I think Assad's saving grace was he pretty much kept his propaganda to a minimum and even over the last few years helped out the allies against Alqueda. Which explains the Alqueda rebels and other notorious terrorist groups .......
Assad's failings to the world. He supported Hezbollah......Even if Assad's regime survives he will likely be marginalized. What he will gain in power and influence won't be the peace loving middle....
I think the only group that would leave any hope of peace would be from the free Syrian army but even they have embraced some of these killer groups.
It is the clearest case of damned if we do damned if we don't. It's is all clear as a muddy flood.
It truly is back to kill them all let God sort them out....And that is not a comfortable thought.
Tea Party Getting all messed up by what is the American way and what is not....Or all being twisted up by a news media that hates all things America.
First if the Tea party gets to fighting amongst them selves they will become marginalized which the people that are the leaders of the chapters would be responsible for.
But if this is just one other hate article proffered by the media well then brak on them.
My opinion on Solar power. 'Definitely' embraces what America is all about. It frees people up to be them selves and focus on what is more important to them. What is freer that free electricity. Imagine the personal freedom from having to pay the electric bill. As for the utility companies what could be freer than not having expend resources and money expanding generation plants, not to mention the red tape nightmare.
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