Funny that young people have to learn that the NSA is spying on every phone conversation. It is a known fact that the NSA has massive banks of super computers recording, sorting and tagging for further investigation every digital scrap floating around in the world. There isn't anything out there that is not saved, decoded, catalogued, categorized and checked out.
I would bet; that just putting the acronym at the top of this article, my site was flagged and tagged and if they desired, are reading what I am writing in real time right now.
Why are they doing this you might ask? Ohhhh, just because they know that there are forces out and about in the world that would like nothing better that to annihilate the good ol' USA....
It has been speculated, prophesied and documented over the centuries from the time of the founding this country that we would not fall from without but within(that explains the domestic surveillance), but with George Washington's Visions and prophecies , you also can understand the external surveillance.....
This level of surveillance has been around all of my life and I am particularly used to it but then again I personally am not going to do anything that would warrant their all seeing eyes.
Anyway these systems have been around as an outcropping of the cold war. Starting very early in my life I heard rumors that J. Edgar Hoover; understanding the massive threat to U.S. security that Communism presented had managed to secretly get the Fed major communication operating, and manufacturing corporations, into the most massive surveillance program in history initiated.
If so it would all seem unconstitutional, except that once any communications hits the airways or interstate wires it becomes fair game for the U.S. government to trap and record. Of course international affairs is fair game in the spy world especially involving the maxim "thou shalt not get caught".
The only problem with the massive spying that I see is that the reason for the spying evaporated once the Berlin wall came down. Unfortunately with the wall down the spying has continued. Likely because the threats against this country have not ended. (lends support to the conspiracy theories concerning some nasty events that have been happening around the world.)
I think that likely during the Clinton administration the system became politicized and an organized effort to treat patriots as dissidents arose using the same system. I believe also that a secret underground battle to restore the system to it's rightful place; that of leaving discourse amongst the people of the U.S.. alone and return to the days of hammering away at true saboteur's, occurred or is occurring. I believe this battle got deadly early on. Never the less it appears that people and Congressman are either afraid to say things or are being made to be silent.
As far as conspiratorially, I don't know for sure if any of these events are connected but I have certainly seen some cogent arguments both ways. I tend to believe that their is truth to the conspiracies. I do know one thing for sure, that at least people who were crying foul are finding peace in the careful analysis given by some very respectable men of honor such as Jessie Ventura.... Most of the time conspiracy theorist just want their theories taken a good honest look at.
God hates an unbalanced scale....everything in nature moves to a state of balance. Everything that man does in the name of expedient policies intent upon permanent solution has come to death and destruction.
God says that he has raised up a waster to wreck havoc. Perhaps I should insert the verse.
Isa 54:16
Behold, I have created the smith that bloweth the coals in the fire, and that bringeth forth an instrument for his work; and I have created the 'waster' to destroy.
God also says do no evil thinking to do me a favor.
I'm like that. I remember when I was young. People would come to me and tell me they got even for me...I rebuked them because I knew that later on it would cause me trouble. My second wife whom I loved so much would also come in telling me she had done similar, thinking to impress me.. I could not support her and also rebuked her. I still wish I would have been nicer about it....But....that is on a personal level...I have digressed....
Is the NSA some evil entity bent on being a tool for world dominion?.....No not internally. The people working there, probably just believe they are doing a necessary evil. But with all things that have grown so efficient and useful, the information they glean in the hands of the wrong people is very very destructive to life, lives, and the future of man.
Can we just get rid of it by fiat or legislation?...I don't think so, not without risking our national security, and the future of the American way of life. Can the government wean itself off of this paranoid need to know everything that is going on in the world? Probably should. Will it? Probably not.
It is the "human condition". "Greed and avarice".
We Christians call it, "mans sin nature".
hiya Cody..ah yes but heaven help us if we um.."spy" on a mos-que....Orwell anyone?..:-)
ReplyDeleteHa! Very nailish my dear.