Friday, September 20, 2013

Climate change is a lie

It is more likely that climate change is due to what I wanted as a kid( I wanted it hot in the summer so I could swim in warm water) than to all the ill thought out policies of stupid governments....Silly thought isn't it.
Oh yeah here we go on whether we will go into some economic meltdown next year or the year after....good question. Remember after 9/11 how we had a mini meltdown and stocks took about 500 point hit....but then after 6 or 7 years of war we had a major economic meltdown. One which we  are still struggling with. Well let's just say that we get rid of Obama care and straighten out the budget and get control of  spending and the economy does start to grow....What would cause then an economic melt down on the next day of  debt forgiveness scheduled(by God) to happen.
 Let me guess. The government creates a scene (false flag)  declares martial law. Bam. whamidy bam bam. That would be the last thing that was needed....The dollar will crash every market in the world will crash. And there ought to be a huge rush to sell off the dollar and any other kind of paper securities. Say bye to any chance of economic recovery and hello to a brand new mega depression which afflicts the whole world....The whole ((((()))))world. That would be the last straw the New world order people would be done for.

Yup! In an article I wrote about 3 years ago concerning the mental health of the shooter of the Colorado congress woman. I hated that the congresswoman was shot and what was it; 9 other people killed?, but I did not blame the gun. I blamed the psychiatric system. And I blame the psychiatric system for the Washington deal as well.

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