Friday, September 13, 2013

I would rather be about tech but......

Now who is the conspiracy theorists?.....Dems accusing; in the conspiratorial manner to which they are accustomed.....Careful democrats, it could come back to get you.....wait a minute; it already has...What you say?....You know. Obama lost his bid to bomb Syria, because of all the public intrigue involving conspiracies. Fact is the American people no longer trust the gov no matter which way it goes...Should have been super honest, and super clean instead of LA...LA.....LA....Lying all the time..

Loved that movie Liar Liar. It is the way all the scripts should be written, when it comes to making and fixing a lie.... In this movie the star starts out lying and then spends the rest of the show having to figure out how to find the truth er else....

I like that. Be truthful to begin with and none of the nonsense crops up....Lie and the continuation of a lie just destroys things....

I like to put it this way....A lie is a zero....keep telling a lie and everything you do based on the lie will collapse in the end.

Extrapolate: what is going to happen to the Dollar?,....It is based on a lie..... they like to say that it is all just a paper chase....that ultimately goes nation has bought into the lie that is the dollar....the vast majority of the worlds peoples believe it means something; but because it is all choking smoke and mirrors, shifting sand, dust in the wind, it will just all blow away. Everything built upon that lie will come crashing down....And that is going to make people's of the world, very very angry....they are going to want blood for all those lies....  Lot of people have been murdered to maintain that lie....Lot of people. All that blood demands recompense and recompense will be had.

After the dollar was fully removed from the gold standard the geniuses that be figured out through a complicated set of algorithms that the money should be set on the value of a mans work....The great and almighty dollar was then based not upon the full faith and credit of the (lots of swear words need to be right here) U.S. government but in truth the backs of the people in the morass that was the U.S. Economy. As long as those people were good hard working people; not a prob. But then geniuses who had MBA's from Haaaavad(not a misspell) decided that they could make more money(Grrrreed and avarice) if they went overseas with their factories. The resulting shrinkage of available jobs for the people at the low economic end of the labor force meant redoing the algorithms into....well....they're trash....The Fed is flying blind....doing money by the seat of their pants or upon the FEELINGS of some nuts apparently.

People have made feelings God.  God over money, God over facts, God over everything. They have turned things upside down....

Feelings; belong in Marriage, in the family, in close personal relationships, compassion belongs in passive relationships and interactions, but never do feeling belong in the public forum. Hard cold reality should rule especially, Especially, when determining the long term effects decisions will have on ourselves and our progeny...Our Children....their future. Their future does not belong to us. We will pass and they are the one who have to deal with our decisions not us....We should be leaving them a legacy of  how to do it right not how do we fix the lies and BS of our parents.

Is there a fix for this problem? Yes, but it is nigh unto too late. Only a miracle can save us now...Only a miracle.....The fix begins deep in our hearts, corporately we have to change our minds, repent, change our ways; and that cannot begin until we install a school prayer amendment and let these little ones begin every day with a prayer to the Almighty to help us be the good people we need to be....

Be comforted in this, for surely this land shall get victory over these forces of  chaos but only by beseeching the Lord for strength....

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