Youth is wasted on the wrong people

There is no proof who wrote this article but the author claims it was Assads son.

Intelligently written for an eleven year old.

Cogently spells out the issues. What he is not seeing though is the pain and death of the people he would be committing to the battle.  Committing ones whole people in total war the brevity of which would take generations to recover from.

For what it is worth he and his daddy are the lessor of two evils.

That still makes them an evil....not really a fun place to be. Living in the land of evil will just make you  grumpy.

Never fear young man; Assyria(not a misspell) will have it's day. Just not now. But as you  let your anger and fear simmer in you, just remember the advice from an ancient general. "Revenge is a dish best served cold".

Dear Mr. President

, "The habits of thinking in a free country should inspire caution in those entrusted with its administration to confine themselves within their respective constitutional spheres, avoiding in the exercise of the powers of one department to encroach upon another. The spirit of encroachment tends to consolidate the powers of all the departments in one and thus to create, whatever the form of government, a real despotism."  George Washington.

When you usurp powers or put on even the pretense your going to get the grand....old.... snub.

The judiciary branch of this country has also usurped power. I could site a 1000 different cases where courts have ruled against the constitutional etticate.

Doing what you want 'isn't' doing what you want. You do what you ought. Rich people are not rich because they did what they wanted. In fact very very little is about doing what we truly want. It is all about doing what we ought.

Blessed are they who do what they ought because they want to, and most blessed are they who prosper in doing the same.

The president of the united States; a Mr. Barack Obama, tried to get other countries to back up his mouth and nope. Now he goes to congress to also back up his mouth.....He wants to at least throw a couple of weapons at Syria....Gettin desperate is he? Now he knows what it means to be a lame duck.

All that blubbering nonsense is coming back to bite him. It is sad to watch this because no matter what I think of him he is still the president of my country. He just wants to be king and it is just not a possibility in the US.

It just goes to show that when you say one thing and do another you will lose  respect. No respect no can do. No can do means no we can do. He's a nice guy but it has to be just a show. It just looks like he's  pompous.

Lying is stupid and to quote a movie character stupid is as stupid does. My twist on that quote. Lying is as lying does.

Lawyers don't just make lousy presidents they  make dangerous Presidents.

Too bad that the best one for the job today disses Christians. That instantly disqualifies him.
Snubbing religion is one thing but openly disdaining religion does mean he will subconsciously be prejudicial against them.

Love his show though. He's has it right from there. He ain't got all the whys and wherefores right; but
the facts......? I love the way he honestly hunts down the truth and makes it meat for his table.

That man you wonder.........? None other than, Jessie "The Body" Ventura.