Tuesday, September 3, 2013

See this is what I am talking about

This figure needs to raise slow but steady in order for the economy to really recover. Manufacturing jobs are the bread and butter of any nation.....without the less educated having a chance at permanent steady income there can be no hope  of a sustained profitable economy.

Right now the manufacturing index looks wobbly. It must be a steady rise.

With out the peoples ability to purchase a rich mans wares their would soon be few rich men. Only a narcissistic wealthy person would be happy about that.

This article says strike while the iron is hot. The iron is not  hot it has cooled off. Assad has moved the weapons and moved his forces around and hidden much. The bomb damage report will likely show an unproductive strike......Da link....Da link I forgot da link..Well It was about Obama striking Syria now...He should have hit them within 72 hours and in the sneaky way of politics should have made it look like this dastardly deal was not up front important. Thennnnn tried to put a missile right down Assad's smoke stack like we did to now deceased Muhamar Qaddafi. Reagan almost got that guy. Now that sent him a message that he got loud and clear. Should have done the same to Assad. Might have gotten him.

The only message being sent will be Obama gloating, and  Assad will have the upper road of scoffing. Now scoffing is a low thing to God but lying is the lowest. I wonder though; will Assad take the bait and try and fire some Israels way..... Maybe.... Then of course we could chunk a real salvo at him. I wonder if Obama is prepared to go down in history as the man who caused another war in the Middle East?

To bad we don't have the Mighty Mo around.... Now there is a real show of force. 

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