Friday, September 13, 2013


Little mosquito bites and the news media is advertising for them.

With rumors abounding and even some eyewitness confirmation supposedly of an Al-Qaeda US conspiracy connection; if an attack comes off, could set off another round of conspiracy talk.....For the last two and a half weeks it began to look to me as if the President wanted to start WWIII. It is either that or the president is the worst case bungler the world has ever seen.

What's funny is life; just goes on, and most people are not hardly paying one lick of attention....Toodle looing through life. Alqaeda apparently doesn't realize that 100% of all expenditures towards security have been spent, and all systems are in place. Now whether we can catch (if this is real)the villains before they strike or not may be a whole nuther ball game, but that is the way it does go.
They don't seem to have a grasp on actually how large this country is. With vast distances between potential targets and security ramping up to tackle the problems, it is impossible to get people on one side of the county too exited about many things on the other. It would take multiple timed events in many various cities to make  anyone sit up and take notice....Of course that also fits the conspiracy theorist plot; if a device went off the administration by  over hyping, the situation trying to make it a national case. In lew of the disgraceful way the Pres has recently performed and the fact that all of sudden the whole population is suddenly wary of strange machination an event such as this could backfire in a  pursuit for impeachment....then we will have Biden an known incompetent...Might have to have double impeachment if it turns out he is complicit as well.... 

Back to Al-Qaeda. With a large number of forces  tied up in Syria they're having to rely on the much inferior amatures amongst the American Banking industry....Hence the call for gnat bites. Of course the focus on economic attacks may suggest banking centers or I suppose New York. Never the less there are many targets of lessor values that could hinder economic movement....

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